
The Borrowed: Aerium's Breeze

I am a cursed child by fate. Lose almost everything since child. The last straw i have is this curse... While getting harsh training everyday, waiting the only-god-knows fateful day, i'm almost dead by boredom even before fight to death with the devil of desire. Now there is no one with the same age as me can rival my power. I'm itching to dive into adventures, discovering magical land hidden at the corner of world. And that day my wish is granted..(?)

Yatoshu · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

(1) First objective, First blood

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> Start new


It's my first step into an unknown forest. Instead of panic, Actually i'm excited of uncertainty such as what creatures i'll find? what materials exist here?

It's more interesting than my secret trips in Moonforest, fufu.

But, first let me check the stats plate that taught by Miss Freya. It's appeared in front of my eyes with some details:


Name: Yuzuki Yatoshu (Male)

Race: Human

Age: 18

Job: Warlord lv.1

Title: None

Class: None

Currency: 50 gold, 50 silver

Storage: normal bag, item pouch


Health 3000

Stamina 2500

Mana 1500

Strength 300

Wisdom 200

Vitality 270

Agility 210

Dexterity 100


Unique magic: Void

Unique passive: Ultra learner, Soulmaker

Unique ability: Appraiser


Space magic lv.1

Fire offense lv.1

Water offense lv.1

Wind offense lv.1

Earth offense lv.1


Combat tech lv.5

Sword tech lv.5

Throwing tech lv.2

Stealth tech lv.2


Presence detect lv.3

Magic detect lv.3

Auto heal lv.3


Survival tact lv.5

I doubt about my current stats info, how strong these numbers imply?

"Do you not believe me?! sob..sob.."

"?!" What? Is that Freya's voice?!

"You still look at me...Miss Freya?"

"Relax~ you can converse with me in your thought."

'Hmph so this is what you called stand by me.'

'Wow you already know using telepathy, i chose the right person! fufufu'

'Not that i care.'

'So rude...'

'Nevermind, i'll ask you later. For now i need to clarify how strong my stats.'

Bad luck for a two-legged giant lizard, that look humanoid, encounter with me. I try my basic combat tech to it.

Combat tech: Basic form fist.


the humanoid lizard become crushed meat in a second before able to react.

Hmm i'm still unsure how strong i am now.

Guess it's unavoidable that i must hunt some.

'Hmph you can hunt as many as you want, but that's your previous power!'

'Sure sure, it's just that, this world interests me.'

And then i start exploring the mysteries of this forest at the first step in Aerium.


Some hours passed since i go deeper into the forest and indulge myself with curiosity. And it's already late evening.

I succeed killing some species of plant and animal while testing my power and abilities. Some of them escaped though, ofcourse i didn't intend to erase their existence anyway.

I guess it's time to find good place to rest. Hmmmm it's been long time since i exhaust my whole body like this. I hope the bed is quite soft.

After walk a bit around the bush, i found the path which seems used often by people around here. Guess i'll follow it, hope the civilization is near from here.

a few minutes walking finally i see person figure far away. I walk closer to it and apparantly it's a male adventurer, first Aerium person i meet. I greet him with slightly lower my body.


Name: Duran (Male)

Race: Human (80%)/ Forest Elf (20%)

Age: 38

Job: Warrior lv.26

Rank: C Adventurer

Title: Forest Guide

Class: None

Storage: Travel Backpack (Limit: 20kg)

It's triggered spontaneously,

eventhough it's only basic info.

"Excuse me, mister. May i know where the nearby city or village?" (Yuzuki)

"Hmm..? oh! how can you be here?!"

"emmm.." (Yuzuki)

"Here is dangerous area for civilian! there are alot strong and fierce monsters here!"

"Are you okay? hurt anywhere kiddo? i have some cure with me."

"For now it's okay, i just need place to sleep tonight"

i hold myself because of his checkout on me and give him a fake smile.

"Are you sure? it's unfortunate if young one like you wasted in this place, you know."

i lower my head a bit for thanking this stranger concern. i'm ashamed of myself that i've prepared to kill him in case he's a bandit.

"Ah! Ofcourse...you'll be reserved meeting stranger. Sorry for late introduction, I am adventurer on mission here."

"And for your question, you can just follow this path. Don't stray from the main road. There's intersection and you can follow the sign. It's not far, only take around ten mins walking."

"Thank you, mister. I'll be sure pay you back next time we meet."

"It's Okay, my duty. Stay safe in your travel there. Sorry i still have jobs, unable accompany you there."

"It's alright, once more i thank you."

I wave my hand to that kind mister while slowly run forward with expectation and excitement to the first city.

It's exactly like that mister said, 10 mins from the spot i met him. Actually i already can see the city wall from the forest exit. And it's really huge upclose here. I walk calmly to the guard post besides the city entrance, don't know what i need to enter the city though. Seemed only two guards there.

"Excuse me, sir" i greet them casually.

"Yes, What business do you have here?" One of them respond to my greeting.

"I wish to find job here, sir. I lived a bit deeper in the forest since my childhood. Lately there are more monsters than usual and attack my hut."

"Wait, waiiit!! did you say you live in deeper part of this forest? How's that possible?! Do you have better lies?"

Said guard 1

Dammit, i just follow the setting prepared by Freya.

'Hey, lady! how's this situation? actually did you really set the background for me before? or just give some advice here?'

'Hmph! don't underestimate me! even looks like this, i always prepare diligently and that's the reason i've been tasked by this world, you know!'

'Then what should i do to convince them?'

'Hmm let me think a bit what i've prepared.'

"Hey! Why you're so quiet suddenly? is it bullseye for what i've just said?" he sigh then

'Here Yuki, The memory of Huberg the Adventurer. and his proof already sent to your backpack.'

'Got it.'

"Excuse me, sir can i take my proof in backpack?"

"Sure, have a distance. i still distrust you."

"Here, sir."

I give them the proof, looks like it's guild tag identified as Huberg belonging. As shown in my memory, Huberg lived his last moments as devoter to the Guardian Freya and his role as my 'step dad'.

When the guard 1 see that tag, he's trembling.

"Actually Huberg is my adopted dad. He said that he found me when i was baby. Then told me to go here if there's problem in the forest."

As i explain this to the guard 1, the other guard curiously come close to us looking the guard 1 trembles, unintentionally hear my explanation.

"Hey dude what's he talking about?"

Guard 2

"It's really his tag! Huberg's S rank tag!" Guard 1

"Seriously?! then his statement is valid, anyway no one can alter the tag except the identifier."

"Hmm...i guess, you're right. It makes me curious how Huberg end up with this brat. Furthermore in the deep forest."

"Oh that's the situation. I can see why you're hesitate letting him in. But buddy, all of it makes sense if that's truely Huberg's tag. Since Huberg is one of the top adventurer, even a hero in this city, it's possible he lives in the deep forest."

"....." Guard 1

"Boy, just go through. But please don't embarras Huberg in heaven." Guard 2

"Thank you, sir." Yuzuki

When i start walking to the city gate, the first guard speak to me.

"Boy, next time we meet, tell me how's his end story."

His eyes is filled with longing something, clearly but veiled at the same time.

"My pleasure."

"Anyway, Welcome to the border city, Spawnhall." He says that while turning his sight from me, as if he still disagrees to let me in.


Nah, it's not my problem, i enter the city without caring his gesture.

Finally i get into the first city.

Not much as i expect such as common border city, but it's lively. Curious me, what's their specialty.

Ah, i forget asking the guards where the inn here.

Guess i'll have a bite and ask around.

There the clothing shop, i need appropriate clothing to adjust with the culture here. Beside to make some change for my money.

"Welcome customer, may i know your need?"

i purposely choose average shop to know the currency value here. if i choose high-class looking shop, certainly i'll be kicked out before buying anything.

"Pardon me, may i see through your stuff, madam?"

"ah sure sure, here's the way."

Quite polite as i hoped.

While i'm following her, i look around there are some sections from cheap looking quality to the high class quality. Guess i hit jackpot here, it's quite complete.

"Here are the standard quality section, sir."

As i look, the material is cheap but the sewing skill is good.

"From here to there the quality increased in order that so in the end of line where the highest quality lies. they are my masterpiece, sir."

"How much the price of the best quality you offer, madam?"

"If you insist sir, it's 10 gold. it's quite reasonable price due to material and the time spent to make. And it's the only one piece, i assure you there's none like that out there, sir."

So value of 1 gold is quite high, considering the material i feel here.

In my world, this material has value at least 100 degarm equal to 10 serves of royal course. Other options are halfway tuition fee of high-class school, or in simpler matter you can satisfy half of your household needs, include machines, with this much money.

With this fact, i can assume this world currency has value ten times of my world currency. I have 50 gold so it's just enough for now. I should find a job soon tomorrow.

"Can i take a look at your masterpiece then? i'm interested."

"Sure, kindly sir. careful with your step here."

When we arrive at the masterpiece corner, i see various unique and flashy clothings. Certainly i'll look like a noble with this kind of cloth. But, it's embarrassing to wear those even if it's normal in this world, too flashy!

Wait, my eyes have caught something as in my mind.

"Please that one, madam."

"Ah...you sure have good eyes, sir."

"What is it, madam?"

"Ah, pardon my words, sir. I don't mean anything, it's just this cloth is the best i can offer in quality alone."

"This is my first cloth i made with high quality. Back then i try my all just to make best clothes without consider any accesories in it."

"So you can say, this cloth worth 10 gold in material alone. As you know sir, the material quality will decrease proportionally if we add some accecories to beautify it."

Oh, i really hit the jackpot i guess. This is really the one i'm looking for.

In this strange land with many advetures i'll go through, i need clothing with high durability. Or my wallet will hit the bottom very fast.

"I'll take it, madam. And a pair of boots with your best materials, too."

"Su-sure, thank you, sir. Thank you very much for your purchase."

In a blink i see her tears fall down?

What's with her?

"Oh yeah, i almost forget. Can you recommend me any food store around here, madam?"

"Oh, ofcourse, sir. It's not too far from here. You just need turn there and there, and you can see the only bakery at the end of street. Albeit it's my preference, i can say it has some regular customers."

"Hmm that's quite convincing. Thanks for your recomendation, madam."

"But, sir. If i may know, where do you come from? I'm sure that bakery or other food store are known by this city's people. Since it's border city, there are only few food stores around here."

Damn..i didn't expect this madam would be so sharp. What should i say?

"I'm just a traveler, and i spent most of the time in open field than in some cities. I usually go to the cities for buying supplies, that's all. Any other curiosities, madam?" I should be more careful even in front of this sort of kind people.

"A-ah, sorry. Sorry, Sir kind traveler. Forgive my rudeness. Despite your kindness, i..i..."

Ah, i guess i did let my face show some intimidation.

"No, it's no big deal, madam. I get that a lot along my trips." I smile brightly again to change the mood.

"Alright, madam. Thanks for everything. I'll check that store."

"Ye-yeah, thank you for your kindness, sir."

Now i have some changes from that clothing store, i can explore a bit and gather more info about this city.

Ofcourse the first thing is food store then perhaps any other shops, i expect to see various unique stuffs.


After all the shopping done, i got info about a famous inn around. they all said the same, in that inn you get almost everything include official information about kingdom, gossip around here, and any request demanded by this city folks.

You can say it's close to being a guild than mere inn. Besides many travelers with various background have visited that place at least once, and most of them come back again. So certainly you may find many information and entertainment gathered there.

After few meters from last store, i arrive at that certain inn. it's quite big house despite this cramped neighborhood. When i almost touch the doorknob, there's a voice from inside.

"Welcome, dear customer. please make yourself comfort here."

How the hell that female voice detect me before i get in?

i even use silent step with stealth lv.5, is level 5 still too low?..

i should be careful from now on.

"Excuse me, madam."

"Ma'am is fine, come here please."


Name: Rinne Flamerose (Female)

Race: Human (80%) / Dwarf (20%)

Age: 33

Job: Berserker lv.80

Rank: S Adventurer

Title: Bloody Rose

Class: Earl (inactive)

Currency: -

Storage: Small Wallet

the plate explain it all. What a high rank boss doing here? is she the owner of this inn?

for a moment it makes me flinch, but i calm myself. dont wanna get suspicious.

"What is it young man? you need a rest, don cha?"

"Right, sorry i just look around the hall and it surprised me a bit."

i half lying.

"Ofcourse you are, here is my daughter's work after all. Come on, you should hurry signing here. it's crowded nowadays, except you dont wanna get a room."

"O-okay, where should i fill?"

"Here, your verification, days you plan, and your special request. ofcourse it may cost you more and unavailable if we cant afford it."

"Pardon me, ma'am how much the fee here?"

"It's 5 silver, no more no less. Include your meals thrice a day, your room, share bathroom, this dinner room, and any incoming request work and gossips."

she explains it while showing the request papers from this city folks.

"But, mark my words. exclude from any damage, your probably complicated request, any trouble you bring along, and ofcourse my family and my daughter!!"

boom!! she knock the table till it's broken.

huuff i exhale my breath.

"Sure ma'am, you have your own hardships."

hmm initially i plan to stay at least one whole month to look for any information around here and understand the plate system. With my current silver, it provides at least ten days.

I don't know yet the value of gold coin here. Should i take the risk and use my setup background to ask?

.....I hope it's going well while fortunately no one around beside us.

"sorry ma'am, may i ask you how much this gold coin can afford?"

"where isolated village are you from? you dont even know commons here?"

"i can't tell you the stories right now... Then please just forget my-"

"it's same as 100 silver, it's applied to other coins too. their value in order are copper, silver, gold, platinum. Each 100 coins of them same as 1 upper coin. At least remember that, boy. and for your reference, the standard healthy meal a day worth at least 1 silver coin. that's the fee come from."

she sigh then points at me as if telling me to crave that to my brain.

Since i used my 11 gold coins before, i still have 39 gold. i avoid using silver as much as possible. it can be served as my change for supplies. One whole month worth 150 silver equal to one half gold. then i just hand over 2 gold coin. perhaps i can use the change for something in the future. but there's last problem.

"Ma'am, last question. how do i get my verification?"

"....." she drops the pen she's holding.

"Whaaat?! have i mention dont bring your trouble here?!" she make a threatening face.

"Pardon me, ma'am. i'm just out of the forest this noon. and for the rest of my life, i live with my adopted parent in the deep forest. so please teach me everything that i need to know, ma'am." i lower my head a bit begging her, first time in my life doing it.

"huuh..sorry, kiddo. i have bad days these days. Then here you come, a weird one of customer i've ever had."

"rest easy ma'am. i understand your hardship. i'll help what i'm able to, so please teach what i need ma'am."

i show my sincere face and attitude to backup my words. but suddenly i see her crimson face..?

"ma'am? are you sick because of too much stress, perhaps? it's no good for lady like you, ma'am."

yeah i worry her heartfully. Consider she's the inn owner, she has to deal with various experience-based customer. Furthermore she's the only guard of this inn too. it must be too much stress for her.

"N-no it's fine! Alright you can make your id tomorrow in the guild or guard's quarter. For now fill other holes and rest in your room. I'll explain some stuffs and help you tomorrow, boy."

"Thanks ma'am." i let out sincere smile without my consent, it's just unconciously shown.

"R-right. hurry up."

Then i'll stay here a month as planned. And my request only give me recent news and my meals brought to my room.

"it's done ma'am. how much the cost overall?"

"Hmm..it's been long time since i get long-stay customer like you. your request is affordable too. ok you can just pay the stay fee, it's 150 silver. Don't worry, in the meantime you're here, i'll teach you commons."

suddenly she's red again after saying that.

"Here ma'am." i hand over 2 gold as intended.

"ugh..i don't have any cha-"

"no ma'am. please use the changes for the trouble i bring upon you. it must be hard to give some guidance in the future." i show her my gratitude while touching her hand that hold my coin.

"guh..alright, thanks for your kindness, dear customer." She immediately takes off her hand.

"Let me show you the room, this way sir." She hurrily turn back and prepared to show me my room.

It's in the second floor, the interior wall is great quality woods, i can tell by experience and my appraiser ability. All furnitures are simple and the corridor is a bit narrow.

"Here's your room, sir. You can use the bathroom there for your business or wash. Or you can use our big shared bathroom below. As your request, i'll bring your food at seven morning, one at noon and seven night each day. Beside that time you can come to our dinner room by the entrance. Lastly you can check the jobs at my table. Anything else?"

"That's all, ma'am. Thank you very much."

"We'll make your id tomorrow eight, prepare everything that may help identifying your previous life."

I guess she means my life with adopted father in forest.

"Alright, ma'am."

"Okay then. May you sleep well, kid."

"You, too ma'am."

Finally i get a room for sleep tonight.

Tonight i'll arrange my plan for tomorrow and just rest waiting supper.

Seven at night, i get my supper. Then i check my room security and lay barrier so i can detect any intruders.

Today's really exhausting, guess i'll check the details of stats plate tomorrow after breakfast.

- First objective, First blood: cleared! -