
The Borrowed: Aerium's Breeze

I am a cursed child by fate. Lose almost everything since child. The last straw i have is this curse... While getting harsh training everyday, waiting the only-god-knows fateful day, i'm almost dead by boredom even before fight to death with the devil of desire. Now there is no one with the same age as me can rival my power. I'm itching to dive into adventures, discovering magical land hidden at the corner of world. And that day my wish is granted..(?)

Yatoshu · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

(4) Fourth objective, The dream he denies - phase 2

Month Ostara,

Whitepale Mansion

Another morning in Aerium.

Though it's gonna be different from today onward.

Now i live in my own house, With my new family.

*knock knock knock*

"Good morning, Master Yuki. Here i bring your breakfast."

Hmm seems like she's still awkward toward me. And she still doesn't call me without horrific.

" Yes, you can come in."

"E-excuse me..."


Her nervousness makes the door's sound as in horror movie.

"Pardon me, s-sir."

"Easy, you're my family from now on. So you can come into my room anytime."

"N-no sir. That's too ridiculous."


"Alright, i'll aside this matter this time. Now you should prepare yourself, we'll go outside."

"Wh-where are we going, sir?"

"Adventurer Guild."

"A-alright, i'll prepare right away."

"Wait a minute, by the way do you have a name?"

"No..i've forgotten my name a long time ago. It's no use having name regarding my situation right now."

The lioness shows a face of someone reminicing their past deep in thought.

There's no sadness or regret, only helplessness.

"As long as i survive, i'm fine with any.."

"That's problem now."


"That helplessness in your face is the problem right now. It's more bothersome since you'll become Adventurer. And we need a decent name."

"W-wha? What d'you mean, sir?"

"As i said before we're going to Adventurer guild to register you."


"Alright i'll give you a name. Hmm let's see."

[When Yuki decide it by himself, the lioness seems troubled because a name is a special way to give respect in her hometown, especially from someone strong and respectful.]

Since she is quite muscular, has a talent in physic, quite strong mind but still has a feminine side, i guess that name suits her well.

[That's what Yuki thought.]

"Rhea, how's that sound?"

The lioness just blushing when hear name beautiful name to her ears.

".... R-Rhea.."

"So how is it? From now on, as long as you're with me, you're Rhea."

Rhea, as the name of the lioness, just nod silently with Yuki's suggestion.

"Alright, start to prepare. We'll go in some minutes."

Rhea just nods again. Later she realizes her Master's plan when it's too late.


Street of Southern district

"M-master, are you serious? Am i really going to be adventurer?"

"Ofcourse, it depends on your capability though."

"That's not what i mean."

"What is it then?"

"You know... My situation as.. A slave, and beastmen."

Yuki slowers his step so that his voice can reach Rhea while talking in low tone.

"Regarding the slave matter, Mrs. Rinne assured me that she'll support us. And i have a bit of special relationship with the guild."

"... "

Rhea just listen patiently to Yuki while walking and facing toward the street. Though she knows it's just burden to him in the future.

"Furthermore, no one will express their objection as long as you're strong and capable."


She can't hold it anymore since it's not just a simple matter about strength she's proud of. She already have experienced the despair when she still had power around her.

"And about the beastmen matter, you're just inexperienced about the world. You should see for yourself what you haven't seen when you're trapped in that chamber."

It just felt a moment walking to the guild when they had talk.

"Let us enter, Rhea."


When they enter the guild, Rhea look around inside. There are many people with their own business.

In there Rhea see and realize that various race, rumored hating each other, just communicating with each other as if there's nothing in their history. Some of them even seems make a party and discuss their strategy cooperatively.

"How is it to your eyes, Rhea?"


Rhea's amazed by such occurance as if she looks at a beautiful scenery.

"Ah! Mr. Yuukiii~ Do you have business?"

Suddenly a familiar voice is heard at the direction of recepsionist.

The lining-up adventurers at the same time look at the direction where Emily place her gaze on.

"Ah yes, i need some advice. When do you have free time, miss?"

"Hoho what do you mean 'when'? As i said before you can ask me anytime. Please wait a second, Mr. Yuki~."

[After Emily said that, she immediately pass the work at her hands to other staff and tell the staff some instructions.]

[Although she doesn't work as the staff of recepsionist, all the adventurers still look at Yuki enviously. It looks to them that the newbie got all of Emily's attention and priority.]

Hmm their gaze tells me that i'm at guilty here.

"Pardon me, Seniors."

Yuki bows slightly showing his apology to the staring seniors.

"Hm? What do you apologize for, Mr. Yuki? There isn't a single person that deserve such apology, am i right?"

Emily switches her gaze upon the seniors, indicating her absolute words.

The adventurers turn their heads in a flash like nothing happened.

"I see if you say so, miss."

"Then let's proceed right away!

We'll go to the usual room~"

"Let's go, Rhea."

"Y-yes master."

Emily leds Yuki and Rhea to the Special room with excitement while Rhea hesitates a bit if it's okay getting such special treatment.


Special room,

Brandish Blade guild

(First floor)

"So what is it this time, Yuki?

Oh by the way, who is she here?"

Emily's voice filled with expectations. She almost can't hold her excitement.

"Ah, she's the reason actually. She's a companion i brought along from that store you told me before."

"Ah, so she is..."

Rhea who sense Emily sympathy, just looks down. Already expecting it in all of her life, she isn't bothered at all. Except by Yuki's words.

"Yes, my family as of right now."

"Hmhm yes indeed, family."

Emily smiles brightly after hearing Yuki's confession.

"So what is it about?"

"Can i register her as adventurer here?

I already consulted with Mrs. Rinne.

She said there'd be a bit of problem here and there, but in short it is alright."

"Oh yes, she's right in all of it. So don't worry about it. Please rely on us Yuki, we'll take care of this matter fairly."

"I'm glad that you accept my favor, Miss."

"Haha it's nothing big, after all that's our job from the start."

Suddenly there's someone knocking outside the door.

"Excuse me, madam. Guildmaster look up for Mr. Yuki and on the way here."

"Alright, please inform Guildmaster that he can immediately enter."

"Yes, understood madam."

"Hmm what's so sudden he look for me?"

"Haha he's always like that Yuki. Suddenly jump into an action. Just be used to it, Yuki."

"Hmm is that so."

"There he is."

"Yoo, Yuki! Oh Emily, are you finished with your business?"

"Hmm it's a rare sight you politely ask me that, guildmaster?"

"E-emily..! Ssshh!!"

"Ooh so that's the way he's doing all this time? Guess he needs some more etiquette lecture, doesn't it?"

"Oh my, Lady saintess there you are!

I see why he behaves that way hoho"

"Yes, i didn't know he's still the same way as back then. By the way, long time no see you, Emily."

"Yes, indeed my lady. I think we should talk more anytime soon, now please take your time, Lady saintess."

"Oh thank you, you're as sharp as always, Emily."

"Wait, before you go, who is she?"

"Ah you'll know her soon, Guildmaster. Please excuse us."


[Emily closed the door and left with Rhea to continue the register procedure, leaving silence for a moment in the Special room.]


"It seems i can't win against you women since old days."

"Hohoho ofcourse we're stronger than a mere guildmaster you know."

Hmm a mere she says.

"But for now, your complain is not the main issue right?"

"Uugh...right. So boy, i'll get right to the point. Since i know you have potential from the first day, i've wasted my effort to get the highest authority to assess you. I've done this to get the right path for your future, boy. So please be grateful and cooperative."

The guildmaster seems to go around the bush saying it. Actually i already expect the true reason you do that.

[Yuki still maintains his calm gesture.]

"So here's the saintess of shrine,

also known as the identifier,

Yuna Eirias."


Name: Yuna Eirias (Female)

Race: Human

Age: 26

Job: Priest lv.65

Title: The Identifier

Class: Saintess of Shrine

Currency: 30 silver

Storage: Pocket bag

"Emm if possible, please refrain from calling me identifier. It's sounded as if we're mere tools, you know."

"Haha i think that's a cool title."

"Sir Herald..." *Annoyed*

"Haha...as you wish, madam.

Please continue."

"Thank you. Then Sir Yuki, right?"

"Right, ma'am."

"Oh, really. You can just call me Miss."

"Yes, Miss Yuna."

"I heard your stories from Sir Herald. You harvested some mid-rank monsters in your first day, cleared a lot of low-rank quests on your second day, and hunted the Lone Calden by yourself."

"Sort of..yes."

"Relax here, Mr. Yuki. Sir Herald here called me only out of his curiosity to assess your potential. He desperately wish that you're the star for the guild."

"Ahem! I believe there's a more urgent matter at hand."

"See his blushing face?"


"So with that in your mind, please let me look into your plate, Mr. Yuki. Whatever secrets you want to hide will remain between us."

It's sounded as if the saintess persuade me with delicate care, but actually she force me at the corner by her friendly words with Guild master as her accomplice.

Well as i thought before, i already expected this. it's just sooner than i thought. For the starter, let me test my ability first against hers.

"Certainly, i see no problem, Miss Yuna."

"Hehe i know you're a good boy, Yuki. After all you're a son of my buddy."

"Hm-hm thank you for your cooperation, Yuki. I guess we can be closer each other after this trial."

"W-wait. Don't be so reckless, Madam. You know your position as saintess right?"

"Hoho i don't wanna hear any complains right now~ i should focus on it, you know~"

"Grrrh...sigh, alright. Let's just end this assessment first."

"I agree~ Now let me start it, Mr. Yuki."


The saintess hold the pedestal from before then it shines brightly.


Name: Yuzuki Yatoshu (Male)

Race: Human

Age: 18

Job: Warrior lv.55

Rank: A-rank adventurer

Title: -

Class: None

Currency: 14 gold, 27 silver, 22 copper

Storage: Item pouch


Health 6000

Stamina 6400

Arcana 2000

Strength 730

Wisdom 300

Vitality 680

Agility 570

Dexterity 250


Unique magic: -

Unique passive: -

Unique ability: -


Space magic lv.10

Fire offense lv.7

Water offense lv.7

Wind offense lv.10

Earth offense lv.10

Wind creation lv.8

Earth creation lv.8


Combat tech lv.10

Sword tech lv.10

Throwing tech lv.10

Stealth tech lv.10


Presence detect lv.10

Magic detect lv.10

Auto heal lv.10


Survival tact lv.10

Smithing lv.1

"Kyaaaa~" (Yuna)

Not again...

"W-what is it, Madam? Something's wrong?"

"N-no, it is just his stats..actually yes, something is strange..."

"Hmm? What d'ya mean, madam?"

"Just look for yourself, here."

[Then the saintess shows the stats plate of Yuki to the guild master.]

I hope this oldman won't cry like the sain-


Ugh, it's too late. His cry is too disgusting.

"Eeh? Your moan isn't suitable with your appearance, oldman~"

"A-a-ahem! I-i apologize for my inappropriate."

"No, actually it's disgusting cry you had there. Look at Yuki's face right now."

Yeah, i accidentally show my disgusted face.

"Uugh! Not you too, boy! But, what exactly happened with this stats of yours?!"

'He distracts it to another topic' (Yuki and Yuna)

"Ehem. He's right, Mr. Yuki. Despite your level haven't reached the average level for A-ranker, your stats already pass over the average stats for the most of A-rankers."

Really? But my achievements already reached A-rank as Miss Emily said. Then my promotion may be approved easily.

"Dunno, training and quest i presume?"

"Is that all? You're one hella diligent one i take it then."

"No, though it's possible. Your plate is a bit abnormal."

"What else madam?"

"Here on the section unique abilities. If you have none of these, there should be not any of these. In this case, he has this section but there's nothing in the list."

Hmm as a saintess, she must said it based on her experience. I don't think my disguise can be seen right away, then no need to hide it any longer.

"So what do you imply, madam?"

"What i mean is, what truly are you, Mr. Yuki?"

*Sigh* (Yuki)

"Boy? What does she mean?"

"Whether he's like the summoned heroes, or a supreme being, Guild master."

"What?! Is it true, boy? You won't let her suspect you such-"

"It's similar but not the same thing, Miss Yuna."

"W-what?" (Herald)

"Fufu...which one is it?" (Yuna)

"Fuuuhh...alright i'll be honest here. But please keep it a secret only between us, can i ask that to both of you?"

"I see no problem."

"Ofcourse boy, me too."

"Alright, actually i'm borrowed from another world by guardian Freya."


"Hmm..i didn't expect that at all."

"First time i arrived at Willow's creep. Explore the forest quite a while then met with Mr. Duran on the way to this city."

"I see, that explains the hunts you got back then."

"Is it really the truth, Mr. Yuki?"

"You can check again my stats, Miss."

"Huh? You know stats plate won't change much even if you're special."

"Will you really not check again?"

"Hmm i guess you're just inexperienced and act that highty mighty. Since you're a good boy, i'll just-....!!!"

"Hm? Madam? What's wrong with your face?!"

"Is it really possible?"

"What is it madam?!"

The saintess is unable to utter any words and just point out Yuki's plate with her finger.



Name: Yuzuki Yatoshu (Male)

Race: Human

Age: 18

Job: Warrior lv.55

Rank: A-rank adventurer

Title: -

[Divine title: Agent of Freya (detail)]

Class: None

Currency: 14 gold, 27 silver, 22 copper

Storage: Item pouch



Unique magic: Void magic

Unique passive: Void matter

Unique ability: Ultra learn


"Y-you're right, madam. He has unique abilities."

"That's not the main issue, Sir Herald! Look at this title."

"D-divine title? Agent of Freya? You mean the guardian Freya?!!"

"And it has detail information. Should we take a peek?"

"Is it okay, boy?"

"It's alright since i decide to trust you both."

"Oh my, thank you, Yuki~"

"Alright here we come."

The saintess carefully click the detail part with a shaking hand.


The more detailed information is opened to them.


Divine title: Agent of Freya

To you all of my followers, especially to my Saintess. Here he is my agent that i borrowed from another dimension.

I ask of him to help me developing and fixing my world Aerium. Though i give him an authority to do so, i watch over him. So please be cooperative with him and don't bother him too much, as i care for you all.

Bear in your mind, he is my responsibility.

Your lovely guardian, Freya






(Saintess and Guildmaster)

Wow i didn't expect something like this happens again. Though this time there's a disgusting oldman's yell.

[Suddenly Herald and Yuna fall at their knees then bow to Yuki, helplessly.]

"M-mr. Yuki, please forgive me if there's even a slighest rudeness that i made!!"

"Sir Yuki, please call me if anything happens within my authority. Anything! You can ask of me directly!"

Eventhough their previous one isn't bad at all, but still their attitude changes to the extreme.

"Please don't worry about it, i'm just here by the request of Guardian Freya. And ofcourse there's a bit of personal interest."

"May i know the spesific help that asked from you, Sir Yuki?" (Yuna)

"Haahh...just call me Yuki like before, after all i'm your junior."

"Well, if you insist boy. But i'm curious about your mission, too Yuki." (Herald)

"Anyway, It's similar to the heroes' task, eliminating the evil arcana."

"Evil...arcana? You mean demons?"

"Not exactly, it's not the same demon king that fated to be defeated by the heroes."

"So? Can you explain in simpler way?"

"Hmm...this knowledge is shared by Miss Freya herself, so please don't be too surprised when hearing it, alright?"

"M-miss???" (Herald and Yuna)

"A-alright boy, i'm all ears." (Herald)

"I-i am ready, too." (Yuna)

[The room is filled with silence and tense for a second, Herald and Yuna brace themselves for expecting another surprise at any moment while Yuki sort out his thoughts before delivering them in the right manner.]

"Actually..demon race doesn't exist in this world."

"W-what?!" (Herald)

"S-so what do you call the savage beings that always destroy various regions all around this world?" (Yuna)

"Yeah, after all it's mentioned by the first Saintess of shrine throughout history." (Herald)

"I know, i have the knowledge given by Miss Freya. But it doesn't change the fact about the truth said by Guardian Freya."

"I-i guess you're right..."

"Sorry boy, it's just too surprising even for us."

"That's why i've warned you both before."

"Ugh..you're right..."

"So what is exactly are they, Yuki?"

"Please listen carefully before asking any questions."

Herald and Yuna just gulp their saliva along with their anxiety, before listening to the truth of history.

"....They are beings consumed by the evil arcana. Miss Freya explained that evil arcana, or as she called as rotting arcana, is a pile of natural arcana that isn't used and hanging around idly. The tricky part is that arcana being used by evil intentions become the rotting arcana too. That's my sole mission in Aerium."

"So you're saying that natural arcana even being used for misdeeds become the evil arcana and the cause of demon's appearance?" (Herald)

"Exactly, and the 'demon' phrase that mentioned in history is actually just a name, which is used by the first saintess to classify those beings. The truth is demon existed in our world with similar behaviour as those beings. I guess that's the reason the first saintess called them demon."

"Now all of it makes sense, moreover if we consider that the first saintess is a summoned hero just like others." (Yuna)

"Yes, that's what i mean." (Yuki)

"Hmm if that's the truth, then the countermeasure all this time should be revised, since the priority is not only the revival of demon king anymore." (Herald)

"Indeed, and i get the feeling that there are far more dangerous enemies worse than the demon king we know." (Yuna)



The resepcionist table

Brandish Blade guild (First floor)

"Alright, Rhea. This is the last one, you just need to sign the contract here and you'll get the card." (Emily)

"Umm..but how to sign it? I've never..." (Rhea)

"Oh my, calm down Rhea. I can teach you a bit. Madam can i get a blank paper?" (Seilyn)

"Ofcourse, here. And Miss Rhea, you can ask us around if you have questions like this in the future." (Emily)

"Yup, that's the example. Now you can try it." Seilyn finish her signature as a sample to Rhea.

"Y-yes!" Rhea answer awkwardly.

[While Yuki discuss about the rotting arcana, Emily progress with Rhea's registry. In the meantime, Dawgian party pass by Emily and asking about Rhea. In the end Seilyn and Myrian stay with Rhea accompanying her. Some people who have met Yuki also welcome Rhea's registry.]

"Haha you're so cute Rhea, you don't need to be reserved around us. After all we are adventurers." (Seilyn)

"Yep, yep! We, Adventurers, help each other. Especially something not related with money like this haha-uugh!!"

Myrian got hit at the head by Seilyn in the midway of her talk.

"Please, dear Myrian. I'm tryin to build good impression here. Don't ruin my effort."

"Ugh! Effort, my ass. Anyways she'll know it soon, why should i hide it?"

"Gahaha good choice of word, little lady!"

Some veteran adventurers respond to Myrian's yell from afar.

"Right oldman? Haha" (Myrian)

[The atmosphere inside the guild generally this rowdy but quite peaceful. But still there're some adventurers who like to make real rowdy.]

"Hah! Good impression of us?! What're you even talkin about?"

[The moment they step in, the surrounding being alarmed and agitated while watching them closely. It's as if they see some trash standing arrogantly and shamelessly.]

"Yes, you can go to the church if what's you want a good image!"

[It's known they are some thugs with bad reputation around the city, the Roaring beast party. They're just barely promoted to B-rank party with 2 B-rankers, and 1 C-ranker as their members.]

"Hahaha good one you got there!"


[Unfortunately, despite being trash with their dirty means, their capability are knowledged by the guild.]

[On the other hand Dawgian party, the Travellers, is left behind. Though many experts had high expectation of them because of their faster growth in earlier time.]

"Oh by the way who's this cutie here?"

Seilyn and Myrian in a flash block the way to closer to Rhea. Even Emily shows her agitation, not her intimidation yet.

"Hey! What ar ya doin that for?!"

"That's so rude of you, you know! We just wanna get to know her as senior right?"

"Haha inde-"

"What is happening here?"

"Leader." Seilyn gives Dawgian a sign with her nod.

When Dawgian and Ranngarf realize the sign, they immediately regroup with their party.

"Oh it's Dawgian party, brother. As i thought the familiar face of those two girls."

"Yeah, what familiar ones, though i almost forgot those faces. But...what's the meaning of this? After all this time we have not meet, Dawgian?"

"Come on, we're friends at the same rank for a while now, right? Oh i see, you're that afraid because now i'm B-ranker, one level higher than you, huuhh??!!"

"Hahaha ofcourse brother! He must be down now since you're B-ranker while he's still struggling out there!"

"You're right. Sorry my little junior! I don't consider your feelings at all haha."

"...But still, can you explain your attitude right now, huh?! Junior?!!"

"Speak up, mute! Our leader ask you!"

Dawgian and his party just grit their teeth and prepare for the next course.

Though they don't anticipate the thing happens seconds later.

"What do you want from me?"

Rhea move forward and speak up for Dawgian party, since knowing that she's the one being targeted right now.

"Gehe! *smirk* What a brave little girl we have here."

"Ooh brother. Look at her! it seems she's a slave from the looks of her collar."

"Hoho you're right. How dare a mere slave become adventurer like us?"

"I think it's not your priviledge to judge anyone's value."

Emily can't hold her rage anymore.

"Hah?! Who's the-!!"

"And if i remember correctly your party has just began as B-ranker. But you already this arrogant? How shameless."

In a blink, she spreads her murderous aura as chill as snow.

"Ma-madam?! S-sorry i don't know you are here."

"So what? Will you change that attitude if you know i'm here? What a ridiculous!"

Emily continously emits her deadly glare, not giving any chance the thugs to compose themselves.

"Please, Madam. You don't have to retort such meaningless talks to them."

As much pressure he got from Emily, the leader of thugs can't tolerate humiliation from Rhea's words.

"Heh! What do we have here?! Little cute slave dare to register as adventurer then now speak up against B-ranker like me?! Let's see who's your master, huh?!!"

[When the thug launch his first strike to Rhea, suddenly a huge amount of suppressing arcana in the form of spectre appear before Rhea then block the attack from the thug.]

"Uugh..what is this?!"

"B-brother, i think it's some protection mechanism that rumoured in the city."

The leader of thugs immediately retreat to calm himself.

"Shit! Why didn't you tell me sooner?!"

"Haha! So our seniors don't even know the current trends in the city?"

Dawgian smirks while making fun of the thugs.

"I guess we should change our method. As you see here, this is our specialist sage! Take them down, my friend!"

The third thug is quiet, but his ability in magic is quite strong for C-ranker.

The result is seen by the huge fireball he summons.

"Gahaha burnt to ash, you asshole!!"

Their arrogance cloud off their judgement. So that they didn't consider the power of spectre.

"Uuaaaghh brother!!"

"What is that barrier?!"

"Impossible! Such magic can be blocked by some barrier?!"

[The barrier enacted by the spectre blocks completely the fireball, causing shockwave without much damage to the surrounding.]

[When the smoke's cleared up, Someone stands in front of Rhea. Some of the spectators expect such a sight, but not the thugs.]

"Yuki!" (Dawgian)

"Mr. Yuki!" (Emily)

"Haahh what a relief.." (Myrian)

"Fufu you're cool, Yuki~" (Seilyn)

"Hah! That's the man i know!" (Ranngarf)

"What did they do?" (Yuki)

Yuki just asks in a calm manner, but intimidating.

"They tried to ridicule Dawgian party then switch his target to Rhea, Yuki." (Emily)

"Haha! So what if i did that?! It's senior's duty to give some guidance to our little juniors. And who are you, by the way?! Dare to interupt our chattin!"

"I'm her family and companion. Who are you to order me around regarding her?"

Calmly Yuki states the fact.

"Hah! You must be the newbie who got favored by the guildmaster! You know that little slave of yours make a ruckuss just now, don't you?"

"No! They're the first one who attacked her, despite she took silently the ridicule from the start."

Emily firmly sides with Rhea.

"Everyone here is the witness!"

"Tsk! You play favoritism here, madam."

"Who are you telling me now? You're not even qualified yet to acquaintance with me as your guild's assistant." Said Emily coldly while emitting her rage.


The thug just bite his tongue knowing he's only a newbie B-ranker right now.

"Hmm..it seems my sister here didn't do anything wrong to cause them that agitated. Then i'll leave it to the guild's law, Miss Emily."

"Yes, Mr. Yuki. I'll make sure they pay the consequences fairly enough!"

Emily grins with evil intention in her mind.

"Kkuh! Don't you dare running away, brat!!"

The leader of thugs suddenly jump to Yuki with his daggers ready to pierce Yuki's chest.

It's slow in Yuki's eyes, and he knows someone with authority will come to his way, so he just prepare to dodge and ready to finish him in case that someone is late in few seconds.

"Drop your arrogance, right now!!"

When The Guildmaster and the Saintess step into the scene, All of adventurers begin to stop their move as if there's a binding magic on their body.


"Sorry to make a ruckuss!"

The thugs are shivering in fear at the presence of Guildmaster alone, standing right up front of the thugs.

"You know your mistakes?"

"Y-yes sir!!"

The three of them nod at the same time, as if chilling in the snow.

"So what punishment appropriate to this? Hmm?"

"We are sorry!! We have a reason!"

"No! They just bullied Rhea, the newcomer, and summons a fireball as big as carriage at us despite knowing there are guild staff and me in that direction."

Emily coldly report necessary facts to the guildmaster.

"M-madam! That's a misunderstanding!"

"What?! So now you doubt Emily's valuation?!!"

"N-no, guildmaster!! We don't dare!"

"Then what?! What are you grumbling about?"

"I can't let it slide, how dare such newbie go against senior like me?! And i doubt without my own eyes if he deserves such rank in a short time!!"

The leader of thugs point out at Yuki, regarding his fast promotion.

"So what? Do you suspect something from the guild huh?!"

"Ugh, No guildmaster! I don'dare to doubt your decision but you should respect the effort of seniors like us! With any means, we spent years to get promoted at least to B-rank. So i have an urge to witness his true capability!!"

"Don't beat around the bush, you know i hate it! Just say what's your idea?"

"Y-yes! I want a duel with him! A duel arranged by ourselves to determine his capability as B-ranker!"

[Hearing the shameless request, Herald just let out a sigh. Though it's kind of thrilling for adventurers at the time.]

"Haahh..how about you boy? You feel like to take up their challenge?"

"It sounds good to me."

*sigh* (Herald)

"Alright, Since both side agree with it then we'll held an official duel in three days between Yuki's party and Roaring beast party."

"Heh! Better you prepare to die, brat!!"

"Hahaha hope you won't run away because of afraid!"

Yuki just responds the rubbish talk with swaggering face. Even without words, the hoodlums understand the meaning behind that face then they're pissed off.

"Enough, this matter is over for now. Disperse now!"


"Just wait, you bastard!"

[The hoodlums finally left the scene, the other adventurers also left with excitement for the upcoming duel.]

[Later the saintess excuses herself since her business is over, but her enthusiasm over the duel is clearly seen in her face. And at the end the guildmaster unable to prevent her attending such event.]

"Alright boy, i'll excuse myself now. Got a lot works on my hands."

"Yes, oldman. I'll be on my way too."

"Oh yeah, please be really careful before the duel. They're infamous for their dirty hands on the street."

"Be at ease. I've met similar people."

"Yes, yes. I go first, Mr. Agent."

"Hmph, on your way oldman."

After The guildmaster left, Yuki come to Emily to get Rhea's card.

"Yes, it's ready Mr. Yuki. Now Rhea is officially an adventurer of Brandish Blade guild. Welcome to the adnveturer's life, Miss Rhea."

Emily hand over the card to Yuki while smiling friendly to Rhea.

"Here's your card."

"Thank you, Master. And Madam Emily..."

Rhea slightly bow expressing her gratitude whilst holding the tears to come out.

Though Yuki doesn't waste such precious time and move onto his next plan.

"Alright, let's finish our business here."

"W-where are we going now, Master?"

"Ofcourse, Training before the little game." said Yuki with playful smile.

- Fourth objective,

The dream he denies: Cleared! -


Yooo meet me in wattpad! There are more in there!

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