
The Borrowed: Aerium's Breeze

I am a cursed child by fate. Lose almost everything since child. The last straw i have is this curse... While getting harsh training everyday, waiting the only-god-knows fateful day, i'm almost dead by boredom even before fight to death with the devil of desire. Now there is no one with the same age as me can rival my power. I'm itching to dive into adventures, discovering magical land hidden at the corner of world. And that day my wish is granted..(?)

Yatoshu · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

(2) Second objective, Daydream walk - phase 1

First morning in Aerium, as i remember yesterday i arrive in Aerium at noon and hunt till evening. it's quite exhausting, long time since i fill my desire like that actually.

Usually i hold back in Moonforest to conceal any uproar in neighborhood.

In this world there are still many unreachable spot, so i can release and experiment my full power.

Huuaahh...hmm good exercise good sleep . Now I need a bit stretching, my muscle already healed but still tired.

I wonder when my breakfast brought here as i requested to the owner yesterday.

Dok dok dok...

"Mr. Yuki, are you awake? here's your breakfast~ Can i come in?"

"Please wait, i'm coming."


I see a mature lady, but i'm not sure whether a teen girl or a woman already? something is a bit off.

"Oh! Mr. Yuki isn't it? here's your breakfast"

"Yeah, thank you lady. Pardon me, but who might you be?"

"Oh my! sorry for late introduction. Me daughter of Inn owner here, Manna, 16 years old this year. Nice meeting you, mister" and she bows.

"Ah yeah, that's explained. But, how do you know it's me? I mean, i only met your mother yesterday"

"Hihi, Mom said Mister Yuki has pitch black yet beautiful hair, pale yet bright colored skin, and Beauty yet bold manly figure. It's really confusing, but i know as i look at mister now."

"Hmm? What's with that complicated description?" It's really confusing me.

"By the way, thank you Manna. Please take care of me from now on. See ya later." as i start to close my door, i hear her hesitated voice.

"Err..sorry mister for my rudeness. I heard from mom, but why don't you wanna join us in dinner room? I mean we have lots of guest with various stories. They behave well even help us occasionally when they have rest days." she tries to persuade me with those friendly offers, huh.

"I can't explain, but for now i have works that need solitude. And i'm still exhausted from long trip."

she looks disappointed. i'm obliged to cheer her up, i guess.

"Perhaps once my works done, i'll join your circle."

she begins to smile again.

"Oh before i forget, please call me Yuki, without mister. Our age not too far."

"Eeeh really?...how much?"

"...." i carefully answer it.

"so-sorry, if it's.."

"Around 2-3 years apart." i decide it.

"eh?...then i may call you brother then, teehee."

after i ensure she's brightful as before, Manna go back to the dinner room while i go back into my room.

While i'm eating my breakfast, i'm checking details in my stats plate:


Name: Yuzuki Yatoshu (Male)

Race: Human

Age: 18

Job: Warlord lv.1 >20

Rank: None

Title: None

Class: None

Currency: 40 gold, 30 silver

Storage: Medium bag, item pouch


Health 3000

Stamina 3400

Mana 1500

Strength 300 >363

Wisdom 200

Vitality 270

Agility 210

Dexterity 100

Stat points 1000


Unique magic: Void

Unique passive: Ultra learn, Soulmaker

Unique ability: Appraiser

Skill points 0

Magic: Space magic lv.1 >lv.5

Fire offense lv.1

Water offense lv.1

Wind offense lv.1

Earth offense lv.1

Wind creation lv.0 >lv.5

Earth creation lv.0 >lv.5

Power: Combat tech lv.5 >lv.10

Sword tech lv.5

Throwing tech lv.2

Stealth tech lv.2 >lv.7

Support: Presence detect lv.3 >lv.5

Magic detect lv.3 >lv.5

Auto heal lv.3

Knowledge: Survival tact lv.5

Looks like my level jumped up to lv.20 and i put all my stat points into Strength. Yeah, i did not have much time back then in forest. I just chose the most simple choice, brute force.

As for the abilities, i only chose the suitable ones for hunting back then. It will be useful for the near future works, too.

Now i'll look at the Stats info. Anyway it seems the basic info only reflect titles recognized by people so i just jump to the Stats section.

Hmm each stats have three sub stats. 1. Strength has Physic, Muscle, and Stamina.

2. Wisdom has Mind, Intelligent, and Arcana.

3. Vitality has Elementals resistance, Ailments immunity, and Health.

4. Agility has Speed, Reflex, and Flexibility.

5. The last Dexterity has Perception, Control, and Focus.

I guess each main stat is the average of sub stats, it's matched as the calculated numbers. In this case, unfortunately each person must increase each sub stats before gain high score in main stats.

It's a bit difficult situation eventhough i agree with the sub stats description and its relation with the main stats.

Hmm...what is this?

There's additional description below the Stats info.

I see, so the stats can gain through leveling like in common. But each person can gain spesific stats through efforts, too. The example it gives is such as workout grant muscle and a bit stamina.

Then i can assume if some old man is old enough and he diligently put effort into his stats along his life, he will certainly become monstrous old man. And this is even unrelated to his level at all. I should be really careful from now on to old folks, obviously the inn owner lady.

Okay for now i get enough info about how stats work. I'll adjust to my preference, available skills, and real battles later. Then let continue to the Abilities section.

The abilities info divided into three main section and one additional section. Three main section consist of Power, Magic, and Support. The bonus section only gives info about unique condition or any blessings. I bet this section is usually only empty sheet for most people.

In my case, Bonus section is written by my "curse" Void matter. Soulmaker is just part of my "Void magic". Eventhough it's stated as magic, but actually this curse always activate within my control. If i give nothing for at least three days, this curse will consume anything around beyond my control.

Oh there is my lineage ability too! Ultra learn is what this world call, huh. At least i won't need to worry adepting in any fields. Last stock is Appraiser ability from Miss Freya.

I've already tested it since my arrival in the forest till now. At a glance it's really useful for searching any materials or monsters. And to identify my potential allies or enemies, it's quite useful too. At least the basic info about Criminal wanted or any bad deeds will pop out at the first glance.


I need more spesific use of this ability.

I search for the function of more detail appraisal:

Attribute appraisal.

If i can get the Stats info and Abilities info of my surroundings, it will give me more accurate info for my strategy in battle. More efficient works, More effective options, More reliable connections. Even for my comrades in future, it will help me knowing their abnormalities if they're in some danger.

Ah, found it.

This is the description of Appraiser.

It says there's EXPAND option to identify any detail info of every objects, even matters.

That's what i need.

Hmm but,...it needs lv. 5

It costs non arcana or stamina, still there's difficulty in leveling it up. It needs double points of usual ability. That's why this useful ability lying there untouched by any 'Heroes' people before.

Ofcourse it doesn't apply to me, fufu.

With my Ultra learning, this thing become common ability that costs average skill points.

Back to the main section.

Power ability is consist of any techniques in performing weapons. There are unarmed combat tech and assassin-type tech too like the ones i leveled.

Magic ability is consist of any type magics and miracle. What the?! there's curse, too.

Lastly the Support ability.

These abilities are mostly passive abilities and to support basic attributes. I guess this ability section is the one mostly used by people in daily live. But to me, these abilities is the most important ones.

Okay after review the available abilities, now i need to make sure how these abilities work.

First my chosen abilities, Unarmed combat tech and Sword technique.

Hmm it seems both have same proportion in granting additional damage, they are only slightly different in terms of practical use. While Unarmed combat tech only applied to Non-weapon strike, Sword tech applied to any kind of swordmanship include Great sword.

What i concerned about its actual additional damage. Level 1 only gives 1% addition of damage, but each level upgrade the addition 10-15%. Its gap is too far, beside it gives a skill each two level, too. So one level gives significant advantage in battle, huh.


And looks like this applied to all abilities, Power, Magic, even Support.

Hmm despite the lv. 1 is easy to gain, the leveling is another story, just like leveling the stats.

I guess in this world, effort equal to power. Good world.

Okay, now my break time is done and i've finished review the plate. It's time to make my id with the inn owner.

And ofcourse while at it, i should ask the inn owner what job available in this city. i need find appropriate job with my abilities before my money runs out. If possible, one with stable income.


I come to the lower floor where the inn owner usually work around this hour, dinner room.

"Oh brother, wanna join now?" Manna ask cheerfully.

Unfortunately i just wanna ask the inn owner around here.

"Ooh so here's the new brother of Manna, huh."


Name: Ranngarf (Male)

Race: Dwarf

Age: 28

Job: Gladiator lv.20

Rank: C Adventurer

Title: -

Class: None

Storage: -

"Hmm quite handsome, isn't he."


Name: Seilyn (Female)

Race: Dragonian-Lamia

Age: 23

Job: Sage lv.19

Rank: C Adventurer

Title: -

Class: None

Storage: -

"Heh, you're fast when see anyone handsome."


Name: Myrian (Female)

Race: Harpy

Age: 24

Job: Slayer lv.18

Rank: C Adventurer

Title: -

Class: None

Storage: -

"Hmph don't bother, kid. you're still under age." (Seilyn)

"What dyou say?! Hey, ##$ i'm older than you, brat!" (Myrian)

"Once again i dare you?!" (Seilyn)

"Calm yourself both, it's Manna's brother love."


Name: Dawgian (Male)

Race: High elf

Age: 21

Job: Rogue lv.18

Rank: C Adventurer

Title: -

Class: None

Storage: -

"Nooo..it's just brother, there's nothing about love at aaall."

"Hoho something going on in that moment~." (Myrian, Seilyn)

"So..so what is it brother?"

"Sorry Manna, i'm just gonna check jobs around here. Maybe next time."

"O-okay, Mom's right there. I'm here if you need..anything."

"Thanks Manna." I pat her head while passing her.

"Woohoo It's hot heeree~" (Myrian, Seilyn)

"Waaah~" (Manna)

Her voice's trembling, dunno what face she makes.

"Morning ma'am."

"Morning Yuki, So how you capture the heart of mine daughter? Mind to share your tips, hmm?"

she point at Manna who's still playing with those adventurers.

"So you're watching, ma'am." geez i'm stunned, sigh...

"Ofcourse! i won't miss my daughter's first romantic story, will ya?!" she's glaring at me intensely.

"Ok, please forgive me ma'am." i try to stop her before going further.

"alright, alright...i know it's first time she gets weird customer. furthermore that certain customer's age not far from her, so more like new sibling to her."


"it's understandable, she's alone for a long time since her father passed away and i'm busy with my work for our own life. I'm glad enough to see her bright like this."

"pardon me, ma'am.."

"But it's too soon for her having her first love! i'm not ready to part away with her!"


"So don't do anything suspicious around here, you understand, brat?!"

"Sigh, Please listen ma'am. i'm down here just to ask available jobs around here. Nothing related with such love."


"such moodkiller, are you."

"...." i'm waiting silently for her guidance.

"geez, sorry seems like i'm the one carried away too far here."

"Here some requested job from some customers. And there is Guide board Manna have made about this city landscape. You can try any mentioned place there to get job. For the details you can just read in that board." while she's pointing a medium wide board near the inn entrance.

"Alright, when i make my id, then?"

"Oh right, you can look at the board awhile and i'll prepare to guide you there."

"Okay then. Thanks ma'am."

"I'm not your mom yet!"

i walk away as i hear her misunderstanding.

in my hands there are several jobs requested by civilians around here. I guess this inn really famous meetup place for various professions, not only adventurer. The requests demand many different works, from simple help cleaning shop, arranging farm field, till cleaning monsters in city perimeter. First, let see what jobs offered by this city in the board.

Hmm..this board gives guidance about this city with spesific pictures just like guide map in modern era.

So this city has Adventurer guild, Administrator guild, and Worker guild. Besides there is Commerce square, what difference with market?

The administrator guild placed within Mayor building? Then is it related with government? I'm curious eventhough should avoid it as much.

Then...some places that possibly has job requests are:

1. adventurer guild,

2. worker guild,

3. smith workshop, and

4. alchemist workshop.

The Commerce center and administrator guild only stated as Regulator center, perhaps it means as Information and Administration center for civilians.

Hmm i wonder is it good to become merchant later.

"Do you finish looking at the board?"

Ah yeah, i was waiting the owner lady to prepare before we go make my id.

"Ofcourse ma'am." When i turn around, i see the owner lady have her makeup and pretty clothes with some armor. Dress for adventurer, old habit i guess.

"What?! Do i look too old wearing this?" She's glaring, but blushing??

"Ofcourse not ma'am, just first time see you wearing those."

"Oh ok...then let's go to Adventurer guild."

"Right behind you, ma'am."



As we walk in the city, i try to remember the path. It's similar with the map, though. That Manna indeed is good at making map with detail information.

"Here we are, kid."

It's as huge as the inn and its location right in front of the city center. As stated in the map, i assume that big building in the center is The Mayor Mansion, with the Administrator guild inside.

"Don't be nervous, kid. I'll be the first who will speak to the guild, the rest is for you to give them some reliable proof that you're not any criminal."

"Alright, ma'am."


"Wow who's that beaut?" Adventurer1

"Wa-waah..Tone down your voice, that's the retired legend!" Adventurer2 *whisper

"Wh-what do you mean?" *Whisper

"Those retired S-ranker, i mean! They are not just in title and influence, but physically S-ranked too! I'm gettin out here." *Whisper

"Wa-wait for me, dude." *Whisper

Hmm the owner lady really have some history, huh.

"Ah, sorryy~" adventurer3

"Does she come back now?" Adventurer4 *Whisper

"Hey, over there! get away!" Adventurer5

"Hiiiy Almost die..." Adventurer6

Most of them are scared, disperse and make a way for this lady. I'm just worried that they'll try to make an immoral move to the lady.

Just my imagination, i guess.

"Move, big baby." The owner lady order a hooligan-look guy.

"Oh, what's the problem, lady? Hoho you have nice look and body, huh."

"You have good taste, big bro."

"Yeah, fufufu."

"I don't have all day, just move."

"Hoho this old bitch dare to play rough with the great me~ don't you know what party i am in?"

"Tell her, brother!"

"She'll regret, bro."

"Dun care, just get over with it and out." I see Ma'am glare at them and start to activate a bit intimidation.

"Kuuh..i'm with the Silver honor, the team led by the Knight Frangust himself! He's known to never-"

"-Let others dishonor his team members, right? I know him very well. So just out with it."

"Guhuhu you still dare glaring at me?! You're dead, bitch."

Suddenly someone wearing silver armor, except helmet, appear before us. He looks a bit in rush.

"What's going on? I hear some disturbance here from Olivia."

"Hmph, for this once that Olivia side with me, huh. Must be my lucky day."

"So who start-!! Master?!"

That new guy start to make a salute to the lady.

"Wha?! Boss? Why you sudden-"

"Shut up! You're new members, but already make some scenes! Despicable!"

"How you got this bummers, Frangust kid?" The lady mention his name, Frangust. I guess i'm too absorbed into this drama that i forgot about my ability.


Name: Frangust

Race: Human

Age: 25

Job: Knight lv. 61

Rank: A-Adventurer

Title: Silver blade

Class: Honorary Knight

Storage: Pocket bag

"Sorry, Master. They just recently join into my team by force, i already reject them several times. But due to some circumtances...."

"Alright, alright. Since it's you, i guess this problem is over now, right?" She's still using intimidation to her disciple?

"Yes, Master! Hey you, newcomers. Just apologize to madam and get out!"

"Guuh...Damn!! I quit from your cowardly party!" That big hooligan don't take the hint and still arrogantly bark.


Name: Gollan

Race: Human

Age: 21

Job: Fighter lv. 17

Rank: C-Adventurer

Title: -

Class: -

Storage: -

"What?!" Frangust flinched by that hooligan attitude.

"Yeah, that's right! I thought i can get fame and increase my rank fast by joining your petty 'honor' group! But! Look at you now! Bow to fragile bitch like her! Bah!! Then if i kill her right now, even i can become A-ranker like you, Sir, right boys?"

"Gahaha That's right bro!

Give me some of her too, big bro!

I can't wait, hold my thirst long enough~"

"Fufufu i can't hold back, too. Enough with that honor crap, bro!"

That Frangust guy only stand silent there. But he looks holding back his anger? Is it perhaps because he's at front of his master?

"See? We quit, sir. Alright boys, Now i'll start th- BUGH!!"

He's flying right to the top wall behind that Stupid Gollan. But, what everyone should concern is..

This lady hit him with her pinky.

What Monstrous Strength.

"Why am..i..over here?" That's last statement before Gollan faint. Up there, literally.

"Gaaah brotheeer!!"

"We're sorryy! Please let us leave!!"

"As i said, don't waste my time!"


They left cowardly as they said.

"Forgive me, mast-"

"Come on, kid."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Next time, Fran boy."

"May you always healthy, madam."

As we continue our business,

i see Frangust salute to the lady

on her way.

"Is it okay leaving that guy behind, ma'am?"

"Hmm? It's alright, Frangust always a good boy. He will understand. Now your id is the priority for my time. I still have inn to take care." (Rinne)

"I appreciate it, ma'am." (Yuki)

"Wait, lady and sir over there!! What's happened here?! What's with the mess around here?!"

Who's that stranger?..

"....Who are..you?" (Rinne)

"I am the guild staff here, and you're destroying guild while i'm taking shift now. Please explain everything to me!! Or i'll get the blame of everything, lady!"

"Fran boy, sorry to bother you again." (Rinne)

"No problem, Master." (Frangust)

"Sir, i'm glad you're here."

(Guild staff)

"Fran boy, are his words true? I thought Emily's the one will welcome me."

"Yes, ma'am. Everything's changed while you're inactive."

"Wait, Wait! Who are you freely mention madam emily's name, old hag?! And you dare to Friendly talk to Sir Frangust here with high tone like that?! You must be countryside grandma, huh?!"

"Sir boy, please silence this squeaky mutt."

"Ye-yes, right away madam!"

Frangust looks terrified and immediately drag that noisy staff.

"What are you doing, sir? Isn't she the one beating your members and humiliating your name? I saw it from the start! Let me help you, sir!"

The staff try to persuade sir Frangust.

"What's your name, boy?"

"Sean, my name's Sean, sir."

"If you really want to help me. Please be silent and call Miss Emily here right now." Now Frangust the one using intimidation.

"Bu-but i need to clean this mess and take care of that violent old lady or adventurers will complain to me about this unjust. Besides Madam Emily still busy with her works righ-"

"Oh, what surprising guest i don't see for quite a while. Long time no see, Mrs. Flamerose."

"Agh, madam! Please excuse me, i'll take care of this and that lady righ-"

"Sean, why don't you tell me that we got special guest today?"

"But madam, you got tons of work and that lady des-"

"Let me handle this myself and you can continue your work, Mr. Sean."

"But Shouldn't i conduct justice here?"

"I've known all this time you only favor high-ranker adventurers, futhermore all of adventurers you've helped are the troublemakers."

"H-how could you k-"

"And i know myself clearly this beautiful lady here never give the guild trouble, instead all of her contributions provide developing our guild than most of adventurers. So ofcourse it's fair enough i'll give special treatment to this lady."

"Why? Wh-who's that lady, madam?"

"Oh, my. Haven't you heard from any veteran adventurers here? The orange-glowing hair lady with the family name Flamerose? This here is S-ranker adventurer, Bloody Rose."

".....?!" (Sean)


"That legendary adventurer?!"

"I view her name in couple of credits on the Guild's honor case."

"Oh! So she's the one."

"Waah i've read all articles about her!"

"That's right, i become as adventurer since hear stories about her!"

"Wow, i'm big fan of her, too. Especially her fashion you know."

All of young adventurers talk about the inn lady in various different subjects. But only one thing they talk about, that's respect to her.

"Madam, welcome to the guild. Please take care of us once again!"

And that the old folks doing.

They salute and bow to the lady, include Frangust ofcourse.


When they see their seniors do the salute, the young folks follow their lead in the end. Is this lady some kind of Kingdom general?

"See for yourselves, Sean. I think you should socialize more with the good veterans than troublesome newbies."

"I-I am sorry..madam...Lady Flamerose." He just beg now.

"Ok, continue your work. And don't forget your 'overwork time' today."

Now it's madam Emily turn the one using intimidation.

In this world, are the strong people love using intimidation?


"This way, Mrs. Flamerose."

"Right, come on kid."

"Right, ma'am."

"You lot, disassemble. You just make me embarrassed, you know. Don't do it this way again." (Rinne)

"Yes, ma'am!"

Their voice echoes in sync, i never see some military-like shout like this.

"Guuhh, come on Emily. I don't have time."

*Giggle* Miss Emily just smile and lead us to the inner room.

"So what is it, Mrs. Rinne? It's rare occasion you come here yourself. By disguise i mean, isn't your style just barge in publicly?"

"You know me, Emily. I don't like attentions and adventurers job will be disturbed, only to welcome me like that one before."

"I guess you're right. As always Thanks for your concern Mrs. Rinne."

"But i don't know you become supervisor now~ and what's with that elegance? Hmmm? Is this our little Emily that like child back then?"

"Hoho time change everyone, ma'am. Aren't you the same?"

"Hoho what's that meaning?~"

Pffft Hahahaha

They both laugh hard.

I'm bored with this old ladies drama.

"Hmm i'm glad you haven't changed, Mrs. Rinne. So what's your business?"

"I promise this kid to help make his id. He said he come from the deeper part of forest."

"Oh! Interesting, is it true Mister..?"

"Yuki, and it's the truth, Miss."

"Kid, let us hear your stories. You can trust us."

"Yeah, i'm curious now."

"Alright...First this is a proof from my adopted dad. Please do not be too shocked after check at this and hear my story."

"Huh? What is it, kid?"

"Yeah, what's so important about that th-!!"

"That can't be...kid..you are..?"

"Let me start my story, ma'am."

That morning is long enough for me, quite exhausting eventhough i don't do hunting like my routines.

I wasted much training time, but it's important to strengthen the basic trust of long-term relationship.

"..." Quite much drops of sweat Miss Emily has around her face.

"...it's a bit shocking after hearing nostalgic name, indeed." Lady Rinne can maintain her cool on the face, but not her voice.

"Thank you for your information, young man. I'll make sure to deliver your story to the Guild master, i think he want to know about one of his best adventurers' life, too. And perhaps you'll get some compensation from the guild."

"Thanks for your understanding, miss. But no need for compensation, my step dad's happy for his own decision. And i only follow his last words."

"Hmm indeed, so you want to follow your dad's steps as adventurer, too?"

"Yes, Miss Emily.

That's all he taught me."

"Alright, We'll start right away. Let me take some stuffs first." *Humming*

"Thanks, miss."

"Thank you, Emily." (Rinne)

"You're welcome, just wait a moment there." (Emily) *Humming*

*Door closed*


"Yes, ma'am..?"

"I'm glad you chose my inn back there."

"Me too, ma'am."

"I know you have some strength since back then, i can feel it. But, till now i still can't believe you're being taught and live with Huberg."


"I know Huberg very well, better than i know Frangust boy."


"....I think you're good kid. And I can trust you right, yuki?"

"Certainly ma'am. You helped me a lot. Then I'll help you with my best."

"Thanks, and You can tell me anything in the future, we are much more like family anyway." *Smirk*

"Thank you, ma'am. I think i can't thank you enough very soon."

*Giggle* i see her smiling face for this once. Is it feeling of motherly love?

Baam *door opened*

"Thank you for the waiiit~"

"Oh looks like you both have a good time there~ what is it? Now You take someone as your son, Mrs. Rinne?"

"Why are your sense always so sharp in this kind of situation, Emily?!"

"Hoho being guild staff, i learn that Gossip is the best entertainment you know~"

"And why do you look so happy??"

"You know, it's been looong time i do the beginner test in the guild."

"Huh?" (Rinne)

"Not long after you're retired, i become more like 'document archiver' than supervisor. It's sooo boring."

"I prefer this job as test administrator, you know, feeling curious about adventurer's abilities."

"I know that feeling, curious about new talent in new generation."

"Right? Right?"

"Ok, now we're set. Let's start, Yuki."

"Right." (Yuki)

"First, fill your form. Please be careful, that form enchanted by 'Sinner's bind' spell. So you can't hide your crime, you may cover your privacy though."

"Alright then...is it because i come from deep forest, Miss?"

"Yes, anyone from unknown background should pass this test. Sorry Yuki, it's formality."

"It's okay, i'll take anything to make trust with the guild, Miss."

"Hoho that's good to hear."


"It's done, Miss."

"Let me check them. I'm curious to know."

"Let me see too, Emily."

"Wow...is it true Mr. Yuki?!"

"I can't imagine you're this strong, kid."

"Hmm? Shouldn't i be honest here?"

"Ofcourse, good to be honest, it's just a bit shocking, Yuki. Twice a day, huh? What's the third?"

"Haha i know, Mrs. Rinne. I'm excited to tell Guild master, too you know~ i'm sure he'll be overjoyed to get such prodigy like you, Mr. Yuki."

"Ah, thank you for your praise, Miss."

"No, Yuki. Emily is right, she's not exaggerated. These days there's no adventurers with decent abilities, let alone prodigy."

"Yeah, with your ability alone, our guild can provide you with all of C-rank quests."

"That's what i get?"

"Yeah, kid. Guilds in this kingdom have rules to give quests only based on abilities, attitude, and contributions. All of them to ensure the safety of adventurers and the succes rate. I don't know what other kinds of guild, though."

"Ah, sorry Mr. Yuki. I guess you don't know the rules yet. I'll tell you in details after we finish all of the tests anyway."

"No, i mean that's already good for me. But, yeah let proceed this test first."

"Now the Capability Appraisal. We'll check Your entire plate, please give your approval so we'll insert them into your card."

"So what's the form purpose? We can just use that Appraisal tool right?"

"I get that a lot~ the form is for legal use. In the form adventurers should obey the fair conditions we offer, i guess you've read them, right?"

"Yeah, that's why i wonder there's contract like that in ability form. Although it's quite safe and fair conditions, i'd say."

"Hoho looks like you got smart son, Mrs. Rinne. You must feel lucky right?"

"Yeah, i'm still amazed by all of his surpri-. Wait! What do you mean?!"

"Anyway, the appraisal has other purposes, you know. First, to detect any ability that even the owner haven't realized. So it helps to develop the adventurers in the right way."

"And second, Miss?"

"To detect any crime that may remain in adventurers' past. Be it accidentally or not."

"Hmm fair enough, then how do i start?"

"Ooh, keep your cool, young man? I guess there's really nothing in your plate, huh. Then please put your hand on this pedestal."

"Alright, Miss."


"Wo-woow you start right away from this intense light? How strong you really are, Mr. Yuki?!"



"Alright, i expect more than that. Let's see the result."


Name: Yuzuki Yatoshu

Race: Human

Age: 18

Job: Warrior lv.20

Rank: None

Title: None

Class: None


Health 3000

Stamina 3400

Mana 1500

Strength 363

Wisdom 200

Vitality 270

Agility 210

Dexterity 100



Space magic lv.5

Fire offense lv.1

Water offense lv.1

Wind offense lv.1

Earth offense lv.1

Wind creation lv.5

Earth creation lv.5


Combat tech lv.10

Sword tech lv.5

Throwing tech lv.2

Stealth tech lv.7


Presence detect lv.5

Magic detect lv.5

Auto heal lv.3


Survival tact lv.5

"Kyaaaaa?!!" Both of them scream out at the same time. I didn't expect such thing will happen.

Dok dok dok!!

"What is it, madam Emily?!"

"Master, are you alright??"

"Whose cute voice is there? Madam, anyone else there?"

"There's noothiiing!! Everything is fiiine!!" (Emily)

"..!! We just train a bit of magic heeree~ perhaps there's voice disruption." (Rinne)

"....ok, if that's what you say madam."

"Master, please call me if anything happens."

"Back to work, guys~"

"You too, Frangust! Just do your quest! Don't worry about me."

"..alright. Please excuse me, Master."

"Fyuuuh~" now they both are relief at the same time.

"It has to be secret into our grave, do you agree, Mrs. Rinne?"

"It's the first time i agree with you right away, Emily. It's..."

"It's embarrassing to scream like that at my age~" they really sync in this situation.

"Why both of you shout anyway?"

"Are you so dense, Mr. Yuki? Look at your own stats and abilities!!"

"She's right, Yuki. Despite your age, your capabilities alone rival average veteran with 20years experience. You can say you're strong as B-rank 35-years-old adventurer!!"

What the?!

I'm being compared to old man?!

"Sharp as always, Mrs. Rinne." (Emily)

"She's right, your capabilities level is already at B-rank, Mr. Yuki. Unfortunately you still have to follow our procedures. But i'm certain if you diligently clear many quests and meet other requirements, you'll be B-ranker in no time! You'll be the youngest B-ranker in history!! Ow yeaah!" (Emily)

"You're really too happy for this stuff, Emily."

"But ofcourse, Mrs. Rinne. Our branch will have super prodigy in the entire world in this era! We will get a lot donation from the Kingdom! We will win many tournaments! And of course we will get many rare materials from high rank quests!!"

"Yes, ofcourse if Yuki decide to not move on to other guild~" (Rinne)

"Yeah, ofcourse~ hic..." (Emily)

Then she glares at me so intently.

"Mr. Yukiii, please stay with us as long as you can~" (Emily)

"Eemmm...i can't decide right now."

"It's no good to hold adventurer's growth. Naturally Yuki will stay here if he needs us." (Rinne)

"I know it's imposs-" (Emily)

"So we just have to make Yuki need us, how does it sound?" (Rinne)

"Fufu...fufufu that amazingly good idea." (Emily)

"Fufu praise me more~" (Rinne)


"....can i hear the rules now?"

"Oh yeah. Sorry for my excitement, Mr. Yuki. Let me explain the rules and condition of the Guild now."

"Alright, i'm listening."

"In the guild there's five ranks and one special rank. Those are D for beginners, C for Trained members, B for Advanced members, A for experts and S rank for The masters."

"Each rank have 3 requirements, capability, credibility, and experience. We can classify capability and experience into ranks as same as the common rank. But credibility is the hardest to maintain along the time, it's about your relation with quest giver, attitude, and manner."

"Hmm quite complicated."

"So like case before, we can give you quests macthed with your experience and capability rank in some extent. But for some spesific quests and high rank quest such as A and S rank, we need evaluate your credibility rank."

"So why the guilds apply this complex system?"

"It's not like this in the beginning, kid."

"Yeah, as Mrs. Rinne said, this rules change occured in her era."

"Previously, the guilds apply rank system mainly based on capability. So with enough capability, even the newbies can become high-ranker."

"It's unfair to the veteran adventurers. And ofcourse the newbies die easily because of their arrogance, despite their rank."

"On the other side, the veterans who have experience and enough capability can't climb their rank any further. It's because The guilds have their members limit for each rank."

I can figure that out. In Fact, there are a lot of low-rank quests in quantity, if the high-ranker is much more than low-ranker then who will clear the low-rank quest? There're only handful people who want to do low-rank quests by their will.

"And the worst is happened at the moment of 'Red dusk accident'."

"Nah, that's still too early for Yuki, Emily."

"I guess that's right. In short, at the present we measure both experience and capability as the minimum. And credibility is the most important when we talk about critical situation, influential mission or even our customer trust. It helps us in gaining accurate report, relationship, Kingdom's support, even..."


"our people's life and death."


In some situation, that's correct.

"That's all for your briefing. As long you follow our seven rules, we can assure you that you're not the wrong side. And for the guild's facility, you can ask the receptionist or me each time you rank up. Any questions?"

"So what's the special rank?"

"Let me answer that one, Emily."

"Oh my, thank you Mrs. Rinne. I'm gonna get drinks for us. I forgot them because i was too excited, teehee."

"Yeah, that's better."

*Door closed*

"Let me to the point, Yuki. The special rank is X-rank. This rank is measured solely by capability since the beginning."

"I don't know the truth, but i heard from the guild master, some high-rank general, and saintess of the shrine. They said all of this measurement system comes from an ancient hero summoned from other world, she becomes the first priestess of the guardian Freya. Since her time till now this tool can measure our maximum potential, but no one able to reach the X-rank realm, ever. It's just there since then."

"Every S-ranker had tried many methods, but still the leveling difficulty is just too large. No one can achieve even one step in that realm. Since it's above S-rank, the X-ranker must be going through all procedures to S-rank. So we just decide no need the credibility and experience rank for X-ranker."

"Hmm interesting, so where i can check all of the rank conditions?"

"As Emily said, that includes in Guild facilities."

"Sorry, it took a while~. So how's the story?"

"I've just finished explaining it to Yuki."

"Then any other questions, Mr. Yuki? Oh, please drink before you leave."

"No, for now it's enough. Thank you very much, Miss Emily. I bet it's exhausting to explain that all."

"Nah, it's fine. I'm the one too excited. Your id will be issued after three days, i need to discuss first with Guild master. Your case is exception, you know~ so i can't decide on my own right now."

"Uuh..okay. I guess i can wait that long."

"Kyaa kyaa i can't wait to tell Guild master. I bet he won't believe it without his own eyes!"

Isn't that trouble for me?

"Okay then, Emily we'll take our leave now. It's already too late, i still have inn to run."

"Okaay Mrs. Flamerose, thanks for your newbie. Please bring me some amazing newbies again in the future~"

"I'm not a damn school, you know! Bye then."

"Thank you for your patronage."


My head bow a bit to Miss Emily before we leave the room.

Outside the room there are already some people await.

"How's madam Emily, Lady Flamerose?"

"Look for yourself there."

*Kyuu kyuu* she looks super excited.

"Uuh..i don't know, she's unusual."

"Yeah. I'm worried, is she okay?"

"Master!" (Frangust)

"Why are you still here? You already know yourself right, what's your job as A-ranker?" (Rinne)

"Be example for my junior, be help for my senior!!"

"Then what are you waiting for?!"

"But, you're my foremost priority, master. I can't be as of today without your efforts!"

"Then do you underestimate me since you're A-ranker now?!"

"Ofcourse i don't dare, master."

He reflects to his own words now.

"Back to work, boy. I'll back to my home and do my homework. Come on, Kid."

"Yes, ma'am."

I'm really bored with this teacher-student drama after that old ladies drama.

"Yes, master. Be well on your way."

"Madam Flamerose!"



Frangust give salute followed by other adventurers who pass by Lady Rinne.

"Yeah, yeah. Back to work."

"Hey i heard madam runs an inn, do you know something?" *Whisper*

"It's my first time hearing that." *Whisper*

"What? What? Something interesting?" *Whisper*

I hear them while passing by. I expect Ma'am reputation will increase more and more from today onward.

Once i get in my room, i guess i'll just rest for today. It's really tiring with all of that commotions.

- Second objective,

Daydream walk: In progress -