
The Book that Changed Me

Ten years ago, the world underwent a profound transformation. Humanity found itself bestowed with an extraordinary "gift" - the ability to shatter the once-confining limits of human potential. It became the fervent desire of every individual to lay claim to this extraordinary power. Although this newfound ability doesn't bestow the gift of magic upon its wielders, it endows them with unimaginable strength, enabling them to level buildings with a single punch. Regrettably, this gift is far from common; a mere one in fifty people can count themselves among the fortunate possessors. Even among this select few, their newfound abilities typically stretch only 1.1 to 2 times beyond the norm. And even if one boasts a favorable limit, it serves merely as an end point. True power demands unyielding dedication and relentless training. But that's not all; let's not forget about skills. These abilities are a rare commodity, enhancing statistics, unleashing specific attacks, and much more. Only one in a thousand gifted individuals is blessed with such skills, and a even a more minuscule fraction claim multiple. Destiny seems to follow a predetermined path, with combat-oriented skills giving rise to a surge in criminal activities. Only a select few police officers boast growth limits above the average, while an enigmatic "alliance" actively recruits promising talents. For some, the weight of this reality proves too overwhelming, driving them to contemplate the unthinkable – suicide. Yet, for Oren Hashigana, a broke, weak, and diminutive high school senior, life undergoes a seismic shift thanks to a fateful act of benevolence from an unknown force. The serendipitous discovery of a mysterious book grants him a power previously inconceivable – an infinite growth limit, surpassing all others in the world. Gradually, he begins accumulating strength and acquiring skills, embarking on a mission to dismantle the criminal empire that lurks in the shadows, threatening to corrupt the very fabric of reality.

CallMe_MFor · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs


Is she seriously behind me right now? In my bed? Aroha, what are you doing? I can feel my heart racing as I sense and comprehend Aroha's presence behind me. It's a mix of surprise and curiosity that washes over me, but I don't turn around to face her. Instead, I try to stay still, to see what she's up to.

Her left arm gently wraps around me, and I can't help but feel the warmth of her touch even through the fabric of my clothes. It's an electrifying sensation that sends shivers down my spine. My mind is racing.

I hear her voice, a soft murmur that holds a hint of playfulness and uncertainty. "Is he awake? Nah, no way." I resist the urge to react, to let her know that I'm actually awake. This quest's rewards are good, I can't fail it. There's a mixture of relief and anxiety that floods over me — relief that she hasn't realized I'm conscious, and anxiety over the potential awkwardness of this situation. I mean, Aroha and I are officially together now, but things are moving so fast.

She shifts slightly, her gaze seemingly directed upwards, and her voice finds its way to my ears again. "You really were cool today. I know you can't hear me, but I do care for you." Her words, so soft and sincere, make my heart skip a beat. Her proximity, the intimacy of her voice, it's all a whirlwind of emotions that I'm trying to process.

Aroha's next words are a whisper against my back, and it's as if my heart might burst from my chest. "I will do anything for you," she says, and her words hold a weight that settles deep within me. It's overwhelming to think that someone would care for me this much, especially after all the challenges I've faced.

The moment hangs in the air, charged with emotions, until she finally moves away slightly and sits on the edge of the bed. I hear her voice again, a touch more distant this time. "I'll wait for now. I waited for a full year just talking to you." It's a reminder of how our relationship began, slowly building through conversations and shared moments, even through pain.

Then, she surprises me again. Aroha's voice comes closer, and suddenly I can feel her breath on my skin as she leans down. Something soft and slightly wet brushes against my forehead — her lips. My heart races, my mind whirls, and I'm left in a state of wonder as she speaks one last time. "There's your reward." With those words, she moves away, and I hear the door close softly.

I can't contain my curiosity any longer. Slowly, I open my eyes and find my heart still pounding in my chest. The room comes into focus, but what catches my attention is the quest board materializing in front of me. It's a silent indicator of my success, a parallel to the rush of emotions and uncertainty that I've just experienced.

Quest 2: Sleeping? (COMPLETED)

Congratulations! You have figured out her motives.

She wanted to give you a reward for saving her.

Although it's a bit awkward that you were awake, huh?


300 points (BONUS ACHIEVED)

Lvl. 1 People Person (Passive) - People naturally care about you more.


I'm a system, I don't have any advice on marriage/relationships.

So the rewards are not just points, they can be skills too. That notion is particularly intriguing to ponder. The idea that these quests can bestow skills upon me adds a layer of complexity to the whole book. It's fascinating to think about the potential implications and applications of these. I know I can fail quests, which raises the question: if I fail, will the skills I could have gained from them be lost forever? Or is there a possibility that they might resurface on the quest board or shop later, offering a chance for redemption? As these thoughts swirl through my mind, I find myself mentally immersed in this intricate web of possibilities. Exhaustion settles in, and I decide to grant myself some well-earned rest.

I gradually open my eyes, the sunlight filtering through the curtains. I glance at the clock with a mix of disbelief and panic. It's just thirty minutes shy of eight in the morning! Panic courses through my veins as Aroha's voice echoes from the first floor, a blend of annoyance and concern evident in her tone. "Hey, sleepyhead, get ready quickly! I thought you could wake up on your own, but you're childish in that sense!" With a jolt, I spring out of bed, the urgency of the situation propelling me into action. I make a beeline for my closet, my mind racing through the steps I need to take.

Racing against the clock, I dash into the bathroom and manage to squeeze in a lightning-fast shower, the water's hurried cascade doing little to ease the adrenaline coursing through me. I wrap a towel around myself as I step out, my movements swift and practiced. I multitask as I stand by the sink – brushing my teeth with one hand while vigorously drying my hair with the other. Droplets of water splatter around, evidence of my haste.

Clad in nothing but a towel around my waist, I sprint back to my room, locking the door behind me in my frenzy. My school clothes await me, neatly arranged by Aroha (thank you!), and I waste no time slipping into them with practiced efficiency. The jacket's zipper remains untouched; it's September, and the weather is forgiving. My focus is singular: get ready in record time. I snatch up my phone and backpack, with the book still in there. I never know when I might need it.

My feet thump down the stairs in a hurry, and just as I reach the bottom, Aroha appears, holding out a bag of chips. She passes it to me swiftly. I manage to fit the unexpected snack into my already-packed backpack as we exchange hurried glances, a shared understanding of the urgency at hand. Without delay, we dart out of the house, our synchronized footsteps pounding against the pavement.

As we run side by side through the suburbs, a fleeting glimpse at my phone confirms the dwindling time – it's seven fifty. The situation is dire, and the urgency in my voice is palpable as I turn to Aroha. "Hey, you don't mind if I grab you and run to school, right? I'm faster!" I inquire, desperation lacing my words. She meets my gaze and after a moment's hesitation, she nods. "Uh, sure."

Without a second to spare, I sweep her up into a princess carry, my muscles coiled with determination as I accelerate to an even faster pace. A few individuals, wrapped in cozy jackets and clutching their steaming cups of coffee, amble lazily along the path. Dodging the few pedestrians in my way becomes a balletic dance, a graceful interaction that exemplifies the early hour's unhurried pace.

My heart races in tandem with my steps, and as we approach a crosswalk, my frustration boils over – the light just turned green, an unexpected obstacle I can't afford to wait for. The decision is swift, and the power surges within me once again, the golden lightning enveloping my form. Activating one of my skills, I feel the energy coursing through me, a surge of power that electrifies my limbs. My legs tense, readying for the leap that's about to unfold.

Soul: 80 (-20)


Lvl. 1 Strength Booster - Increase your strength by 150% for three seconds. 20 soul to use, one minute cooldown. (Activated) The one minute cooldown has commenced.

With a burst of power, I propel myself forward, muscles tensing as I exert every ounce of effort. The wind rushes past me, whipping through my hair as I soar over the line of cars below, my heart pounding with adrenaline. On the opposite side of the bustling crosswalk, a collective gasp rises from the bystanders who've momentarily paused to witness this spectacle. Their eyes widen, curiosity and astonishment painting their faces as they track my airborne trajectory.

Yet, the attention from the crowd hardly registers in my mind. My focus remains steadfast on the well-being of Aroha, the person for whom I'm taking this extraordinary risk. She's had perfect attendance, the definition of a top student. Landing with practiced precision, I swiftly scan her body, relieved to find her seemingly unharmed. My apology escapes my lips, a brief acknowledgement of the audacious maneuver that interrupted the flow of pedestrian traffic. "Sorry, we don't have time," I murmur, urgency lacing my words.

Pressing on with speed, we surge through the bustling city streets, each footfall resonating with purpose. The school looms in the distance, a symbol of our impending goal. The distance between us and its entrance seems to shrink as we near our destination. But just as hope takes root, the atmosphere shifts. The towering gates guarding the school entrance begin to descend, their slow but inexorable closure marking the boundary between success and failure.

Aroha's voice pierces through the tension, her urgent shout a stark reminder of the dwindling seconds. She urges me, "Harness that skill you used last time! The one you used to dodge Jack's punch!" Her insight into my abilities surprises me, prompting a question that escapes my lips without restraint. "You know about it?" I ask, curiosity mingling with the weight of the situation. Her response is a mixture of exasperation and familiarity, her eyes meeting mine as if my ignorance is an endearing trait. "Yeah, dummy! Your normal speed isn't at that level; you must have a skill that boosts it," she retorts, a hint of annoyance in her tone.

With respect for her intelligence, I steel myself for the final sprint. The gates continue their horizontal closure, a mechanical countdown that mirrors the beat of my racing heart. "Ok," I reply, with a blank tone. In that fleeting moment, my sight narrows down to the path ahead—the gate I must reach.

Soul: 60 (-20)


Lvl. 1 Speed Booster - Increase your speed by 150% for three seconds. 20 soul to use, one minute cooldown. (Activated) The one minute cooldown has commenced.

Summoning every ounce of strength that remains in my legs, I launch myself forward in a desperate sprint. The ground beneath me blurs as I push myself to reach a speed of at least fifty miles an hour. The imposing gates of the school loom ahead, threatening to seal shut completely. With elegance, I manage to slip through the narrowing gap just in the nick of time. Gasping for breath, sweat trickling down my forehead, I secure my place inside the school grounds. The heavy gate slams shut behind me, sealing off any late students.

Gently, I lower Aroha to the ground, relief flooding over me. "Oh my God.. that was tough," I mutter under my breath, my heart still racing from the adrenaline-fueled dash. My attention shifts to Aroha, and as I gaze at her, I notice her hair standing on end in disarray. It's as if the rush of speed has wrought a chaotic dance upon her hair strands. A wry smile tugs at my lips as I contemplate this unexpected aftermath.

"Darn it, Oren! Now my hair is ruined!" Aroha exclaims with a mix of exasperation and amusement. I can't help but chuckle softly at her candid response, my eyes meeting hers. Her cheeks flush slightly, and she turns away shyly. "I guess it's fine," she concedes, her tone softer. "At least we managed to get here on time."

Taking a moment to catch my breath and steady my racing heart, I step forward, entering the school premises. Aroha heads towards her designated classroom, and with a final nod, we part ways for now.

The morning sunlight filtered through the tall windows of the school's hallway, casting a subdued glow over the bustling students. The atmosphere was charged with a mix of anticipation and tension, which seemed to coalesce around me as I made my way towards my classroom. It was impossible to ignore the hushed whispers and sideways glances, the palpable air of discomfort that clung to the students as they swiftly cleared a path for me. Their gazes, a blend of curiosity and judgment, bore into me like laser beams, branding me as if I were an outcast.

Walking down that corridor felt like navigating through a minefield of emotions, each step accompanied by an internal struggle to maintain my composure. The video had circulated far and wide, its contents etched into the collective memory of the school's population. The fight I had to suffer through wasn't a private agony; it had become a spectacle for all to see. How could they dare to regard me as the oddity, the aberration, when they had been mere bystanders to my torment? The double standards were a bitter pill to swallow.

Finally reaching the door of my classroom, I released a sigh I hadn't realized I was holding. My bag found its place on the desk, and I allowed my gaze to wander to the clock mounted on the wall. Its hands pointed to eight o'clock, a reminder that homeroom was mere minutes away. Each tick resonated like a heartbeat, a steady rhythm in contrast to the turbulent symphony of thoughts in my mind.

A small group of students had congregated near the front of the classroom, their heads close together as they conversed in low tones. One of them broke away from the group, his footsteps carrying him purposefully in my direction. Recognition flickered in my mind; it was one of Jack's lackeys, the very individuals who had cornered me in the bathroom, their fists delivering blows fueled by their allegiance to power.

My eyes, now weary but determined, met his as he approached, his posture a blend of arrogance and disdain. He leaned casually on a nearby table, his hand casually brushing its surface. "So you're Oren?" he inquired, his voice carrying an undercurrent of skepticism.

My head lifted, meeting his gaze head-on. "Yes, that's me. What's it to you?" My response, though tinged with weariness, held a measure of defiance.

His gaze shifted nonchalantly to his perfectly manicured nails, his lips curling into a condescending smile. "Doubt it," he retorted, the dismissive tone a clear attempt to belittle me. "Oren was a p***y. Are you pretending to be him?"

My hands clenched involuntarily, my nails digging into my palms. The mere mention of that other Oren, the version of me who had cowered and suffered in silence, unable to do anything, stirred a wellspring of emotions. But this time, something was different. This time, I refused to back down.

Rising from my seat with a determination that surprised even myself, I locked eyes with him. "What did you just say?" The words were a low growl, a warning sign that I wouldn't tolerate his insults any longer. He seemed taken aback, his bravado wavering in the face of my newfound assertiveness. "Even if you are Oren," he continued, a touch of uncertainty in his voice, "you're still nothing!" His words were venomous, but I detected a note of insecurity beneath the surface.

"Aroha," he sneered, the mere mention of her name a calculated move to provoke me. "That girl you like so much? I'm going to f*****g bea—"

My patience snapped like a taut wire. In a a slow motion, I held my arm out to the side. He gazed intently at my arm, the very same one he had effortlessly demolished with just a few well-placed punches in the past. However, this time, it bore an astonishing transformation that couldn't be overlooked. The arm appeared noticeably larger, each muscle fiber more pronounced than before, giving it an aura of raw strength and authority. Veins crisscrossed its surface, pulsating rhythmically as if channeling the life force within me. I swung my arm like a baseball bat, the impact of my open hand connecting with his cheek resounded through the room like a gunshot, his surprised yelp echoing in the aftermath. He stumbled sideways, colliding with the wall as if fate itself had intervened to halt his taunts.

The rest of Jack's old group began to move towards us, their expressions shifting from astonishment to anger. But I was already primed for confrontation, discarding my jacket in a show of readiness. Jack's influence had clouded the school for far too long, and now, with a heart fueled by years of pent-up frustration, I stood ready to dismantle the remnants, piece by piece.