
The Boy Born To Be Unborn

The Boy Born To Be Unborn In a world where the line between the living and the dead blurs, Thalos finds himself at the heart of an ancient prophecy. Born with the ability to traverse realms, he is hunted by dark forces that seek to harness his power for their own sinister purposes. As Thalos embarks on a harrowing journey across haunted landscapes and through shadowed forests, he is joined by a diverse group of allies—Zalithar, Elyndra, Vorin, Nerai, Kiria, Xandar, Myrrin, and Orinth—each with their own mysterious pasts and hidden agendas. With each step closer to uncovering the truth, Thalos faces unimaginable horrors, spine-chilling suspense, and shocking twists that challenge his courage and sanity. The battle for survival becomes a relentless struggle against time and the encroaching darkness, as the young hero must decipher cryptic clues and confront malevolent spirits to protect both the living world and the afterlife. "The Boy Born To Be Unborn" is an epic tale of adventure, horror, and suspense, where every chapter ends in a heart-pounding cliffhanger, and every twist leads to deeper, darker secrets. Will Thalos fulfill his destiny, or will the shadows claim him forever?

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13 Chs

The Battle Begins

The master of shadows towered over them, a being of pure darkness and malevolence. Thalos struggled to his feet, the pain in his shoulder a constant reminder of the master's influence.

"Stand together!" Vorin shouted, rallying the group. "We can defeat him!"

The battle was fierce, the master of shadows unleashing waves of dark energy that threatened to overwhelm them. Thalosfought with all his strength, but the darkness within him seemed to sap his power, making every movement a struggle.

As the fight raged on, Thalos noticed something strange. The master's attacks seemed to focus on him, as if sensing the darkness within him. He realized that the master was trying to corrupt him completely, to turn him into a pawn of the shadows.

With a surge of determination, Thalos called upon the light within him, pushing back against the darkness. But as he did, he felt a searing pain in his shoulder. The mark burned brighter, and he knew that time was running out.

Just when it seemed they were gaining the upper hand, the master of shadows let out a roar of fury. The ground shook, and the cavern began to collapse around them.

"Run!" Zalithar shouted, grabbing Thalos and pulling him to safety.

As they scrambled to escape the collapsing cavern, Thalosglanced back and saw the master of shadows rising from the rubble, his eyes burning with hatred.

"This is not over," the master hissed. "I will find you, Thalos. And when I do, you will join me in the darkness."

The group emerged from the Abyss, battered and bruised but alive. They had survived their first encounter with the master of shadows, but Thalos knew that their battle was far from over.

As they made camp, Nerai approached Thalos, her eyes filled with concern. "The master's influence is growing stronger," she said. "We must find a way to break the curse on your shoulder."

Thalos nodded, but his mind was elsewhere. He couldn't shake the feeling that someone in their group was hiding something. The oracle's warning about betrayal echoed in his mind.

That night, as the group slept, Thalos kept watch, his senses alert. He noticed a shadowy figure moving towards the edge of the camp. Silently, he followed, his heart pounding in his chest.

He found Elyndra standing alone, her face pale in the moonlight. "Elyndra?" he called softly.

She turned to face him, her eyes filled with tears. "I'm sorry, Thalos," she whispered. "I didn't want to betray you, but I had no choice."

Before Thalos could react, a burst of dark energy erupted from her hands, knocking him to the ground. As he struggled to his feet, he saw Elyndra's form shift and change, revealing the true betrayer.

It was Xandar, his eyes glowing with dark energy. "You should have trusted the shadows, Thalos," he said, his voice dripping with malice. "Now, it's too late."

As Thalos lay there, stunned and betrayed, the rest of the group awoke to the sound of Xandar's laughter. They rushed to Thalos's side, but the damage was done. The darkness had claimed another victim, and their journey had just become even more perilous.

Reeling from the betrayal, Thalos and his companions sought refuge in a hidden sanctuary known only to a few. It was a place of ancient magic, where the forces of light were said to be strongest.

The sanctuary was a breathtaking sight, with crystalline walls that glowed with an inner light and a serene lake that reflected the stars. As they settled in, they were greeted by an old sage named Lorian, who had dedicated his life to studying the balance between light and darkness.

Lorian examined the mark on Thalos's shoulder, his face grave. "The curse is deep," he said. "But it can be broken. You must undergo a ritual of purification, facing your inner darkness head-on."

As Thalos prepared for the ritual, the group tried to come to terms with Xandar's betrayal. Trust was fragile, and the shadows seemed to loom ever closer.

The ritual began at dawn, with Thalos standing in the center of a circle of light. Lorian chanted ancient incantations, the air thick with magic. Thalos felt the darkness within him stirring, fighting against the light.

Suddenly, the sanctuary was attacked. Dark creatures emerged from the shadows, their eyes glowing with malevolence. The group fought bravely, but the creatures were relentless.

As Thalos struggled to maintain his focus, he saw a figure emerge from the shadows – the master of shadows himself, his eyes fixed on Thalos.

"You cannot escape me," the master hissed. "Your light will be snuffed out."

In a desperate bid, Thalos called upon the light within him, pushing back against the darkness with all his might. The sanctuary shook, the walls cracking under the strain.

Just when it seemed the light would prevail, the master of shadows let out a roar of fury. The ground beneath Thalos's feet gave way, and he fell into the darkness below, the master's laughter echoing in his ears.

Thalos found himself in a cavernous abyss, the air thick with malevolent energy. The fall had separated him from his companions, and he was alone in the darkness.

As he struggled to his feet, he felt the mark on his shoulder pulsing with dark energy. The master of shadows was close, and Thalos knew he had to find a way to escape before it was too late.

Navigating the labyrinthine tunnels, Thalos encountered twisted creatures and haunting whispers that threatened to drive him mad. He could feel the darkness closing in, feeding on his fears and doubts.

Desperation drove him deeper into the abyss, where he stumbled upon an ancient chamber filled with strange symbols and artifacts. In the center of the chamber was a pedestal, upon which rested a glowing crystal.

Thalos reached out to touch the crystal, feeling a surge of light and warmth. It was a beacon of hope in the darkness, a reminder of the light within him.

As he grasped the crystal, he heard a voice in his mind. "Use the light to guide you, Thalos. Find your way back to your companions."

With renewed determination, Thalos pressed on, using the crystal to illuminate his path. But the darkness was relentless, and the shadows seemed to grow stronger with each step.

Just as he thought he had found a way out, he was confronted by a familiar figure – Xandar, his eyes glowing with dark energy.

"You cannot escape the darkness, Thalos," Xandar sneered. "It is a part of you."

Thalos gripped the crystal tightly, feeling its warmth surge through him. "I will not be consumed by the darkness," he said, his voice steady.

With a burst of light, Thalos pushed back against the shadows, banishing Xandar's form. But the path ahead was still uncertain, and the darkness was ever-present.