
The Born Against Fate of DxD

Daniel Cole, died at the age of 28 during a failed robbery Waking up in Limbo the Dragon of Dragons, Great Red offers Daniel a new chance of life. A chance to live in the world of High School DxD. Taking up his offer, Daniel is now the Homeroom Teacher of Class 2-B in Kuoh Academy ______ want to read ahead or want to support you can join my patr-eon and u will be able to read ahead by 10 chapters patreon.com/Elsapataky

Fanfiction_fan1 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
44 Chs

Chapter 6 : Pure blooded Devils

"What's the meaning of this Sensei?" Rias asked.

Daniel raised an eyebrow at Rias, taking he deep breath her replied back. "I can speak 6 languages Gremory-san, please don't mistake me for an idiot. I've known that both you and Shitori-san here are pure blooded Devils for quite some time."

This time Sona and Rias looked as if they were ready to fight back, only for Daniel to raise both hands. "I only have a few questions for your peerages, that's all."

Sona seemed to be the first to recover as she asked. "Why now?"

"I wasn't planning on doing this but I'll just say my hand's recently's been forced into action." Daniel sighed in response.

"I'll be waiting at the end of classes." And with the last word, Daniel turned and left the two stunned Devils standing outside their Homeroom.

The Born Again Fate of DxD - Chapter 2: A Mage's spells.

(Monday 9th April - Afternoon)

As Daniel entered the Student Council's room he seen that Sona and her peerage were already waiting. Sitting down on a sofa in front of Sona's peerage, he waited in silence. He briefly glanced over towards them and seen the extremely nervous looks on their faces, but remained silent.

He didn't have to wait long as Rias along with the rest of her peerage entered the Student Council's room after a few minutes. 'Time for the show to begin.' Daniel thought to himself as he leaned forward from the sofa.

"Now that everyone's here, I'll keep things civil on my part." Daniel stated out loud getting everyone's attention on him. "Can someone tell me why Hyoudou-san is suddenly a Devil?"

Both group of Devils appeared to be caught off guard by his question, with the exception of Sona and Rias. "I don't know what you mean Sensei."

Taking an deep breath, Daniel rubbed the bridge of his nose. "As I said before, I wish to keep this conversation civil. So I'll say this before I ask again."

"I've known that you were all Devils when most of you arrived at this school." Daniel explained as he brought his hands down to rest on his chin. "And I've also known that Saji-san here has recently reincarnated into a Devil."

This news shocked everyone in the room as the looked on at their Sensei. "However, since he joined had already joined the student council first, I knew that it was Shitori-san's doing. So there was no need for me to ever questioned it. However I am questioning these events."

"And why is that?" Sona asked.

"Because what's upsetting me is not that Issei Hyoudou is now a Devil. It's that he doesn't even know that he is one!" Daniel informed the group of Devils.

He could see that Rias was looking slightly nervous as she wasn't looking in his direction. 'Seriously!.. Even if I hadn't watched the show, Rias can't seem to lie for shit!'

"We'll answer as best as we can." Sona replied as she leaned forward from her seat.

"Good..." However before Daniel could continue, he was interrupted by Sona.

"But, only after you have answered some of our questions first." Sona stated.

"So, a quid pro quo then?" Daniel asked with a slight smirk on his face. 'Her serious face is the same as Sera's.' Daniel thought to himself as Sona began.

"Are you a Magician?" Sona asked.

"No, the correct term for me would be a Mage." Daniel replied as he relaxed into his chair. 'Well, Magus is the correct term since my powers are based off Shirou Emiya. But since that term doesn't seem to exist in this world, it'll have to do for now.'

He could tell by his answer that what ever he said would only be providing more questions for the two Devils. "So you're a Mage then?" Rias asked in shock.

"Yeah, while I do practice magic, my own skills are not of a high enough quality for me to be ranked as a Magician. Especially as I only know three spells." Daniel answers as he watched their eyes get even wider than from before. 'Well, technically four but the less they know about the Reality Marble the better.'

"Wait, three spells!" Rias and the rest of her peerage shouted out in a single voice.

"This doesn't make sense. How can your Magical reserves be the same as a mid to high ranked Devil if you only know three spells?" Sona's Queen, Tsubaki asked.

"Have you ever heard of a famous quote from Bruce Lee?" Daniel asked with a smirk.

I could see a similar smirk appear on Sona's face as she answered my question. "I fear not the man who has practised 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practised one kick 10,000 times." Her response caused Daniel to chuckle and he nodded towards her.

"I didn't take you for being a fan of the Jeet Kune Do Master." Daniel stated as he still kept chuckling.

"I'm not, it's just wise words to live by." Sona however continued on as she fixed her glasses. "Would it be possible for me to see one of your spells?"

Daniel thought about his answer for a moment but decided that it would be better in the long run. 'Well, Sera already knows and nothings happened to me yet. Other than her pestering me to be a part of her peerage. Fuck it, what's the worst that could happen?'

Closing his eyes and sighing in slight annoyance Daniel responded "Might as well. Your sister already knows about it anyway."

However as Daniel finished he missed the flinch that the Devils gave him as he began to raise his left hand. "Trace on."

A flash of blue light appeared before Daniel's raised hand. As Daniel grabbed hold of the light it transformed into a Great Sword with a twisted crossguard. Running down the blade's fuller were glowing white runes. "This is the legendary blade of Fergus mac Róich as well as Fergus mac Léti. It's name is Caladbolg!"