
The Borrowed: Aerium's Breeze

I am a cursed child by fate. Lose almost everything since child. The last straw i have is this curse... While getting harsh training everyday, waiting the only-god-knows fateful day, i'm almost dead by boredom even before fight to death with the devil of desire. Now there is no one with the same age as me can rival my power. I'm itching to dive into adventures, discovering magical land hidden at the corner of world. And that day my wish is granted..(?)

Yatoshu · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

(3) Third objective, The hunted Hunters - phase 1.1

New quest: acquired.

Do you want to continue?

> Yes

Give up (Story review)

Save (checkpoint)


Enjoy the adventure!


[Fifth day in Aerium.

Dawn at morning, Spawnhall city.]

*Chirp chirp*

Morning in Spawnhall city is relatively quiet than the central town. It has sweet scent of the forest, harmony sound of animals, gentle breeze and warm sunshine, perfect aspects for a resting place. Despite that relaxing atmosphere, Civilians of Spawnhall is already busy from early at the morning like other cities.

Every mother buy groceries,

"Mister, i want three of that veggie."

"Alright, ma'am. This is fresh, it's just deliver-"

"Hey that Cherrod is mine!"

"What?! You already have alot! I grab this first!"

"Pleeeaase maa'aam, eassyy. There're still other veggies."

every merchant shout their products,

"Fresh meeaat! New meat you've never known!!"

"What meat is this? So much fat."

"It's River mouth, ma'am. The hunter said this one is so plump. Grill them a bit then it'll be melting in your mouth!"

and every supplier bring their hunts.

"Morning oldman! Here's my daily quota."

"Hmm great as always. Here's your share!"

"Emm..can i get a bit more this time? This one is quite a catch, and this morning i rarely see them than usual."

"Hmph. Sorry kid, i'll only give you this much."

"Then the leg is mine!"

"What are y-!! You damn crazy!!"

"You stingy oldman!!"

It's the same in various places of

Spawnhall city, such as Mayor building,

*Noise of morning works*

Commerce center,

*Noise of merchants' crowd*

Smithing store,

Claang claaang!

*Noise of smithing*

Mine, Farms, and others.

Including our adventurers...




What a dream..

It's about three idiots that passingby me in another world before.**

Yuki wonders about the dream he just had while scratch his head mustering conciousness.

Now i remember, i had been 'borrowed' by another guardian before for a very short time. It was just like a dream.

Geez...it's not the time to nostalgic about past events, I forget what i did yesterday.


Yuki tries to recollect the memories of previous day while looking at the sunlight penetrated through roof window.

....ah, i remember it.

I cleared some quests, coincidentally.

I wonder how many my rank goes up.

Better ask Miss Emily before take some works.


Hmm my stats gone up like crazy though.

Yuki realizes that he already has enough stat points to be intermediate warrior.

At this point he should start his plans to accomplish the mission from Freya and

his personal interests.

I think i'll spend all of my points now.

I should start getting serious leveling up.

If i want traveling around this world, i should get the highest credibility first, so just few people can bother my plans.

Besides Miss Freya seems worried about the people she sent before me. I bet they all already have high prestige of their own,

it can't be easy to meet or even find them.

'The more reason i must have high rank.'

Oh yeah i also need to stock up some basic equipments, including weapons and some clothes. There're still so many things i need to survive in the wild and i have only one cloth.

It'll be damned if my only clothes ripped while i'm doing my quest. I think i'll go to that clothing store before. And i'll ask Mrs. Rinne the recommended smithing store since she's ex-veteran.

I should consider to buy some properties too after i get A rank at least and one - two companion. It'll be bothersome to clean the house by only myself.

Hmm...done, this stat should be fine

for now.



Name: Yuzuki Yatoshu (Male)

Race: Human

Age: 18

Job: Warlord lv.20 > 23

Rank: B adventurer

Title: None

Class: None

Currency: 70 gold, 22 silver

Storage: Medium bag, item pouch, Spatial storage.


Health 3000

Stamina 3400 > 5000

Mana 1500 > 3000

Strength 363 > 533

Wisdom 200 > 266

Vitality 270 > 336

Agility 210 > 260

Dexterity 100 > 180

Stat points 1300 > 0


Unique magic: Void

Unique passive: Ultra learn, Soulmaker

Unique ability: Appraiser lv.1

Skill points 6 > 0

Magic: Space magic lv.5

Fire offense lv.1

Water offense lv.1

Wind offense lv.1

Earth offense lv.1

Wind creation lv.5

Earth creation lv.5

Power: Combat tech lv.10

Sword tech lv.5

Throwing tech lv.2

Stealth tech lv.7

Support: Presence detect lv.5 > lv.8

Magic detect lv.5 > lv.8

Auto heal lv.3

Knowledge: Survival tact lv.5


Alright, better get ready fast. I want to arrive early at the guild before it's too crowded.

It's only a step away from bed when Yuki hears a sound from the corridor.

*Dok dok dok* The door knocked.

"Brotheer, your breakfast's reaadyy~"

Ah yeah, my breakfast.


*Door opened*

"Morning, brother!

What will you do today?"

His new little sister greet him with curiosity, as if a cat invites to play.

"I think i'm just going to the Guild, take any quests. What is it, Manna? Wanna going somewhere again?"

Yuki just answer the fact and ask her without any ulterior motives.

"Ah no no no..i'm just curious, brother.

Pl-please enjoy your meal!"

While Manna answers back with her face becoming a bit red like sunshine in early morning. She bows then leaves just like that.

'What's wrong with that girl?'

Yuki thought while analysing Manna conditions and his own answer. Trying to find the reason behind the situation.

'Hmm i think there's no problem.

Guess i'll get ready now.'


Flamerose Inn,

First floor

"Excuse me Mrs. Rinne."

"Ah morning kid, sorry my hands a bit full right now."

She's busy early in the morning?

That's unusual since i've stayed here.

"I just wanna ask something, Ma'am.

Where's the weapon store you'll recommend?"

In this city, there're 3 smithing store according Manna's map.

"Hmm if you look reliable and sturdy one yet simple equipments, you can go to Old man Druffen's workshop. He's veteran smith in this city."

Druffen's workshop, hmm that's DaDa's Happy store, right? Due to its name, it's the most unconvincing store i thought.

"Alright, thanks Ma'am. I'll be going now."

"Yeah, good luck today."

*Cling cling cling*

Hmm..the neighborhood is quiet at early morning. It is so different at night.

I think i'll head the guild first before buying things, perhaps it'll take same direction.


Spawnhall Guild

First floor, Entrance

Wow, i realize just now the guild is quite busy in the morning. There are some veterans who're ready to do their quest, on the other hand the beginners seek any information. I wonder what they seek, after all the way adventurer earns money is various.

Hmm if i remember correctly, my rank should be at the second floor.

"Mr. Yukiii, you're here."

I hear familiar voice. As i look at where the voice comes from, it's Miss Emily.


"Hey that's newbie brought by Madam Flamerose yesterday, right?"

"You're right. I wonder what rank he got."

"Nah, set aside that matter, right now Madam Emily the one calling him first."

"Yeah, there must be something."

Early at the morning they already gossip about me. Don't they have works?

I better greet Miss Emily.

"Morning, Miss. May i help you?"

"Ooh so polite you are~ i'm here to guide you for the first time by the order of Guild master."

"Hmm? Is it okay for beginner like me?"

Isn't it like playing favorite? I mean the order of Guild master and Miss Emily herself?

"Hoho don't worry at all~ it's his own decision after all. Who's small fry dare to go against Guild master?"

That sounds intimidating.


I don't know if people around me heard it or not. But it's suddenly quiet.

"Alright, i appreciate your help, Miss."

"Great! let me guide you to the second floor." Before she takes me to the second floor, i should ask what i've planned.

"Ah wait a minute, Miss. Is there some quests at the first floor that rarely taken, or perhaps not taken, by any adventurers?"



Looks like Miss Emily hardly think about my questions. Why i wonder.

"....ah! Sorry, Mister Yuki. I lost in thought, teehee."

"Never mind, but why?"

"It's just..your question is rare case, and i wonder what you wish from it? I mean you're unique from the start hihi."

She chuckles while explains it.

"From the time you explain to me about this guild system, i conclude there must be some untaken quests. Adventurers want to rise their rank fast anyway. And not all of the requesters have money or influence to reward the adventurers."

"So what are you going to do?"

"I'll clear the untaken quests, interact with people and hunt some materials along the way. Isn't it efficient?"

"I see, you'll certainly rise your rank in the process if we consider the amount of untaken quests."

"Correct, after all the quest points are based on the quest level, not sum of the reward."

"Hoo i see. You're really unique, Mr. Yuki even in your way of thinking."

I accidently make an annoyed face.

What's that meaning by the way?

"Hehe i mean it as compliment, Mr. Yuki.

No one think like you do that so there're still quite many who stuck on their rank."

"So, can i get those quests?"

"Alright, alright. We'll go to

the receptionist there."

I follow Miss Emily who agree with my idea.


My main purpose is leveling up my stats.

It's quite unfortunate if i don't use the potential of my 'curse'. Money will come to me itself if i have enough fame and high rank, so i don't need to concern it at all.

"Miss, can i get any untaken quests from this floor?"

"Ah! A-al-alright madam, please wait a moment. I'll collect them all right now, madam."

The guild staff is being panicked when Miss Emily asks her. Ofcourse who won't?

By the way why Miss Emily ask the staff?

I can do it myself.

"Why do you ask her instead of me?"

"Hee..did i say i'll guide you

today, Mr. Yuki?"

"Ugh..alright Miss, thank you."

I wonder what Guild master up to?

After a while waiting, i see a bunch of paper.

"Here they are, Madam."

I see what Miss Emily meant 'amount of untaken quests'.

They are too many!

"If i calculate them all, there are 12 D rank quests and 9 C Rank quests. Total 21 of them."

"Thank you, Miss Vena"

"Thank you very much, Madam!"

She bows immediately with full respect.

"So how is it, Mr. Yuki? Are you going to take it all then go to the second floor?"

"Hmm let me see it."

They are consist of 3 S - D rank, 3 H - D rank, 6 C - D rank, 7 H - C rank, 1 C - C rank

and 1 R - C rank.

What is it beside the rank symbol?

"Miss Emily what is it other symbol beside the rank??"

"Aah...sorry Mr. Yuki, seems that i forgot to explain them. Miss Vena can you help me in this case?"

"A-alright, Madam! Glad to meet you,

Mr. Yuki. May i explain the content of Quest?"

"Gladly, Miss Vena."

"Alright, Quest paper have some descriptions which consist of Monsters, Conditions, Difficulty, Required jobs, and Required items."

"- Monsters indicate Probable appearing monster in the quest area.

- Conditions are Requirements to clear the quest.

- Difficulty is Total score of Monsters level, Conditions, and the risk of other threats, including the terrain risk.

- Required jobs are Needed jobs for some quest so is the Required items."

"Then what is it beside the rank?"

"That's the conditions, Mr. Yuki. The conditions are categorized into five, there are S for Sweeping, R for Repelling, H for Harvesting, T for Tracking, and C for Cooperating. Each category has its own difficulty range."

Hmm i think i'll learn the difficulties range along the way, for now i should decide the route i'll take to clear these quests efficiently.

3 D rank for Sweeping quests are located in Willow's Creep, all of them is around deeper area.

3 D rank for Harvesting quests are located around City's outer wall.

6 D rank for Cooperating quests are located around Western area of city.

4 C rank for Harvesting quests are located at Outer area of Willow's Creep and the other three at the deeper area.

1 C rank for Cooperating quest is located at the western guard's post of City wall.

1 C rank for Repelling quest is located between deeper area and outer area of Willow's Creep.

Hmm it's scattered around but they have some similar route, i think i can clear the quests in one way.

The problem is..

Where is Willow's Creep?

What the hell is that name?

For the locations inside this city, i have a rough prediction where they are. It's all thanks to Manna's easy map.

"Sorry, Miss Vena, Miss Emily.

Where is the place named Willow's Creep?"

"Eeeehh..?? Are you joking, Mr. Yuki?"

"No, I'm serious, Miss Emily."

"That's the place where you come from,

the forest you hunted those monsters."


The hell?!

Why did i miss such important detail?

Neither Miss Freya, the Books, Mrs. Rinne, even Huberg's memory.

No one ever mention that to me.

"Sorry, Miss. I guess My father forgot to tell me that important detail."

"Hmm? So what Mr. Huberg call that place all this time?"

"Deep Forest."

Yuki tell Miss Emily without any thinking. As if he already accepts the fact that this is his father's lazy mistake.


That's really Mr. Huberg's way."

Hmm if that forest is Willow's Creep, then it simplify this matter. I can finish them in 1-2 days.

"Alright, Miss. We can proceed to the second floor now."

"Oh you finish your business here? Alright we won't delay any more seconds. Thanks Miss Vena."

"My pleasure, Madam!"

She bows respectfully to Miss Emily.

We immediately walk toward the stairs to the second floor. Almost every eyes on the first floor, be it veteran or beginner, look upon us. It's annoying, really.

*Whisper whisper*

"Hey they go to second floor!"

"What the?! My lifetime dream and he get in less than a week since register?!"

"Did he cheat or something?"

"But our Guild master never let any of that happen. He even can discharge noble members."

"Who knows, rumour said that newbie is son of Guild master's old mate."

"What do you think capt?"

"...Not my right. Come on we'll finish this quest fast."

"Interesting. I wonder how strong is he?"

"Isn't it obvious since our boss back him up, right?"

It's quite noisy despite their altogether whispering.


It's the sound of Miss Emily shoes stopped.

What now?

"What is it, Mr. Gullen? Any urgent you want to discuss right now?"

"I beg your pardon deeply, Madam. But as the procedure stated, i can't let any newbie step up to this floor without any proof."

"Hmm..it's quiet problematic, isn't it?

Since it's Guild master's direct order,

there's not yet any issued official note."

"That's the case, Madam. We don't want any rumor about your personal favoritsm, right Madam?"

"Oh my, how thoughtful of you.

Then wait a moment, i think i have 'personal' letter from Guild master around here...ah here it is."


That strict guy open the letter

and freeze in his place.

"Then..let's continue our way, Mr. Yuki."

Miss Emily say that with victory smile brightly, like a child.


"Hmm what is it now, Mr. Gullen?"

"How can i know this is authentic order from Guild master, Madam?!"

"How stubborn you are, that letter's written by Guild master himself. You can check the writing with other Guild master letter. And the stamp is always brought along by Guild master, i can't copy that you know~."

"No! You can just make another co-"

"Are you beginner in this field, Mr. Gullen? Guild stamp is made by the owner magic and blood. The shape is formed uniquely for each person, and you can check by your detection skill the magic flow from the stamp, can't you?"

"Guuh...even so..strange events always happened since this kid arrive at the guild. Do you force me to believe him, Madam?"

"Haaahh...actually there's one last way to prove him. But Guild master himself prohibit to use this method unnecessary."

"Hmph! That's just excuse right, Madam?"

"Alright you can stop your chatter now. You know i can tell Guild master that you false accuse his order as a fake. And by the way do you forget who you - are - talking - to?"

There appears chill aura around Miss Emily toward that staff guy.

"Uugh.p-pardon my rudeness..madam.."

He still holds his back and answer with low voice while clearly seen trembling.

"So how do you think, Mr. Yuki?

Do you want to show your id and proceed now? Or wait till next time for Guild master's official order?"

Uugh..i dont wanna make an unnecessary scene. But i should look the quests at the Second floor to make my plans.

I guess now is the time.

"Alright, Miss. No problem.

Here's my id, Mr. Gullen."

"Hmph! F-finally you can't cover your lies...huh??!!!"

For a second his arrogance is back.

But later he realize it's a dreamy reality.

"Please keep it to yourself, Mr. Gullen.

Guild master has not decided yet the announcement time. He might fire you,

no, perhaps hunt you down

if this is leaked out."

Once again Miss Emily gives out a chilly intimidation, with a wide smile. Was she an assassin before?


He suddenly quiet down now.

Grit his teeth and fist with shaking more intense throughout his whole body.

Don't know what he's thinking,

I bet he knows already it's his lose, entirely.

"Alright, Mr. Yuki, now we'll continue our tour."

"Thank you, Miss."

We pass him by without any care.

That morning, every veteran at the second floor avoid us and stare from distance. As if a kid see a demon. I wonder, they see me or Miss Emily in that view?


"What do you think his rank?"

"I don't know, but if he can get here, that means he's at least rank B, right?"

"Do you believe that?"

"Ofcourse it's still probability. Never in history beginner can get rank B at their first day."

Ofcourse everyone won't believe this fact.

But, i accompany him myself from the start.

Even though there's still need of proofs,

I already checked every adventurers schedule the day he appeared in the guild.

[Emily remembers to herself the day Yuki register to the guild.]

To monitor the progress and their safety, since long ago guild has applied reward system with hunting schedule. So everytime they depart and arrive back, we have rough estimation of adventurer's location. And the day Mr. Yuki registered, there's no one around his hunting area.

Except one person, Mr. Duran the forest guide, he should cross the path with Mr. Yuki since his hunting area near the nest of monsters that brought by Mr. Yuki.

That fact is supported by the another fact that Mr. Yuki is Mr. Huberg adopted son.

For that reason Guild master has tasked me that i only need to accompany this boy, while guild master prepares other methods to check the credibility of Mr. Yuki.

"So what will you do, Mr. Yuki? What quests will you take?"

"Hmm..i'm still unsure what i'll take.

I wonder may i bother my senior's works

if i take some quests here."

"Ooh..very considerate of you. But don't worry Mr. Yuki, everyone agree the first one take the quest will be the rightful one. In our guild, that attitude is maintained till these days."

"Hmm.." Yuki still hesitate to decide.

"I can help you choosing the right quests,

if you allow me. What's your criteria or need?"

"I think i need quests which is hunting many monsters at once, especially that may harm remote villagers."


Emily doubt her hearing, the fact Yuki choose such unfavorable quest.

"Are you sure Mr. Yuki? That kind of quests usually do not give reasonable reward and need many arms. There are even some occurance the risk is way higher than the reward. Even B-ranker rarely take those quests, except for the promotion."

"Oh really? Then I'll take all of them."

"Eh? Do you listen to my advice just now?"

"Yes, clearly."

Now Yuki answers without any hesitation

"Hmm... do you need promotion

that badly, Mr. Yuki?"

Emily still doubt Yuki's decision, after all the adventurer's safety is her responsibility.

Especially in this case.

"That may be the case, but.."

"....." *Quiet*

"Sigh...alright Mr. Yuki, but please care for your own safety first. It's the most risky kind."

"Alright, Miss. Oh by the way, how's my rank if the last hunt is accounted as well, Miss Emily?"

"You worry about that? Relax~ if i'm not wrong, your rank is half away from rank A. Since most of your hunt is B-rank monster."

"Oh i see...thank you, Miss.

Then i'll excuse myself now." *Bow a bit*

"H-huh? Where are you going?"

"Hmm? Ofcourse clearing this quests."

"Ah, right. Please be careful on your way. It's not necessary to finish them all in one day."

"Alright then, bye Miss."

He smiles? What's with that challenging smile? I hope he doesn't do something reckless.

Today i better sort my works.

Don't know what other surprise

he will bring.



Is it too short?

You bet!

Pardon me, but lately i have some 'occurance' that made me stuck.

Actually it haunts me that the story took long time.

And this chapter conclude the slow life part. More violence comiiing!!

Yatoshucreators' thoughts