
Chapter 1: Colton

Summer before freshman year of college...

My lips quirk at the corners as I glance around. It's fucking madness and I wouldn't have it any other way. This is exactly the way you kick off summer vacation. Leave it to Beck Hollingsworth to throw the mother of all graduation parties. The three key ingredients for a kickass party are present-scantily clad chicks, plenty of free-flowing booze, and last but not least, parents conspicuously absent from the festivities. Never let it be said that Beck doesn't know how to do it up right. After all, this isn't his first rodeo. This guy has thrown some over-the-top, police-called-to-break-it-up, someone-almost-drowns-in-the-pool parties over the years.

There's a girl tucked under each arm as they stare adoringly up at me. Albeit drunkenly. A few more crowd around me, circling like sharks, waiting for an opportunity to home in on the action. Delicate hands stroke over my bare chest. Another female presses her breasts against my back as nimble fingers slide their way around my waist and wrap around me.

One thing is for sure, I'm going to miss these girls when I leave for college next month. This is a carefully curated group I've trained since freshman year. I have rules when it comes to the opposite sex.

Rule number one-I don't do relationships.

If that's what you're looking for, find your pleasure elsewhere. If you think you can parley a one-night stand into a bone fide relationship, you've got the wrong guy. I have zero interest in getting serious or forming attachments.

Rule number two-what happens at a party, stays at a party. Don't bring that shit to school Monday morning. As long as everyone walks away feeling good at the end of the night, there's no reason to expect anything more. I'm damned careful to cull out the ones who are secretly looking for more.

Needy and clingy chicks need not apply.

Rule number three-

"Colton," a female voice purrs in my ear, "let's go upstairs."

My gaze flickers to Ella Sullivan. She's become a fan favorite over the years. Pretty face. Banging body. And has demonstrated an impressive stamina when it comes to blow jobs.

She's got that elusive trifecta going on.

"Yeah, Colton," Marissa Dix adds, trying to get in on the action as she presses her sweet titties against me, "let's get out of here. It's way too crowded."

Did someone order a threesome for the evening?

Yes, please.

What I've found is the more, the merrier. Added bonus, it's a lot harder to try and say that you were under the impression we were exclusive when you sat there and watched me bone your friend Saturday night.

I'm about to let these girls have their wicked way with me when I catch a flash of long blond hair from the corner of my eye. Before I can stop myself, my head whips in that direction. It's like an automatic reflex.

Every muscle goes whipcord tight.

Alyssa Williams.

What the hell is she doing here?

I'd hoped she would remain conspicuously absent from tonight's festivities. If there's one chick I avoid at all costs, it's the blond firecracker. My gaze slides to the girl she's dragging through the crowd like a ragdoll. By the stubborn set of Mia's jaw, my guess is that her bestie wasn't given much of a choice in regard to making an appearance. She looks like she's here at gunpoint. Now that brings a smile to my face. The dark-haired girl is Beck's next-door neighbor. She hates the dude with the passion of a thousand burning suns.

Possibly more.

Interestingly enough, Mia avoids Beck in much the same way I avoid Alyssa which hasn't been easy since my dick has decidedly different ideas on the matter. Even now, it's stirring in my boardshorts with interest, trying to rise to the occasion. Unfortunately for me, Alyssa has no concept of the word no. Even though I shoot her down on a regular basis, she continues to come at me hard every chance she gets.

And that, my friends, only makes me want her more. She's a girl who knows what she wants and goes after it with a single-minded determination. And what she wants, is me.

Damn, if that isn't hot.

I'd like to say that it'll be easier once I leave for college but that won't be the case given that Alyssa is also attending Wesley University this fall. At least there are ten thousand students on campus. With any luck, evading her will be a hell of a lot easier than it has been in high school. Everywhere I go, there she is.

As ridiculous as it is, air gets wedged in my lungs as Alyssa's blue gaze steadily combs over the sea of drunken classmates before locking on mine. I steel myself for that little zip of electricity to sizzle its way through my blood. It takes everything I have inside to will down the growing erection.

Just the sight of her is enough to get me hard.

One of the girls wrapped around me like a python pretends to accidently graze my wood with her fingers before making an appreciative noise deep in her throat and pressing closer.

If only she realized that my state of arousal had nothing to do with her.

Then again, she probably wouldn't give two shits.

"Colton, baby," another female purrs before cupping my cheek and manually turning my head until I have no choice but to rip my gaze away from Alyssa. Once I meet her eyes, a seductive smile wreathes her face. "I thought we were heading inside."

A couple of seconds ago, that's exactly what the plan had been. Unfortunately, that's no longer the case. As much as I wish it were otherwise, these girls pale in comparison to the blond, blue-eyed dancer.

"Not yet," I mutter before shifting my stance, only wanting to shake these chicks off as my gaze fastens on Alyssa again. Once I find her, everything settles inside me.

Over the years, I've done my damnedest to steer clear of any attachments. When I fuck, I don't want to feel anything. I'm not into emotions. It's a physical release. Pure and simple.

My gut tells me that it would be different with her. Which is exactly why I steer clear like my life depends on it.

With a critical eye, I dissect her one feature at a time.

What the hell is it about that girl?

I've spent more time trying to figure out that conundrum than I'm comfortable admitting. Even to myself.

Sure, she's gorgeous with a curtain of shiny blond hair that hangs down her back. Dark blue eyes that are, more times than not, lit up with mischief and laughter. I'll be honest, she's not my usual type. I like a big booty and nice round titties. Alyssa is long and lithe with a dancer's body. She's muscular and athletic with high, tight breasts.

She's beautiful.

But beautiful girls are a dime a dozen around here. And if they aren't naturally alluring, they add extensions, fake lashes, and have learned to apply influencer-level makeup to give the illusion. I could swing my dick around and hit five of them right now.

Whatever this is with Alyssa, it's more than skin deep. I can't put my finger on the attraction, but it's been there since I can remember. We're talking way back in middle school when I first noticed the opposite sex. Luckily, it was right around the same time that they became aware of me.

Except for Alyssa. She was too damn busy dancing.

It was probably better that way.

Sometime during sophomore year, her sights locked on me and she's been giving chase ever since.

It's exhausting to keep someone at a distance that you really don't want to hold off. There have been times when I've been tempted to just give in and get together with her. I have a feeling it would be nothing short of amazing. The attraction between us has always been combustible. It sputters and sparks to life whenever we're in the same room together. The more I deny it, the more it ratchets up. Deep down, I know she's the one girl who has the ability to weasel her way into my heart and that's the last thing I need or want.

A look of determination settles over her face as she shoves her way through the thick sea of half-naked bodies gyrating to the beat of music pumping on the patio.

Fuck me, but that's sexy.

The girl makes no bones about wanting me.

The closer she gets, the harder my heart jackhammers against my ribcage. As much as I want to run and hide to protect myself, I'm no longer sure that's a possibility. It feels like a losing battle.

We're like two runaway trains barreling down the same track, destined for a head-on collision. There's no averting disaster.

Part of me wonders if I even want to.

I've spent so much time denying her, denying myself. The closer she gets, the more I feel my self-control waver. She pushes girls aside.


Alyssa doesn't bother to glance in the brunette's direction as she stumbles. Nope, she's one hundred percent focused on me.

Whatever happens tonight, I know I'll regret it in the morning and yet, that's not enough to stop this.

I step away from the other girls just as Alyssa halts in front of me. She tilts her head as a look of challenge enters her eyes. I straighten to my full height which is a good ten inches taller than she is and stare down at her. She has to raise her chin to hold my stare.

When electricity crackles and snaps between us and the boisterous voices fade, I know that I'm in trouble. It's just the two of us.
