
The Boy who Promise to Protect Me

Lana Kang, a high school senior is running out of time before the law enforcement gets the evidence of her presence at the crime scene of a homicide. No alibi, no security tapes, and no witness. Nothing can prove Lana's innocence. Alone and scared, even her best friend, Naomi Jang trying to isolate herself from her. As luck sided with her, her childhood best friend, Samuel Jin offered to aid her from being falsely accused of the murder, together they tracked down every possible liquidator. With the exception of secretly falling in love with the perfect and charming Samuel, Lana never intertwined with his other friends-Nelson Kim, Jason Bak, and Jerry Chon; yet, being involved in the case, she is starting to get along with them. Apart from being tied down to the complicated investigation, they found love and friendship that have been a taboo as a result of different family background ranking and believes. They are only 18 years old young adults, but, they have to make the hardest decision that will affect their future... The stories continue after the tragedies of Naomi's suicide by jumping off from their school building along with Samuel. Lana with the guilt of Naomi's death and being disconnected from Samuel, Nelson Kim hatred towards himself for being unable to save Naomi, the adorable guy Jerry Chon that had always cheered them up, and the charming Jason Bak that beats Lana broken heart. These young adults continue their life, will there be a happy ending for them? 2019 LeeMinJee All Rights Reserved

Min_Jee · อื่นๆ
7 Chs

A third person among us

"Shh... Don't joke on things like this Lana, " Samuel blurted in a half-whispered tone, putting his hand over my lips. "You going to get in trouble."

Tears welling up my eyes. I do hope that all of this is only a prank, but Mr. Bong is dead, and I'm officially a criminal. I weakly shove his hand away, "Sam... I'm the last person he met. He tried to... " I hushed, chin trembled, and an involuntary whimper escaped my lips.

Staring back at me, he realized that I'm not kidding him. He is silent but at last, he exhaled, coming closer putting a hand over me and crushed me to his everlasting safe haven body. "I'm sorry, don't say a word anymore."

"I'm scared. I didn't mean to..." I convinced him with my voice muffled to his chest.

"Hush... I know, I understand, anyone in your place won't hesitate to stab him to death..." He comforted, tightening the embrace as I sobbed uncontrollably.

"I don't know he got injured. I'm selfish, I should have check if he was ok back then..." I babbled, crying over my regrets.

Samuel stops running his hand over my back. Forcing me to face him, brows furrowed. "Lana, what do you mean? You stabbed him multiple times, why would you come back to check on him?"

"Stab? No! That's ridiculous!"

To my horror, I have come to ascertain that I was stuck in a wire of complicated situations.

Samuel put his hands over my shoulder, his face contorted, tensed up, "Listen, let me take you home first, " He said in his lowest tones, without being instructed, he removes the IV from me smoothly. I knew he is familiar with what to do because he indeed is a trained volunteered medical crew in our school Red Crescents Association.

How could I resist myself from falling in love over and over again with the kind, charming, and gifted Samuel Jin?

Me being dumbstruck obediently followed his step to his parked vehicle.

"Go home, get some rest, and don't think about a thing first, you get me?" He muttered as he pushes to start the engine.

Thinking about home, I knew there won't be peace when Hansel is around. With complicated things running wild in my mind, I don't want to take the risk of going home.

I clung to his arm like a child, I'm breaking, I know its a shame begging him to instead drive me somewhere. "No, I don't want to go home now."

Being calm as always, Samuel drove us to somewhere safe to park, a few meters away from the school compound. Pulling the hand brake, he puts his focus on me. "Lana, what's wrong? Tell me, you have been avoiding me so much. Is there anything I don't know? Please tell me..."

"I just don't want to go home, there is no place for me there... Just drop me anywhere I will go home when it's time."

"With you in this state? Tell me, Lana, you have been staying back just because you don't want to get home early is it?"

I nodded, warm tears tickled my cheeks again.

"And that is when Mr. Bong tries to attack you..."

And I nodded again along with a great tremor overtook me, I choked on my sobs.

Samuel shoved a box of tissues into my laps. "I'm sorry. I should have come back to check on you..." He gathers me to his arm, offering comfort. "That damned jerk, I just wanted to break his dirty hands!" He cursed as he mentions Mr. Bong.

"He didn't get me... I escaped. I hit him, but I didn't turn back, I don't know what happens afterward."

On mentioning that I manage to flee from the abuse, I could feel his relieved breath, "Its a relief, I'm glad you are safe. Dear Lord, you have saved her." I heard him whispered. "Listen to me, while they are investigating, we will get the culprit or at least any lead to this case." He promised me hope. Making me facing him again.

"How?" I stared blankly at him.

"You are in a safe position right now. While you are passing out, there is another crime scene take place. The security room had been raided last night, all surveillance camera records had been seized away." He explained lively to his newfound information.

Bringing on the issues of the camera surveillance, I remember something Mr. Bong had said. "Yes, he had told me that he shut off the monitoring system!" I exclaimed. "The one who removes the evidence is the real culprit, huh!"

"Damned that prick, there must be other victims other than you," He mustered curses again. "I'm sorry Lana, it's ok, you are safe, I should be gladful. Don't bother my harsh word."

"No, it's alright, you are not at fault on this. I guess someone who slaughtered him must be deeply loathed him. Someone who determined to kill him..."

"I'm your main alibi. Don't worry, I will protect you." He promised to me, holding me tight to his embrace. "Indeed, with such a messy crime scene, I should be seeing you soaking in blood."

It's weird to hear him says so but I don't want to reject the warmness he radiates.

I'm deserted, stuck in the middle of a crisis where no one I can trust to talk to.

Mom had been brainwashing me for all my life to not expecting from others if I don't want to be hurt.

I think she told me that way so that she can focus on Hansel. She doesn't want me to cling on her so much.

But, I'm a human too. I too needed someone to hold me, at least once... I've longed for the warmness, I'm cold for no reasons, I don't care if its because I'm running with a fever, Samuel is everything that I needed now.

"Lana," Samuel wipes the tears away with his thumb, gently making me looking at him again. "Lana, your parents need to know this. Otherwise, they will be worried sick seeing you in this condition."

Picturing the expression of my parents to what has happened to me traumatized me. Especially mom... I'm sure mom will despise me, its all my fault.

If only I just surrender to Hansel... he is my brother after all. Rather than having to be involved in this huge misfortune, my future is coming to ruin...

Ahh... the convulsive gasps make it harder to breathe, I don't want to face this, I rather die, I rather kill myself.

"NO, please no... Just kill me." I clutch on Samuel, paying no heed of him hating me, disgusted by my weeping had to stain his uniform. "I don't want to live anymore..."

It's getting harder to speak and breathe at the same time, can I die this way...? Let it be if that what it takes to die.

Bringing me into his embrace once again, coaxing me into calmness, "Lana it's not your fault. I'm sorry to see you in this state, its a tragedy... But, at the moment it's up to you, whether to reveal yourself or not, I know it must be hard." Putting his attention away from me, he picks up the tissue box, taking out a few pieces, and offered to me, "Clear your nose, you need to breathe, Lana."

Taking a deep breath, Samuel just stays still, watching, patiently waiting for me to recollect myself...