
The Boy Next DOOR.

When fate decides to bring you back to your past, you have no choice but to comply.

Debby_Sabitue · LGBT+
29 Chs

Pair of eyes.

Time flew by and it already the day they're going to move.

After bidding farewell to his friends and all, he was already in the car, he looked out the window looking at the beautiful scenery of the country.

He watched as their car cross over to the country they're heading to, he doesn't Know why but he had a strange feeling about this country, unlike his favorite Lyralis country this country give an undeniable dark aura as their car drove into it, he looked over to his parents to see if they felt it too but they were busy chatting with each other and it felt like he was the only one who felt that way.

He pushed the thought aside and focus on his phone distracting himself. He might just be feeling that way cause it's his first time here he thought.

They traveled by car cause his mom said she doesn't feel good about traveling by air today so they gat no choice but to roll with it. His mom sometimes can be so weird.

After spending up to fifteen hours in the car their car finally came to an halt. Dave was already asleep when they arrive, it was night time already.

Opening his eyes when he heard his mom gently calling out his name, he saw that they've arrived at their destination, he got down from the car and stretched as he look up at the house.

The house is a sophisticated house exuding elegance and refinement in every detail. It features tasteful and thoughtfully curated decor, blending classic and modern elements seamlessly. High-quality materials such as marble, polished wood, and fine textiles contribute to a luxurious ambiance. The architecture showcases a harmonious design with attention to symmetry and proportion. The furnishings are both stylish and comfortable, creating a balance between aesthetic appeal and practicality. State-of-the-art technology may be seamlessly integrated, offering modern conveniences while maintaining a timeless and sophisticated atmosphere.

Dave smile smugly to his self as he look it up and down

" Not bad" his sleepy voice compliment as they walk in his mom giving him a little rub on his head but before he went in his eyes caught the house next to them.

He squints his eyes as he look it up and down, the house kinda emit a cold aura it's not giving this warm feeling like a normal house should, no lights were on be it outside or inside unlike theirs that was decorated with lights.

He saw a window open and he was shocked

" Don't tell me people are living here" he murmured Shockley to himself 'why will his parents get a house next to this creepy house?' he asked himself eyeing the house disdainfully one more time before going in.

The maids and guards has already arranged everything in order, when he got to his room he switched on the light and saw that everything was already arranged orderly, his clothes were already arranged in place and the only bag not touched was the one he stickered ' sensitive stuff' on it.

He let himself fall on the soft cozy bed which has six soft teddies arranged on it, his room was a haven of creativity and self-expression, reflecting a unique blend of style and comfort. Soft, pastel hues or vibrant colors dominate the decor, creating a welcoming and uplifting atmosphere. The room feature tasteful artwork, plush textiles, and perhaps elements of whimsy or fantasy. Personal touches, such as fashion accessories, artistic displays, and carefully chosen decor items, contribute to a space that resonates with the personality of Dave. The overall ambiance is inviting, embracing a mix of modern and eclectic design elements that celebrate individuality and a keen aesthetic sensibility.

Getting up from his bed he went in to the bathroom and damn it's marvelous the bathroom is a sanctuary of indulgence and personal care. Soft lighting enhances the ambiance, creating a relaxing and comforting space. The color palette include gentle pastels and vibrant hues, contributing to a bright and uplifting atmosphere. The bathroom is adorned with thoughtfully chosen accessories, such as scented candles, plush towels, and also some floral or artistic accents. Skincare and beauty products are neatly organized, reflecting a commitment to self-care. The overall design is a harmonious blend of functionality and aesthetics, with touches of elegance that make the bathroom a tranquil retreat for personal grooming and relaxation.

Getting in, he undressed his self and slipped into the bathtub, letting his self relax in it, he enjoyed the feeling of the warm water against his skin, the cold air blowing in through the open window made a tingling contract between the hot water and the cold breeze.

After few minutes he was done, he dried his hair and body with a towel before applying his daily night routine body care.

When he was done, he walk around his room, he was dressed in a very short niker reveling his Milky smooth laps and a simple top. His eyes mistakenly looked through the window and that when he realized that there's a window of a room facing him which belongs to another house, that creepy house he saw before entering.

The person could easily see him if they just look out their window and he felt the sense of no privacy, he would also be able to easily see whatsoever the person is doing inside the room if it's that the window were open.

' why is it this close?' he asked himself, it's not that it really close but it probably 4 feet away.

" What the fuck is this?" He asked no one in particular, sighing in frustration he sat on the chair across the room his back facing the window looking at some stuff he has lost but found them will packing.

After few minutes Dave starts to feel uncomfortable as it felt like someone was staring at him. Looking back he saw no one but his eyes lock with the closed window for a while before before continuing what he was doing.

He felt that unsettling feeling in him again and look back curiously and it felt like he could feel pair of eyes staring at him through the locked tinted windows.

" Fuck this shit" he cursed walking over to his window, close it shut and drap the curtains together. He held the tip of the curtains and signed

" Why am I feeling so reckless?, this place is so strange" he said to himself turning on a sweet melodious music before hiding his self under his cozy duvet and after the song played for a while he fell asleep trying to ignore any disturbing feeling from this house.

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