
The Boy Next DOOR.

When fate decides to bring you back to your past, you have no choice but to comply.

Debby_Sabitue · LGBT+
29 Chs

The Upside Down.

Rumble Rumble.

Deafening sounds of thunder could be heard in a kingdom named 'The Upside Down'. Red thunder striking in the dark cloudy clouds

A kingdom with thunder striking continuously. Different realms for different species, deadly boundaries, crazy rules, Mysterious leaders. Each realms with different deadly atmosphere.

A mystical realm shrouded in darkness and mystery. The constant rumble of thunder adds a dramatic and ominous atmosphere to the kingdom. The landscape is dominated by towering, jagged peaks, with eerie, swirling mists that cloak the kingdom in an otherworldly haze.

Sinister-looking castles, adorned with mystical symbols, could stand as a testament to the magical power that rules the land. The thunder strikes could coincide with the use of powerful spells, creating a sense of both danger and awe in this enchanting yet foreboding kingdom.

" Hahaha" A malicious laughter that could be described as hauntingly cackling, echoing through the air with a spine-chilling and mystical resonance. It possess a sinister quality, punctuated by wicked cackles that send shivers down the spine, revealing the supernatural essence and arcane nature of the laughter.

" He has found himself another!, What a surprise. I never knew it would be so soon, he wants to be freed so bad, he wants to be freed from my curse. Hahahaha" she snickered amusingly laughing so eerily like before.

" What should we do now Lord Linda" Her personal assistant asked.

" We kill him too, No we won't!, We'll make him kill him with his own hands, just like the way he has always done, he doesn't know he's bringing me more sacrifice with those lover he's searching for, the one who would free him, the one he can never find and will never see" Her voice thunder.

Now let's describe Kelvin Cullen.

Have you ever heard of the race of vampire and wolves? If yes get ready to be excited and if no... Buckle up your belt.

As it has been know since centuries and decades and ancient world. Vampire and Wolf has never been friends and would never be friends, but what if that changes.

Werewolves have a vast array of strengths which serve to make it an amazing predator and survivor. Its greatest strengths is speed and endurance, able to travel long distances before tiring . This is aided by a Werewolves increased senses and fast reflexes.

Werewolves also have sharp teeth and claws, which make them incredible deadly. Some Werewolves have been known to bite through wood, bone, and even strong metals like steel.

Another major strength is the ability to heal faster than humans. Wounds encountered during a wolf form rarely pass through into their human form.

While Vampires are physically imposing beings with excellent strength, speed, endurance and agility, fangs and sharp claws. They also possess excellent senses, extended living-span nearing ageless and high-level resistance to damage.

Many interpretations of Vampires portray them as having other abilities such as hypnotism and transformation. In the Novel Dracula, the titular character transformed into a bat, wolf and mist.

So this similarity make them enemy and predators to each other, knowing that one could rule over one and they never want that to happen.

But things happened to make it different for Rebecca and Haymen, they actually fell in love at first sight in a war, even though it a forbidden love between wolf and a vamp they were ready to risk it all for their selves.

Things got out of hands when they gave birth to kelvin, who happens to be a mystery, one of a kind to be born that way.

Kelvin is a very mysterious guy. A mixture of a wolf and a vamp which made him a [Vaewolf]. He has unpredictable super supernatural powers and because of that lots of bad guys has been on his neck. Even vampire and wolves are after him so they could kill him.

Some of them after him so they can use his powers for bad means, some even paid him some human who have successfull connection with vampires even paid him ransom so he could join them but he rejected them all, but when they see he's not willing to come they decided to use the other way by capturing his family to make him surrender.

His family was his only support and he has a sister who he loves, he loved her so much, so much that he could buy the world for her but unfortunately she was also captured.

He never uses his power because of the promise he made to his mom and he doesn't want to break it. His mom told him not to ever use his powers or turn to his true form after killing one of his friends with rage, she told him how dangerous his powers were, how they could hurt and kill his loved ones cause he doesn't have full control of it, he can't control it when he is angry.

His sister was the only one who believes in his powers, even though she's young she talks like an old wise lady. She always put him through but that ended when she was killed by those bad people after him.

Sorrow and rage went through him, he couldn't bare seeing his own sister being shot dead right in front of him all in the name of him not wanting to use his powers.

He couldn't bare the pain anymore and he killed them all, ever single one of them and the child of the ruler of The upside down happens to be among them.

She couldn't bare her child's death and she cursed kelvin. She cursed him that he will never find love and if he manages to love anyone he's going to kill them with his own bare hands by turning into an indigenous monster he's and he's going to kill them all.

That the reason why he has no friends. He killed his best friend, his school friend any girl or guy who told him they love or like him. Whenever he starts to like them back he's going to turn to a monster on night and go rampage killing all his loved ones. It still a surprise to how his parents are alive till date.

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