
The long lost feelings

A new day, new start the 24 yr she knew she wouldn't find someone like him someone who loved her more than she could love herself, she had lost him, lost him forever. she felt helpless hoping dat maybe once she could meet him and express her true feelings which she had burried deep inside her heart, maybe a chance to get him again.

It all started 9 years ago, it was high school a new start.she was all excited for a new start she believed dat maybe once finally she could find someone who would be with her, who would love her ,even she would find a tall cute guy((p.s.coz no guy could beat the ones from Korean dramas tall handsome and romantic all in one 😍 )) with all past experiences with guys she had started to believe that all guys r the same appearance matters more than brains....with thoughts running inside her head she entered the school, she looked at the sky and sighed with a belief that maybe this year her dream would come true someone who would like her for her innerself and not her outer appearance suddenly a voice called out to her from behind "Airi", she turned behind to see a girl standing-tall ,long blackhair, fair complexion she could immediately recognise her, only Mia could be this excited on the first day, her only best friend she could trust completely, share her feelings.

Mia and Airi were not only good friends but shared a bond like long lost sisters, always together no storm could break them apart. Mia ran towards Airi and hugged her tight, and shouted loudly we r in the same class this year... Airi was very happy she wouldn't be all alone in the class now. Airi and Mia started walking down the corridors suddenly Airi dashed against someone, Airi was abt to fall down ,her eyes closed knowing that she was going to fall suddenly a hand caught her, she could feel the strength of the hands on her back, she felt so reliable as she knew someone had caught her when she opened her eyes she saw beautiful dark brown eyes sparkling(eyes that u wanna fall into and never come back), dark brown hair lifted up shining as rays of sunlight fell on it, a handsome face with well defined structure-long nose ,sharp jaws ,long fingers ..... Airi felt as if she was dreaming, that feeling in the gut ,suddenly the guy snapped his fingers and airi woke up from the dream into reality. Airi was mesmerised by his beauty he applogised to her in a very soft, manner and left. Airis cheeks flushed red, she couldn't define her happiness her body was burning as if she had been lit with fire, she felt as if her heart would burst out, feelings that couldn't be defined by words.

As she turned to get a glimpse of the guy she noticed him turn and look at her with a playful smile on his face. She knew there was something in dat smile, something different something that was totally different from past.

she had realised that things this year won't be the same to her as they were before..... maybe those hopes won't be shattered maybe he would not judge her by her looks and truly love her ... Her thoughts running wild but also scared that maybe this all was a dream maybe all those thoughts wouldn't be the same as she expected them to be like...... but she knew that maybe taking a risk won't be dat bad of an option......

Will airi find her true love? will she finally find her lost love?? will the arrival of new guy change her life???wat will happen next stay tuned and pls support my first story.. hope ull will like it it's a book with elements of romance in it a cute love story with heartbreaks, topsyturvies etc .... ??

Aarsiya_Pathakcreators' thoughts