
The Book that Changed Me

Ten years ago, the world underwent a profound transformation. Humanity found itself bestowed with an extraordinary "gift" - the ability to shatter the once-confining limits of human potential. It became the fervent desire of every individual to lay claim to this extraordinary power. Although this newfound ability doesn't bestow the gift of magic upon its wielders, it endows them with unimaginable strength, enabling them to level buildings with a single punch. Regrettably, this gift is far from common; a mere one in fifty people can count themselves among the fortunate possessors. Even among this select few, their newfound abilities typically stretch only 1.1 to 2 times beyond the norm. And even if one boasts a favorable limit, it serves merely as an end point. True power demands unyielding dedication and relentless training. But that's not all; let's not forget about skills. These abilities are a rare commodity, enhancing statistics, unleashing specific attacks, and much more. Only one in a thousand gifted individuals is blessed with such skills, and a even a more minuscule fraction claim multiple. Destiny seems to follow a predetermined path, with combat-oriented skills giving rise to a surge in criminal activities. Only a select few police officers boast growth limits above the average, while an enigmatic "alliance" actively recruits promising talents. For some, the weight of this reality proves too overwhelming, driving them to contemplate the unthinkable – suicide. Yet, for Oren Hashigana, a broke, weak, and diminutive high school senior, life undergoes a seismic shift thanks to a fateful act of benevolence from an unknown force. The serendipitous discovery of a mysterious book grants him a power previously inconceivable – an infinite growth limit, surpassing all others in the world. Gradually, he begins accumulating strength and acquiring skills, embarking on a mission to dismantle the criminal empire that lurks in the shadows, threatening to corrupt the very fabric of reality.

CallMe_MFor · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs


The teacher quickly ran towards my downed adversary, her sneakers squeaking on the polished gym floor, and knelt beside Megumi to assess his condition. She confirmed with a decisive tone, "He's out. Oren has officially won the fight against Rank Nineteen, real name, Megumi." Her voice carried a note of finality as she made the announcement.

With a stern yet encouraging demeanor, the teacher continued, "You will get extra credit if you take Megumi to the nurse's office." At her words, a concerned student with a sense of responsibility immediately raised his hand and sprang into action, swiftly assisting Megumi out of the gym, demonstrating a sense of camaraderie among the participants.

Meanwhile, I took a step closer to the screen, still breathless from the intense fight, and directed a question to the teacher, my voice tinged with anticipation, "I'm Rank Nineteen now, right? Can I name myself, 'The System's Chosen?'" The teacher, responsive to my request, reached into her bag and retrieved a tablet, deftly updating the information on the digital scoreboard, relocating Megumi to the twentieth position and elevating me to the nineteenth.

Glancing at the enlarged screen to confirm my newfound rank, I felt a surge of excitement. This change in status should be enough to get the Headmaster's attention, and I was keen to seize any opportunity to complete the mission that came my way.

Eager for more information, I posed another question to the teacher, my curiosity unabated, "What ranks can participate in the tournament?" She replied with a discerning gaze, "Ranks Twelve and above. You're not there yet." Her words served as a stark reminder that I still had a long journey ahead before I could qualify for the coveted tournament.

As the teacher concluded the session and turned to address the spectators, her authoritative voice resonated through the gym, "This class is over, go train or take your lunch break. I need to sort this out." In response, I observed a specific, determined student swiftly exiting the gym, his dedication to training evident in his hurried pace. Was he trying to train that badly?

Running past the imposing school gate, I felt the rush of excitement coursing through my veins as I sprinted towards the entrance. My eagerness was palpable, driven by the urgent need to share this thrilling news with Nomu. I knew he would absolutely love it.

Navigating the labyrinthine corridors of our school, I briskly passed the rows of lockers, each bearing the mark of countless students who had journeyed through these halls. My destination was clear - the third floor, where Class 2-A was located. This was the classroom that held 'The Demon' the undefeated one who had become a legend within the school. The mere mention of his name sent shivers down the souls of all who had heard of him.

With unwavering determination, I reached the entrance to the classroom and paused for a moment. As I pushed the door open, a profound aura engulfed me, making me acutely aware of the palpable tension in the room. My gaze was immediately drawn to the front of the class, where I found Nomu, known for his imposing presence, locked in an intense stare, as if he had sensed my arrival long before I entered.

Nomu's penetrating gaze softened, and he inquired in a measured tone, "What are you doing here, Trent? It's my lunch break." I quickly gathered my thoughts and responded respectfully, "I'm sorry, sir, for interrupting you. But there is someone in my class who just transferred, and I thought you should know." Nomu leaned back slightly, a hint of curiosity in his eyes, and asked, "Right, that new one... what's that have to do with me?" His casual demeanor was a stark contrast his aura of dominance.

I took a step closer and shared the thrilling news, my words laced with anticipation, "He beat the Rank Nineteen, in one kick." Nomu's eyes immediately ignited with interest, and his muscles tensed as he flexed his hands at his sides, ready for action. He leaned in slightly and demanded, "Where's he now?" I responded swiftly, my voice charged with excitement, "It's lunchtime, so he might be headed towards the cafeteria." Nomu nodded with a hint of a sly grin, then nonchalantly flicked his hand, signaling for me to follow him. I'm about to see something good.

I wonder what food they have. If you think about it, we might get a feast. Tony was telling me about how even though this place is high-level, not to get attached, as I'll probably leave within a month. Wait, why is there no one near me? Looking up, someone appeared in front of me in the hallway, some shortie with black shaggy hair. He also had a black jacket and brown pants. His aura was strong, that was the most important thing I could take away from this. I asked, "Hey, could you move?" He responded, "No. How about we fight?" I responded, "Why would I fight you, what's your goal?" He responded while placing his hand on his face, hiding his right eye, "I am Rank Seven: The Demon! I love to fight!" I responded while pulling up my sleeves, "Clearly. If you want to go, I'm not going to take it lying down." He responded, "Good, let's go." He disappeared from my sight, and a skill activated unknowingly.

Soul: 150 (-0)


Lvl. 2 Guaranteed Dodge (Passive) - Automatically dodge an attack that would've killed you once. 0 soul to use, one day cooldown. (Activated) The one day cooldown has commenced.

My body seemed to defy its usual limitations, moving with an otherworldly swiftness, a sensation akin to when I harnessed the skill Rage. As I swiftly bent down, my movements were a fusion of agility and instinct, and it was only after a moment that I comprehended the abrupt change in my physical abilities.

In an almost surreal twist, I executed a flawless backflip, only to find myself careening backward, my foot colliding with a fallen book that lay innocently in my path. A silent curse escaped my lips as I stumbled, this hallway is thin!

Amidst my internal frustrations, his taunting voice pierced the air, "Ha! You dodged well, but it seems like that might've been a skill!" His words were laced with a mocking tone, implying that my evasion might have been more than just natural reflexes.

Reacting swiftly, I instinctively raised my arms to shield my face, but the impending attack found an opening. Instead of my head being the target, I felt a sudden, searing pain in my stomach, and a violent coughing fit overtook me as I involuntarily spat out a spray of crimson. The strike had landed with brutal precision, and I doubled over, grappling with the intense agony that coursed through my body.

Health: 2500 (-400)

The realization hit me like a bolt of lightning – this was the sheer might of Rank Seven. The speed displayed far exceeded even that of the Deputy!

As I fought to regain my composure, I managed to steady myself and faced a direction opposite to where I had originally positioned. The echoes of our intense encounter were ringing.

Suddenly, a sensation of warm breath tickled the nape of my neck, sending a shiver down my spine. I pivoted on my heels, my entire being tense and poised for retaliation, determined not to be caught off guard again.

Soul: 130 (-20)


Lvl. 1 Speed Booster - Increase your speed by 150% for three seconds. 20 soul to use, one minute cooldown. (Activated) The one minute cooldown has commenced.

I unleashed a powerful left hook, the impact connecting solidly with that insufferable bastard's cheek. The sheer force of the blow sent him hurtling backward, his body slamming into the unforgiving wall. He slumped for a couple seconds, only to vanish into thin air right before my eyes. My disbelief was palpable as I muttered in astonishment, "He recovered that fast? How can he be so unbelievably swift? I can't even begin to comprehend it."

My mind raced, recalling the times I had managed to somewhat keep up with the Deputy, my subconscious benchmark for "incomprehensibly fast". But the question now loomed - did his speed reach the hundreds?

As my thoughts raced, I knew I needed to take drastic action to create some space and regain control of the situation. I made a split-second decision and decided to slam the ground with two thunderous hammer fists. The ground shattered beneath the force of my blows, creating a shockwave that rippled outward.

But to my shock and frustration, he materialized right in front of me once more, an eerie grin on his face. He started speaking in an incomprehensible gibberish about how he was the strongest, but I couldn't afford to be distracted by his words. Ignoring his taunts, I instead discreetly peeked at his stats, desperate to find any clue that could help me understand the mystery that stood before me.

Soul: 120 (-10)


Lvl. 2 Peeking - Peek into other's stats and skills by squinting really hard. 10 soul to use, thirty minute cooldown. (Activated) The thirty minute cooldown has commenced.

Name: Nomu Iki

Strength: 35

Speed: 45

Defense: 15%

Soul: 150


Lvl. 2 Death Point - Instantly teleport behind your target whenever you want to. 10 soul to use, three second cooldown.

"Damn, that's a pretty remarkable skill," I muttered under my breath, my eyes narrowing as I assessed the situation. The potential of acquiring this skill ignited greed within me. If I could somehow emerge victorious in this encounter, there was a chance I could claim it for myself.

With unwavering focus, I observed as he finished speaking and vanished into thin air once more, leaving behind only a faint afterimage. Anticipating his next move, I tightened my guard, bracing for the impending assault. The tension in the air was palpable as I steeled myself for what was to come.

In the blink of an eye, he reappeared, his movements as swift as a striking viper. I felt the impact of his blows, a flurry of punches connecting with my shoulders and lower stomach. The force behind each strike was formidable, but my determination and training allowed me to withstand the assault, gritting my teeth as I absorbed the impact.

Health: 2200 (-300)

The moment had arrived, and I knew this was my chance. He couldn't teleport for the next three crucial seconds. With determination burning in my eyes, I focused on my objective: to unleash a relentless barrage of punches, striking him as many times as possible within this brief window of opportunity.

I could feel the tension in my muscles as I prepared to execute my plan, mentally gearing up to become a human gatling gun. My resolve was unwavering, and I was ready to seize this moment to gain the upper hand in this intense encounter.

Soul: 100 (-20)


Lvl. 1 Strength Booster - Increase your speed by 150% for three seconds. 20 soul to use, one minute cooldown. (Activated) The one minute cooldown has commenced.

With my strength holding a notable advantage, the scales of this intense showdown seemed to tip in my favor. Just a few punches could end him.

I couldn't contain my battle cry, and I yelled, "Let's finish this!" With unwavering resolve, I initiated my assault, launching a relentless barrage of punches, transitioning seamlessly from right to left and left to right, aiming for any opening on his elusive form. My fists found their mark with a few solid connections, and I could sense that the tide was turning.

He responded with swift and nimble defenses, doing his best to block and evade my rapid-fire onslaught, attempting to weather the storm I had unleashed. However, I showed no mercy, my assault unyielding and ferocious.

I was acutely aware that my time was running out, and a sense of urgency washed over me. Anticipating his next move, I braced for the possibility that he might utilize his skill to escape. As expected, he disappeared once more, and I turned again, my senses keen, ready to respond to his next move.

Soul: 55 (-45)


Lvl. 2 Skill Combination (Sledgehammer + Triple Strike) - Stacked the Sledgehammer and Triple Strike skills. The cooldown has activated for both of these skills, not for skill combination, however. You have one use left.

I have three attacks now! If I mix in punches and kicks, I may surprise him! I threw a powerful right haymaker, followed by an uppercut, both of which he managed to deftly evade, his agility impressive. But in a daring move, I emulated Megumi's technique, delivering a swift and precise crescent moon kick directly to his liver. The impact was unmistakable, and I could hear the disconcerting sound of something breaking within him.

As he staggered, a sharp stammer escaping his lips, he eventually dropped to his knees. His defiant words cut through the tension, "I'm not done yet! You will not beat me!" His resolve was evident, and I braced for what might come next.

He executed his teleportation skill, and I found myself momentarily at a disadvantage, realizing that his speed surpassed mine. I attempted to block his impending attack, but it proved futile as a left roundhouse kick connected with devastating force, sending me hurtling into the wall with a bone-jarring impact.

Health: 1500 (-700)

My body was wracked with pain, and I couldn't help but spit out more blood, my hand clutching my side where my clothes had been torn. My mind raced, desperately searching for any strategy that could turn the tide in my favor. But the grim reality hung over me like a storm cloud – my skills were on cooldown, and he had the upper hand, poised to defeat me before I could regain their use. Panic set in as I grappled with the pressing question: What could I do?

As I pondered my dire situation, the unmistakable sound of the school bell rang, echoing through the gym. Nomu's voice broke through the tension, "You're lucky! We'll call it here. You were at least fun to fight." His words offered a temporary reprieve, and I nodded in acknowledgment, grateful for the opportunity to catch my breath.

With Nomu withdrawing and ascending the stairs, I found myself spitting out more blood, my body faltering under the weight of the battle's toll. Tony's earlier warning rang in my ears, a reminder of the immense gap between my current abilities and the elite fighters who occupied the top five. It was a harsh lesson – I had a long journey ahead, and I needed to learn and grow.

Summoning the remnants of my strength, I felt a surge of anger bubbling within me. I couldn't even indulge in a simple meal, and the frustration was maddening. Even worse, this fight had resulted in my first draw. If Nomu had continued, it likely would've been counted as my loss. This will never happen again. As the realization of my limitations sank in, I knew I had to find someone who could guide me in mastering the art of martial combat.