
The Borrowed: Aerium's Breeze

I am a cursed child by fate. Lose almost everything since child. The last straw i have is this curse... While getting harsh training everyday, waiting the only-god-knows fateful day, i'm almost dead by boredom even before fight to death with the devil of desire. Now there is no one with the same age as me can rival my power. I'm itching to dive into adventures, discovering magical land hidden at the corner of world. And that day my wish is granted..(?)

Yatoshu · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

Daydream walk: Lunch with Sibling

Morning, Flamerose Inn

After Yuki going to the guild

*Humming a melody*

This afternoon, Brother promised to accompany me to the Grandpa Bernard's farm. Eventhough we will only take a walk,

i guess i should prepare our lunch.

Who knows if it's going smoothly,


I can feed brother directly with my hand~

Kyaa kyaa~ it's so embarassing.

*She's drown into her own world*

Alright, alright i should hurry to finish it.

During his stay here, Brother often interacted with me and always kept his promises, even in trivial things.

So this little promise too,....

I'm sure Brother will come exactly on time.

I should do my best, too!


One hour later

Flamerose Inn

*Cling cling cling (bell sound)*

"I'm hoooomee"

Ah, it's mom.

She went early to the guild with Brother Yuki and Brother Dawgian's party.

It's earlier than i expected. But i'm relieved Mother comes before any guests come. I really can't stand with new strangers, it's too embarrassing!

"Welcome home mooom."

"Oh are you busy, darling?"

"Not at all hehe, i just serve the food to our occupant, Mom."

"Nothing happened?

Heat the foods just fine?"

"Yep! I've used the tools several times you knoow~" does mom just treat me as a kid?!

"Haha that's good to hear, then you can soon manage this Inn by yourself, right,

my little girl~?"

"Humph! I'm mature already!"

"Haha don't mess with her, Madam~

She's already around that age, you know that walking with a boy."


How's old man Basher knows about it?

"Huuhh? What d'ya mean, old man?"

"That new boy you accompanied, i guess Manna will bond with him this noon."

"Huuhh?! Is it true, Manna?!"

"Uuuhh..it's just.."

"I heard them too!"

"I saw Manna mumbling something

this afternoon."


I don't know they all already wake up

at that time! Usually they just laze around right?!

Suddenly one of our occupant hesitantly raise her arm.

"What do you hear, Linea?"

"No,...actually...i saw them, accidently

...just before i'm heading out. But, it's awkward, so..i go back to my room. Sorry."


It's the end for me. Initially, i planned take my break as my excuse to mother.

Why am i born with this clumsiness? Sob...

"Soo...care to explain my lovely daughter?"

Kyaaaah..mother's face is so scary when she's mad.

"Haha looks like cat outta the bag."

"Gahaha slow it down, Madam. That means Manna grow into a lady just fine, right old man?"

"That's what i mean, old brat gahaha."


That morning the Inn already noisy with

'positive' laughing. It interests neighborhood instead bothering them.

While Manna explain her 'strolling' to her mother.

It takes 30 minutes to calm down Mrs. Flamerose. It's Manna's turn to negotiate with her mom when all of the occupants finally leave the Inn to their own works.

"Pleaase motheer, your majesty, my respectfully honorable mother!"

It's my best effort to persuade mom, fully appeal mom with 'honorable' words and 90 degree bow. But it's too embarrassing to do this publicly. It's out of my character.

"Haaahh this again, your reliable weapon against me. Alright give me assurance at least, my daughter."

"What do you expect, mom? As i said i'm just going take a walk with Brother and perhaps..."

"What is it?"

"If the time comes, i'll have lunch with brother..."

Kyaaaah i said it, i said iiiit. I confess to mother about plan with my lovely brother.

"That's what i worry, Mannaa."

"But i will only take normal lunch with brother, who knows we will....."

"Kyaaaahh what are you thinking now, Mannaaa?!!"

"Noo you misunderstand it, motheer."

"But, you don't know what Yuki will do to yoouuu, you're still green!"

"Do you still not believe Brother, Mom? You've seen it yourself what brother's doing during his stay, mother. And his attitude to me when we're talking each other."

"..." Mom only bites her lips.

"He's friendly, not pervert like most of guests, teach me many things without any motives, even give suggestion to improve our Inn. Such dreamy person...the more i interact with brother, the more i fall for him, mother. What else i wish for?"

*Cling cling cling*

"Excuse me."

Suddenly brother come

at the awkward time.


The mother and the daughter scream together for some unknown reason.

That afternoon Manna manage to stroll with her new sibling in the farm.

It has quite a view with so many kind of sprouts. From afar it looks like various colorful beds. For Yuki, it's unexpected his works result become like this.

The owner, Grandpa Bernard, happy to see Yuki and realize Yuki's upset face. Then he gives some free services to them, there's apology seen on Grandpa's face.

While all of that good luck happened, Manna can't achieve her goal in that day.

His brother falls asleep the moment he lies on one of the picnic spot while the breeze is windy.

They go back to the Inn before evening.


The moment they arrive at the Inn

"We're hooome."

"Oh how is it, my now-big giiirl?"

Mom say that with a forced smile, huh.

I think she still doesn't agree with my decision.

Is it karma that i can't have lunch as planned with brother?!

Suddenly Manna's face become serious and pale.

What am i gonna do to remove this curse?! Will mother forgive me and remove it?

That's what she seriously thought.

"Haha i guess you have quite enjoyable trip, huuuhh?"


Mom, you meanie. You can read my thought, right?

"Hmm?..what's wrong with you two?"

"Ah, brother. It's nothing, s-so you get what you look for?"

"Hmm it's not satisfying. But i hope it works."

"Can i know what i-"

Yuki gives a green headband to Manna before she finishes her question.

"It's a thank-you gift for your hard work, Manna. I don't know what appropriate gift for women, but i think it's beautiful for both of you."

"Thank you very much, bro- wait, both?"

"Both?" (Mrs. Flamerose)

"Yeah it's for you too, Mrs. Rinne. It's fair right?"

Kaaaaahhh..mother gets one too?!

"Hmph, th-thanks kid. Actually i don't really need it, since the one that work hard is Manna."

"It's not true right? I know you always think about this Inn supplies, fund, and any affairs with kingdom's regulations right? Beside that, you still have time to accompany me to the guild, fill some Manna's job, and distribute entrusted quests to any adventurers in need."

"And Manna already has to work in her early ages, Cleaning the entire Inn, Serving the food, Doing some requests from occupant, including me, and still has time prepare food for Mrs. Rinne, try to learn Inn's affairs, even accompany me having relaxing time."



The mother and the daughter can't say anything knowing that facts.

"I think both of you are equal in hardwork. So i just bought something in pair."

Mom, you're that busy huh.

Sorry for my jealousy...

"Aah...i think i'll head into my room, now."

"Wait brother! It's still not fair!"

'What the heck she wants now?!'

Yuki's shocked hearing that.

"Actually i've prepared our lunch. But, you've not eaten them even one bite!"

'How should i know?!'

Yuki's confused with this situation.

"You said it's an empty basket to pick some veggies and fruits, didn't you?"

"Why are you so dense, Yuki?" *Sigh*

'What now? Mrs. Rinne's involved in this drama, too?!'

"Alright, so let's eat them." *Sigh*

"Uum! Mom, you come too. We'll have a family dinner now."

"Alright, alright i'll heat them up now."

"I'll help, too."

Suddenly Yuki give them a signal to stop with his hand.

"Hee what is it, kid? You don't want frozen cold meal do you?"

"No, it's my turn to thank you both."

Yuki gently take the food basket from Manna's hand.

"What will you do?"

"Oh, i just have a magic i want to try."


Yuki's seen concentrating to control his magic. Still it has bigger impact than it's supposed to be.

"What is this magic?

Suddenly it feels warm."

"It's..true. My chills a moment ago fading."

The magic should warm the air only inside the basket. But it actually warms the air inside the whole room gradually.

Vooomm..the magic's stopped.

"Uugh..i guess it's still hard. But it should be done. Please have a taste, Mrs. Rinne."

"Hmm it's already warm."

"It'true! Wow you can use magic that way, brother? Can you teach me?"


"But, kid how can you know about those situations? Though it's not secret, i'm sure there's noone when i was doing all of that."

"Ah! Yeah that's right, brother! How come?"

'Uugh...why i always meet sharp-mind people?' Thought Yuki.

*Cling cling cling*

"Aaaahh..i'm beat." (Ranngarf)

"You're too old, Ranngarf. Hahaha." (Myrian)

"Hey do you smell something good?" (Seilyn)

"I do." *Sniff sniff* (Ranngarf)

Oh my god, Brother Dawgian's party is here. I thought they're going to camp out.

"Haha there's feast! Can i have something, boy?" (Ranngarf)

"I know it's a shameful, but..may i have some, too?" *Dawgian looks so worn out*

"Before it's continued, please forgive me.

I can't share this to any of you."

"Wha-! Why you!" (Dawgian)

"Because this meal is prepared with great effort by my sister, only for me."

What? Brother say that effortlessly?

And with that mysterious, yet charming smile? It's...it's so..unfaiiirr...

"Sorry.." (Dawgian)

"Aah..alright, we just need some food gahaha."

"Is there any leftover, Madam?" (Seilyn)

"Alright, looks like i really need cooking some. Wait a moment you all."

"Ma'am please serve them as many as they want, i'll pay them." (Yuki)

"Mom, let me help, too."

"Thaaanks Yuukii~"

(Dawgian, Seilyn, Myrian)

"Gahaha we owe you one, kid."

That evening, i have a feast with

my new family.

Don't worry, dad. I won't be lonely anymore.

I have siblings now.

- Side story, Lunch with Sibling: End -