
The Boy Next DOOR.

When fate decides to bring you back to your past, you have no choice but to comply.

Debby_Sabitue · LGBT+
29 Chs


That Evening both parents sat down at the front of The Cullen house.

They chatted, talk about work, play games as the sun sets, things are going smoothly well between them.


" Hey Dave!" Kelvin called out as dave was about to enter his house.

" What?"

" Are you scared of heights?" Kelvin asked

" No, why are you asking?"

" Come with me I want to show you something" He told him as held his hand and pull along.

" Where are we going?, Let me go"

" We're going to the rooftop, stop yelling"

" What?!, Rooftop!. So you could go murder me? Never!" He yelled yanking his hand away.

" Will you stop with this murder thing of yours, if I want to kill you, I would have done that a long time ago" he rolled his eyes in frustration holding his hand again and he pulled him along, this time Dave didn't protest and followed him.

They walked up the stairs in the basement which led them to the rooftop.

The rooftop is a serene escape, scattered with weathered terracotta tiles beneath their feet. Surrounding them was potted plants which adds a touch of greenery against the backdrop. A sturdy iron railing provides safety without obstructing the panoramic view, allowing you to relax under the open sky. From the vantage point, you overlook rolling hills, a quilt of vibrant fields, and perhaps a distant farmhouse. The air carries the scent of earth and the occasional melody of birdsong.

They Sat on the flat sharp edge and their legs were dangling in the space, beneath them they could see their parents who were still busy chatting.

" If someone manage to fall from here it straight death" he said as he slowly peek beneath them.

" Are you scared you will fall?" Kelvin asked

" Me! No, no I'm not scared" he replied warily holding the edge very tight.

" Don't worry, if you fall I will catch you"

" You think you're a superhero or something? tsk"

" I'm more than a superhero"

"Really?! You just love dreaming kelvin" he smiled looking at the sky and it beauty make him open his mouth in awe.

" It so beautiful" He complimented as he watched the sun slowly setting.

The sun dips below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow across the sky. Hues of pink, orange, and purple blend seamlessly, painting a celestial canvas that transitions from day to night. Wispy clouds catch the final rays, creating a breathtaking tapestry of colors. The landscape below is bathed in a soft, ethereal light, as the world seems to pause, as Dave was captivated by the beauty of the setting sun.

" That why I brought you here. I want you to see this. It beautiful right?" Kelvin asked as he looked at Dave whose mouth was a little agape in awe.

" Yes it very beautiful, so beautiful. I've never seen it so up close in my life before"

" You see, coming here Worth it. You can see I didn't bring you here to kill you"

" Whatever, just shut up"

" Here we go again, Can't I ever receive a 'thank you' from you?"

" That can never happen" he said and that made kelvin smile as he looked at him with disbelief. Dave is really a naughty boy.

They engaged their self in a quiet conversation as the sun gracefully sets.

The warm hues of the fading daylight cast a gentle glow on their faces. They share smiles and laughter, their silhouettes framed against the backdrop of the evening sky. The atmosphere is filled with a sense of intimacy, with the soft whispers of their conversation blending harmoniously with the tranquil beauty of the setting sun.


" Why did you tell my parent to let you sleep at my place?, What sort of rubbish is that?" Dave asked as he open the door to his room and kelvin was left speechless when he entered Dave room.

The pink aesthetic was mind blowing.

His pink room was led with beautiful light, a delightful blend of soft and vibrant hues.

Walls adorned in various shades of pastel pink create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Plush cushions, throw pillows and teddy in lighter tones are scattered across the cozy seating area, while a fluffy pink rug graces the floor.

The moon gently filters through sheer curtains, casting a gentle glow on tastefully chosen decor like framed art and delicate figurines. The room emanates a chic and comfortable ambiance, reflecting a playful yet stylish aesthetic.

" Why's it so pink?" He asked as he walk in and walk around.

" That not the question I asked you, why it so pink is none of your business. ANSWER. MY. QUESTION"

They just can't have a day of peace.

" It so beautiful, you love the color pink right?" He asked again ignoring his questions

Dave glare at him angrily, he watched as kelvin take of his top and lay on his fluffy baby pink bed.

" Wow!, It so soft" he complimented ignoring Dave who's staring daggers at him.

Dave fum with anger, his face turning a light red. Hissing, he eyed him disdainfully before walking into his bathroom.

" Bastard, I will make him regret coming to my house, he thought he has mouth hm, just wait and see" Dave mumbled as he stood under the shower and let the cold water cascade on him.

After few minutes.

Dave came out of the bathroom with a white bathrobe, the belt was gently tied. Kelvin who was laying down playing with a teddy sat up immediately when he saw Dave.

Dave didn't look at him but he knew Kelvin was looking at him. He gently sat on the white vanity chair in front of the mirror where his body cares and makeup were skillfully arranged.

He gently untied his robe, he pushed the hands down and let the robe fall to his waist revealing his soft milky white back to kelvin who gulp scanning his back down to his waist.He imagine kissing, licking, sucking and marking all the space in his back till it so red, not only his back but all over his body.

He press a cream that in a lube into his palm and gently rub it all over his body while Kelvin was watching his every move.

He stood up and put on the robe properly before placing his leg on his leg stood, he shifted the robe till his laps were visible and also rub the cream on it, and as soon as kelvin set his eyes on his laps his eyes darken, his every movement are damn sexy.

His laps are not slim, he has a slim tommy, thin waist and a little curvy butt and laps. That the work of a gym.

Walking to his closet, he opened the door and walk in. His closet is the type where you can dress up in it.

Kelvin on the other hand was already turned on by those sexy little act of his.

Coming out of the closet, he was putting on a yellow hoodie which was a little below his butt with a long black socks that a little above his knees. His hair was not straightened this time they were a little curly and it bounced as he walks into the room.

The scent of chamomile filled the room even more when he stepped in give it that baby like scent.

Ignoring kelvin who was staring at him like he has found his long lost prey, Dave lay on the bed with his back facing kelvin turn off the lights then fell asleep.

Will kelvin just go to sleep like that?.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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