

Dr_Prazelynn · สมัยใหม่
2 Chs


I heaved a sigh of relief and laid heavily on my bed. I had just finished arranging my stuffs into the wardrobe. It was so stressful doing stuffs like that after thinking about the situation I got myself in.

I thought this was gonna be fun. I mean having to stay away from my parents and be alone. Nothing like been controlled or anything. Just me and me.

   Till my last days at Donald High school, I kept on impressing my parents and my elder sister Karl continued trying to get things right like I did.. My parents were so happy that they promised into getting me admitted into one of the most prominent college in the state after graduating from the high school.

   I thought I had finally finished off my exam by the skin of my teeth. I didn't know it was just the beginning when all I had worked for for years got all messed up. I barely graduated after I was caught on the last day of exam where I was meant to be writing my last paper. Someone else was caught doing that for me and that was how my academic records of success since I got into the school got leaked and trashed.

    When the news of what I did got to my parents, they got so livid. They had to take care of the situation so I could graduate. I thought that was all and I was patiently for my admission into the college. Deep down inside of me, I knew I don't deserve to be admitted into any college since my academic records got trashed. Nevertheless, I still talked myself into believing my parents will surely work it out since they have the capacity to.

    Two weeks after I graduated from school, I was told to pack my things up. When I was told to do that, something seemed off but I did as I was told to do. I thought I was finally going to the college and leaving my parents. Just before I could conclude on anything, I found myself on the plane headed to somewhere I know I definitely haven't been to before.

    The situation became funny to me when no one in the family explained where exactly I was going to. I was the only one on the plane, my elder sister was left out. I tried putting a call through her, but she couldn't provide me with an answer that could satisfy my audacity. She only told me to carry on and that it was for the best.

     Everything got cleared to me when I found myself in front of a big building with large surrounding built big enough to be a Nation on it own. It was an high school! "What!!!!" I exclaimed when I was told I had just re-registered to an high school. I didn't believe what i was told so I had to call my Dad.

" Don't call me for now until you do something worthwhile and make the family proud. If you can prove to be useful for once, you can now take over whatever I have and be a responsible son" these were the responses my dad gave when I questioned him.

      When I got on the plane, I thought it was a great idea going to a different city where my family isn't, to school. I believed all along that my dream of having my freedom was eventually coming to pass. I didn't know my parents did all they did to cover up for the shame I had put them to. At some point, I thought to myself why my parents wouldn't just leave my sister and I to be who we are. They've always wanted us to do things their way. It should be perfect.. nothing less. That was when I realized I needed break from them..

    I thought I really had heaved a sigh of relief though. It later dawned on me that I just wanted to keep my bothered mind away from worries after engaging in some tasks.


Let's explore till the very endCreation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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