
A new Friend

The city Lord's son sent some guys to beat up Lin, but they didn't know how he looks.

it was morning ,the sun was shining, and the birds were singing, he woke up to a scream, Lin jumped out of the bed and looked around, he saw someone hiding behind the curtains.

Lin walked to the curtains and pulled it down, he was a bit surprised, it was actually a girl.

she began screaming ,Lin closed his ears and stepped back. A teacher came in running, she jumped behind her and accused Lin of intruding. Lin got angry, and told her that this is his room.

Teacher asked her of the room number,she said it was 888.teacher asked her to get her things, it was actually 333.she got so embarrassed, she came to Lin and said, "this is all your fault".

Lin got confused of this, they all left the room but one stayed, Lin asked him, why is he still there.He was the actual roommate of Lin ,when he came yesterday and saw someone else in the bed ,he didn't wanted to disturbed that person, so he went to the library and slept there. Lin asked him why ,and he replied, every time he reads a book ,he gets sleepy, so it was the best place to sleep .Lin laughed and said not that,why didn't you woke her, he replied in a serious tone " sleep is the most important, thing for a person,so I let her sleep ".crazy fellow, but he was pure at heart, so Lin made him his friend.

Lin told his name was Lin, and asked for his ,he said his name is Xin.

they both became friends fast.After some time of talking they remembered something, both looked at each other and said "we are going to be late!"

they both ran to the class, it has already started,their teacher was the aunt ,of that girl who made a racket in the morning.she was waiting for a moment to punish him.

they asked her to enter the class, she replied in a soft voice to enter and stand in the back of the class.both of them were going to stand in the back,but in the middle of way ,they were stopped, stopped by Liya(the crazy girl) to mock him ,he looked at her and asked her a simple question, which made her more angry.he asked her "do I know you ?".

Xin asked him who this beauty is,and Lin was like(;一_一)i don't know ,ask her!

they continued to walk.

seeing all this, teacher became more angry at Lin ,and said to him that if he could finish a spell, that she was going to say,they both can sit or they have to stand up all day long.Lin agreed.

she said a spell that was so hard, not even some other teachers didn't knew, but for Lin this was child's play, not only did he finished it, he also corrected it also.

All in the class were surprised,by his extraordinary talent. they were allowed to sit as promised.

Everyone got a crystal to check their power level. [grades are divided into 6(SS,S,A,B,C and D)and they are divided into 5, you have to pass the levels to move on to the next grade] most kids only got level 3 or 4 D grade ,it was Liya's turn to check,she looked at Lin and took the crystal it started to glow bright, she had a power level 3 of C grade.

Everyone was shocked at that age, she was that strong.Xin said let's show off too,Lin looked at him and smiled and said yes.Lin was the first one to check the power level between them,he was also a D grade but his power level was at 5, little more and he would reach C grade.

Liya looked at his face like he was a total disappointment, but for everyone else he was still strong, now it was time for Xin, he looks at Liya and winks,he took the crystal from Lin's hand,it began to glow bright just like it was glowing in Liya's hand, maybe even more. Xin was at level 4 of C grade.

Liya's two minutes fame went to Xin,there was two more who was C grade but they were not as strong as Xin.

there was a sound of a bell ,it was the bell for noon break.Everyone went to the canteen, some people were asking for Lin in the canteen.

Xin went to buy some food, Lin started to meditate under a tree. Liya saw him sitting under the tree, on her way to the canteen.

In the canteen she was asked about Lin by some seniors, she told them where he was ,they thanked her and ran out,she was bit curious so she went behind them.

Lin was deeply in meditation,so to prank him, Xin put him on top of the tree and was waiting for Lin to wake up.He was starting to get hungry so he sat down and started to eat.

when the seniors came they saw Xin under the tree ,they came to him and asked him."young master Xin, have seen Lin?

Wait its gonna get more fun .😘😘👍