
Chapter 1, Short Recap Turns into a Reality

"Warrior's and Mage's, I know for the past century we have been conquered and driven to neer exstintion, but today is our time to end that, its our time to take what has been stolen from us, with this sword I promise to kill every demon I see, now mages start chanting, and worriors... attack!" said Elinnor Evans, the leader of this expadition and also one of the most powerful leaders in Arondeos.

The walls of the under world shacked and ecoed upon soldiers attacking each other, the mages chanting there incantations, and the supporters healing stabs on wounded worriors. Elinnor blasted through those skelatal demons, slicing and killing every creature that charged at her. Then Zeva, the alpha of the demons raised his shield then screeched to the point were most of the peoples ears were bleeding, even some demons to. Little did Elinnor knew, that wasn't to kill them, but to summon there great leader.

Something then surprisingly happened, Lord of the underworld Hades, walks out of his huge castle big enough to fit two entire families made of Giants, grabed his staff and used all of his strength to generate a huge portal and summoned a great beast to wipe out all of the the soldiers left standing.

The mighty beast then used it's claws to slash all of the remaining soldier's and Slaughtered all of the mages leaving nothing but dead bodies and land covered in a thick coat of blood. With one last breath Elinnor Evans mermerd, " srotsesna s'ti emit ot ffe."

I woke up panicking and desperate for water. That moment when the beast teared me apart it hert like hell, I questioned myself, "Was today's practice to extreme? I'm only a weak human after all," I noticed a note a on the table saying that I sould go to the Mystic Arena after I woke up and got my stuff.

Meanwhile in the dinning room all of the elites including Elinnor were talking about Gabe.

"He needs to be exacuted, this is outrageous," yelled by commander Jone Nicole's. "He's to dangerous, he can't even for god sake use his arcane powers properly and don't even get me started on that demon he aprently acadently made a contract with, that thing needs to take his attitude and shove it up his A..." "Calm down Jone, the boy is to precious, His skills and magic is to valuable to ignore." "But Elinnor if the public finds out about this amatures application then..." said Chief Aluce Zuiem." I trust that nobody in this room is going to say a word about that boy because that could be absolutely pandamonium if everyone finds out, I'll go check on the boy now, he must have already woken up, bye Aluce and Jone."

"Umm Elinnor? Is that you?" "Welcome Gabe, right this way please, were on a tight schedule with you." Gabe and Elinnor walked into the arena were they could already see two people using there septers as swords while chanting there spells, these type of people were known as Mystic Savants, mystic meaning magic and mages while savants meaning smart and also has the capability to fight. Gabe was one of these people but he lacked the skills to fight with words and daggers.

"Gabe, this is were you'll be spending most of your time and training, if you have any questions please ask me." "Also these are your roommates, they'll show you your skedule and give you a guide around here." "I trust that you will find it peaceful here."

This chapter is adventuley going to be revamped, this is just a test chapter(if that makes sense) thx for reading though<3

Also this is also inspired by Re Zero and Danmatchi

BTW I'm not a professional wrighter so don't @ me

Grim_Reaper2254creators' thoughts