
The Book of Omnipotence : God Tier X

In a world where power reigns supreme, Ayla was born with extraordinary abilities, only to have them stolen at birth, setting her on a lifelong journey of evasion and survival. Her steadfast companion through it all was her brother, Alvaro, whose unwavering support was a beacon of light in Ayla's darkest moments. Their lives took an unexpected turn when Ayla discovered a prophecy foretelling her destiny to save the world alongside five chosen companions. On her 16th birthday, Ayla inherited the Book of Omnipotence, a relic crafted by their great-grandfather a millennium ago. This ancient tome contained all the abilities of their ancestors, absorbed into Ayla's being by accident, making her the most powerful person alive. However, the book didn't bestow its power freely. Ayla had to work tirelessly to unlock its secrets and harness its full potential. With newfound strength and knowledge, Ayla and Alvaro set out across the five continents to reclaim Ayla's stolen affinities from villainous groups. Along the way, they assembled a formidable team known as the Vanguard, each member possessing unique strengths and abilities. Their mission: to retrieve the other four books of power, each destined for a member of their group. As they journeyed, facing challenges and adversaries, the bond between Ayla and Alvaro only strengthened, their sibling connection serving as the bedrock of their success. Together, they face trials that test their limits, forging alliances and overcoming obstacles on their quest to fulfill the prophecy and save the world from impending doom. And as Ayla transformed from a powerless outcast to the strongest being alive, her journey with Alvaro by her side proved that even in a world filled with darkness, siblinghood could be the ultimate source of light. JOIN THE CONVERSATION [https://discord.gg/S2URY8xdyG](https://discord.gg/S2URY8xdyG) FOLLOW THE BOOK THROUGH ITS EXPERIENCES [https://www.instagram.com/bookofomnipotence?igsh=MTRkeTJqNnhwOXhkbg%3D%3D&utm_source=qr](https://www.instagram.com/bookofomnipotence?igsh=MTRkeTJqNnhwOXhkbg%3D%3D&utm_source=qr)

Litty4r · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

16 Years Ago

In the final moments of her life, Queen Aquina sat on her throne, surrounded by her children, grandchildren, and twelve knights. Despite her weakened state, her eyes radiated with the same strength and determination that had led her kingdom to prosperity for many years.

"I have been alive for a very long time," she began, her voice barely above a whisper, "and I have chosen to leave my physical body and allow my soul to rest with the love of my life. It is my choice, and not my body shutting down from old age, that will be my legacy."

Her children and grandchildren looked at her with sadness and admiration. They knew that their mother and grandmother had always been strong and independent and that even in death, she had chosen her fate.

"My eldest son, Eldric Minos, shall become emperor of Eldorath," she continued, "but no one shall become ruler of Itania. Only once a successor of my bloodline is born with the power of my late husband and I combined shall a new ruler be chosen."

She paused for a moment to catch her breath, then continued.

"My final order is this: after my death, each continent shall choose an emperor and sign a treaty to promise world peace and to evolve as a whole."

The Queen's three children, grandchildren, and twelve knights gasped in awe as she finished speaking. The knights knew they had a long task: to spread the Queen's message worldwide.

"Each of you, my knights," she said, "must scatter around the world and let my order be known. You must ensure that my legacy lives on and that the world is united in peace."

Each knight left instantly to carry out their Queen's final order.

As the knights left, Queen Aquina turned to her children and grandchildren. "Children, I would like to speak to you all independently, from eldest to youngest. Tarek and Samir, please wait outside as I speak to Eldric and his family."

As Tarek and Samir walked outside the throne room, Earl Azarain, one of the Queen's advisors, gave Eldric a hateful look as the doors closed. The Queen knew that her advisor had always been envious of her children and their power. Still, she trusted that her eldest son would handle the situation with the grace and wisdom she had instilled in him.

Queen Aquina stood in the center of the throne room, Her eyes scanned the room, taking in her last view of her grandchildren.

"I want to leave you all a gift to remember me by," she said, her voice soft and gentle. She walked over to a dresser and pulled out a giant crown. "Eldric, my gift to you, my son, is the castle of Purus. You are now the Emperor of Eldorath, my son. Don't let your newfound power change you." She handed him the crown, and he looked at it in wonder.

The crown was his father's, Samal Minos, the late king of Itania. It was made of pure gold and bore a dragon's head with diamonds for eyes and teeth. Large teeth are pointed upward all around the crown, with each end of the teeth having stones of different colors. The crown made the wearer's magic or ability more potent. As he put it on, his eyes gleamed golden.

Aquina turned to her first-born grandson, Tinsel. "I give you my sole ability, 'Threads of destiny.' You will need it for the near future." Suddenly, Tinsel's chest glowed with a white aura, and his eyes gleamed golden.

"My stoic second-born grandchild, Alvaro," Aquina continued. "With you being born with strong magic, I give you my sword. She will make your creations stronger. she then leaned forward whispering, I need you to do me a favor. If you do this, you can have my bird, Helios. Create a fake of the book of omnipotence and keep the real one in your dimensional space for your brother, his name is remus." As Alvaro teleported away, she walked toward Aurela.

"My third grandchild, Aurela, you can have all of my jewelry, and clothing. I give you access to the healing section of the book of omnipotence before your brother locks it away for good."

Aquina approached Tsarra, Eldric's wife, and touched her stomach. "I give you all of my power," she said, her hands glowing. The life withdrew from her face as she transferred her power to the unborn child. Tsarra's stomach glowed in various colors before it grew a few centimeters.

"Eldric, I made a vow with God when I was younger," Aquina said, walking back to her son. "His blessing now sits inside of your unborn child. He will have the ability holy vow, the ability to control all of the energy he holds inside of him while being able to give affinities to others. Keep your child protected, for I don't know what may happen after my death. You may now invite Tarek into the room. Please wait outside as I talk to your siblings."

Aquina's children and grandchildren left the throne room, leaving her alone with her thoughts.

After a heartfelt conversation with Tarek and Simara, all her children were gathered in the room, their eyes filled with tears. Her precious grandchildren, also crying, stood behind them.

She looked around the room, taking it all in one last time. "I love you all," she said softly. "Mommy is leaving, and I expect you all to run this continent perfectly. I will see you in the afterlife. Please let it be a long time before we meet again."

As she disintegrated, the four books of power floated and disappeared from the throne room. The books then went to each continent, hiding themselves in plain sight. Two books stayed in Eldorath: the book of omnipotence and the book of malice, the forbidden book.

As Queen Aquina floated through the astral plane, waiting to pass through the gates of the afterlife, she said, "My wish to witness a predecessor who has my power and Samal's power has finally been born. Please use your power for good, Remus!"

Four Weeks Later

As the sun rose, The room was filled with tension as the five emperors gathered around a table to sign the Aquina treaty. Each Emperor was accompanied by their closest advisor, and they all wore their finest attire to show respect for the occasion.

Emperor Eldric Minos of Eldorath sat at the head of the table, his eyes scanning the faces of his fellow emperors. "Welcome, my esteemed colleagues," he said in a deep voice. "I trust you all had a safe journey to our meeting place."

Emperor Rylan Grimmthorn of Mythosia nodded in agreement. "Indeed, Eldric. It's an honor to be here and witness this historic moment."

Emperor Thaddeus Slaugh of Alfhein interjected, "Let's not waste any time. We're all here to sign the treaty and put an end to the emperor selection that has ravaged our lands for weeks too long."

The other emperors nodded in agreement, and the room fell silent as the treaty was passed around the table for each Emperor to sign.

After the last signature was etched onto the treaty, Emperor Augustus Nithe of Draco broke the silence. "I hope this treaty will bring peace to our lands and prevent any more bloodshed. We've lost too many men already."

Emperor Aurelius Krisham of Elcatia added, "Agreed. The people of our nations deserve a future without war and violence. The Aquina treaty is the first step towards that future."

After the treaty was signed, a joyous occasion was celebrated with the creation of a new holiday called Aquinas Day. It commemorates the historic event that brought peace and prosperity to the land.

In the weeks after Queen Aquina's last order to the world, each continent was plagued with war and unrest. The explorers of each continent were constantly fighting for power and control, and the battles seemed endless. The people of each continent suffered greatly, and it seemed as though peace would never be achieved.

However, a new generation of leaders emerged during the final week before the celebration of the Queen's reign. They were strong, determined, and skilled in battle. They fought fiercely against their opponents and eventually emerged victorious.

Eldric Minos, the eldest son of Queen Aquina, was one of these leaders. Even though he had his mother's blessing, he didn't want his kingdom to see him as a weak emperor. He proved himself the strongest contender and was elected by its citizens as the new Emperor of Eldorath.

As the meeting ended, Eldric was still conversing with the other emperors. He received a telepathic message from his wife, Tsarra. Her water had just broken, and she was going into labor. He felt a surge of power coursing through his body. Suddenly, he grew large, golden wings and took to the sky. The other emperors watched in awe as he soared above them, his wings glinting in the sunlight.

As they boarded their ships and prepared to return to their respective continents, Eldric knew he needed to hurry back to the castle. Still, he also knew he couldn't leave his duties as Emperor behind. He quickly decided and sent a message to his advisors, instructing them to take care of any urgent matters in his absence and to have Azarain meet him in front of the castle.

With that, he soared back towards his castle, his wings swiftly carrying him through the air. As he landed outside the castle gates, a group of servants greeted him and led him to Tsarra's chambers. As they sped to Tsarra, he received a telepathic message from his advisor stating that Azarain and his family were missing and that Malice Temple had been destroyed.

"Send the knights to find him immediately, scour the rubble for the book, and send knights to protect the sanctum of infinite scriptorium," he replied, thinking, "I hope he hasn't."

He walked into the castle's medical bay, where he found his wife in labor, surrounded by midwives and healers. Eldric stayed by her side, holding her hand and offering encouragement.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Tsarra gave birth to a healthy silver-haired baby boy whose hair was more beautiful than his sister's silver hair. His hair shared the same color of streaks as his grandmother, Aquina. Eldric held his son in his arms, tears streaming down his face as he looked upon his newborn child, who resembled his late mother.

Meanwhile, at the sanctum of the Infinite Scriptorium, two knights in golden armor walked around, checking to ensure the temple was untouched. As the floor opened, they noticed the temple's puzzle had been solved and heard footsteps ascending the stairs.

They raised their guards while drawing their swords before two dieren, a race of dredgers. The dieren flew from their hiding spot on the ceiling at immense speed, crushing them to the floor and killing them on impact.

"It turns out to be a fake, now we will invade the city and attack everyone for the book if we have to, get ready for war." Azarain said as his pupils turned completely black to Peredur, who followed him up the stairs.

The dieren, whose bodies spewed a dark gaseous substance, bowed to Azarain before flying off to the top of the mountain that peaked into view.

Azarain and His son, Peredur Leonidas, Stepped into a cloud of shadows appearing in front of a few hundred; Heinu, a pure elf who has turned dark due to Azarain's mind control skills, and three different mixes of dredgers he has enslaved, it consists of Dieren, Drixie, and Dryads.

"We shall proceed with the plan. The moment has arrived to execute the final act of our grand scheme. You, my loyal henchman, shall destroy Ulnashara and retrieve the book. Meanwhile, I shall confront Eldric and ensure that he doesn't interfere with our plans. As we move towards the city, we shall wait for the signal before launching our attack. The fate of our mission hangs in the balance, and the stakes are high. The city will tremble at our might, and they shall bear witness to the dawn of a new era. A reign of terror shall sweep across the land, and none shall dare to stand in our way. The hour has come for us to claim what is rightfully ours. So let us move forward with conviction and determination, and let the world tremble at our feet!"

As sunset approached in Ulanshara's capital, the king walked outside his castle with his newborn son, holding him in the air as the citizens stared in awe.

Outside the snow-draped tents, people waited anxiously for the king's announcement. Amid the silence, the beautiful harmonies from the silver-haired elven women caught their attention. The musicians played a melodious tune on a harp-like instrument called a flowego. In contrast, other musicians joined in with the beat on weirdly shaped drums. Together, they created a mesmerizing performance that left the crowd spellbound. It was the Queen's favorite song, and the musicians' talent and dedication were evident in every note they played.


As Emperor Eldric approached the open castle door, the air was thick with anticipation. The people, chatting excitedly, fell silent as they looked up at him in awe. His imposing figure commanded attention, and everyone waited with bated breath to hear what he had to say. It was a moment that would be etched in their memories forever.

"My dear people of the kingdom, I stand before you today with great joy and excitement. As we gather to celebrate the birthday of our beloved late Queen, we have been blessed with even more reason to rejoice. Not only have we been fortunate enough to witness a thousand years of peace in our kingdom, but god has also chosen to bless us with an additional prince on the day I ascend to the throne as your Emperor!

This is a momentous occasion that we will cherish for generations. As we look back on the past with gratitude and pride, we must also look forward to the future with hope and determination. We must continue to build upon our ancestors' foundation and strive to create a brighter and more prosperous tomorrow for ourselves and our children.

Today, as we come together to celebrate the life and legacy of our beloved Queen, let us also celebrate the birth of our new prince and the bright future that lies ahead for our kingdom. May we continue blessed with peace, prosperity, and happiness for many years!

Thank you, and let the festivities begin!"

As news of the young prince's arrival spread throughout the town, the people were filled with excitement and anticipation. Some townsfolk rushed to congratulate the king on this joyous occasion, offering their blessings and well wishes. Others worked tirelessly to prepare for the upcoming holy ceremony, where the new life would be celebrated and honored. The town was buzzing with energy and enthusiasm as everyone eagerly awaited the arrival of the new Emperess and the start of this new chapter in their history.

Amidst a period of unbridled joy and contentment, no one could have foreseen the impending doom, which hurtled towards them with such ferocity and speed, catching them off guard and unprepared.

Deep in the dense forest lay a group of outcasts known as the Impures, individuals whom their entire bloodlines had shunned for their dark nature. These people were consumed by hatred and despair, unable to comprehend the possibility of new life entering their forsaken territory. Despite their disbelief, they remained steadfast in their mission to assassinate the king and as many townsfolk as possible, driven by a desire for revenge for all they had lost. The Impures had forfeited their sanity and souls to the corrupting influence of the Book of Malice. This tome twisted the energies of those who fed into their dark desires.

The festivity unfolded with a splendor that rivaled the celestial bodies above; lanterns and candles flickered like terrestrial stars against the veil of the night. An abrupt and chilling surge of knights, once valiant and now fallen, whose blood blanketed the virgin snow in haunting silence—a grim prelude to a catastrophic explosion that tore through the heart of the town. Its shockwaves sent a shudder of vermilion through the cracks in the earth, igniting an echo of terror that reverberated in the very soul of the kingdom.

Particularly for Eldric, the moment bore an agonizing duality. In the protective crook of his arm lay his newborn heir, innocent to the chaos, while his beloved wife lay recuperating. The act of bringing forth new life rendered her fragile and devoid of her usual strength. There she rested, unaware and vulnerable, her body laboring to mend from the trials of childbirth, unwittingly reliant on her absent protector.

The air suddenly rang with a cacophonous 'BWOOM' as the aftermath took its visceral toll. The sullied snow was painted with the grim reality of a battle's toll, and the once-pure landscape was defiled with the scattered remnants of flying limbs and bone fragments.

Amidst the chaos and destruction, severed body parts were seen flying through the air as a horde of impure horned elves stormed through the gate with an army of dredgers hovering above the kingdom. The dreary atmosphere was filled with dark energy emanating from the dredgers, which caused more explosions, adding to the already catastrophic scene.

Then, Azarains' decree sliced through the dread-laden silence with a venom that chilled the kingdom's very marrow: "Exterminate them all, and ensure no soul persists!" His command reverberated an unholy edict that boomed across the desecrated expanses with a nasty resonance.

Amidst the tumult, a sinister silhouette loomed—a towering figure draped in the royal purples of twilight, his visage crowned with three serpentine horns that arced towards the heavens in a mockery of regal diadems. From this dreadful sovereign, a piercing scream erupted, shattering the tumultuous quiet and resonating like the clarion call of doom; the signal caused everyone's ears to burst. Dark mist roiled around his outstretched hands, manifesting his vile intent, each tendril throbbing with a dire purpose that spelled ruin for all who stood against him.

The figure floating opposite the regal-looking Emperor had a menacing aura around him. Azarain's eyes locked onto Eldric, and with a slow and deliberate gesture, he pointed his index finger towards the monarch. Suddenly, a dark energy gathered around his finger, crackling with an ominous power. The figure unleashed a bullet of dark magic that hurtled through the air with frightening speed and precision, aimed directly at Eldric. The Emperor's attendants gasped in horror as they watched the deadly projectile streak toward their ruler, hoping against hope that he would be able to evade it in time.

Azarain noticed Eldric run into the castle as he flew behind the castle and snuck in from the underground cave.



In an instant, a blinding ray of light shot down from the heavens, striking the ominous bullet lurking in the shadows. The air crackled with electricity as the two forces collided, sending shockwaves through the very fabric of time and space.


"Wow, it looks like you've been training hard since I last saw you, Tinsel," Peredur exclaimed, clearly impressed by Tinsel's ability to counter his attack. "This is going to be an exciting fight."

Standing tall, the moonlight casting a halo of radiant light upon his silver armor, the new prince of Elcatia declared with a voice that resonated with the force of justice itself, "I stand before you, not as a mere claimant to the throne but as the embodiment of Elcatia's unyielding spirit. You shall acknowledge your rightful sovereign, not through fear, but with the respect due to the herald of our land's resurgence. And if it is the will of the stars above, it shall be by my hand that tyranny is cleaved from this realm!" With the determination of the ages shining in his eyes, Tinsel made his vow!

Peredur's voice echoed through the kingdom as he spoke firmly, "I cannot and will not acknowledge that worthless man as my Emperor. He is not fit to be my majesty."

Tinsel did a front flip as they began hurtling towards each other at an alarming speed. It kicked Peredur in his face as he activated his faegon energy.

His body gleamed golden as black sparks raged from his body, growing large golden wings, his body covered in golden scales as he raised a diamond-pointed sleek tail.

Peredur then shot a dark bullet from his finger, grazing Tinsel's tail; the attack caused a building behind Tinsel to collapse.

As the building collapsed, Tinsel teleported beside Peredur, Wrapping his tail around his neck before slamming him into the ground multiple times while building a giant golden ball of energy in his hand and throwing Peredur into the air, blowing him into the mountain that peaked above the kingdoms gates.

His faegon energy caused Aurela's faegon transformation to start as he teleported to her side. She was currently fighting a group of Drixie.

Her body is covered in emerald scales, which heal her minor wounds. Her tail, at the end, is the shape of a syringe. As green sparks flew off it, her body and eyes gleamed golden. Her wings are transparent and covered in glitter.

They held each other's hands as their energy combined, blowing away every enemy before Peredur teleported behind them.

His once purple hair became more purple, he grew wings of dark energy, and his feet and hands were now claws.

At the exact moment he teleported, he sped toward Tinsel, grabbed him, dug his claws into his side, and threw him into a wall.

Aurela flew up into the air and shot a green blast toward Peredur.

Quickly dodging them, he flew next to her before glitching, allowing the last blast to pass through his stomach. He then punched Aurela down at a hurtling speed back to the ground.

Tinsel, to whom his grandmother had given extraordinary power, experienced his first vision. As the vision unfolded, everything around him slowly turned white. In this vision, he saw that continuing fighting would ultimately lead to everyone's death. However, he also saw a possible solution to this problem. He realized that if he could throw Peredur into Aurela's energy bomb, he could knock him out, allowing them to follow Alvaro away from this land. This vision took them aback Tinsel, but he knew that he needed to act on it to prevent a catastrophe from happening.

Telepathically speaking, he told aurela, "Fly into the air and create the biggest ball of pure energy you can."

Tinsel teleported behind Perdur, grabbing him with both hands by his wings before swinging him around quickly.

She nodded before speeding into the air, raising her arms, creating an enormous ball of energy, and screaming, "Sacred Rupture!"

Suddenly, Peredur could be seen flying towards the sacred rupture before aurela threw it towards him, instantly knocking him out of his demon form and causing him to spiral past the mountain into the distant skies as she fell toward the ground, having Tinsel catch her before she could hurt herself.

Tears streamed down Tinsel's cheeks as he teleported inside the castle to the medical bay where his mother lay unprotected. Aurela, with her healing magic, had managed to heal herself after the intense battle. She saw her mother and immediately understood the gravity of the situation. Tinsel picked his mother up in his arms, holding her tightly as they prepared to fly away.

As they rose into the air, a few hundred meters behind Alvaro, they could see the city burning below them. The once beautiful buildings were now in ruins, the streets filled with rubble and debris. The air was thick with smoke, and the smell of burning wood and flesh filled their nostrils.

Aurela healed Tinsel's wounds as they flew, but the pain of losing his father was still fresh. A lump formed in his throat as his mother woke up, groggy and disoriented. "Where is your father?" she asked, looking around frantically.

Tinsel's voice cracked as he replied, "He didn't make it, mom." The weight of the words felt heavy on his heart. He watched as his mother's face contorted in agony, and she began to weep.

"Please wait until we arrive at our destination," Tinsel said, trying to comfort her. "I will explain everything that happened while you were asleep."

As they flew higher into the clouds, the fiery city below them disappeared from view. The only sounds were the flapping of their wings and their quiet sobs. The world around them was peaceful, but their hearts were heavy with grief.

Inside of The Castle


"My Lord, it has been an arduous task to rouse the Emperess from her deep slumber since she gave birth," spoke a doctor with striking green hair, her face etched with deep concern. "Despite all our efforts, she remains unresponsive. Our physicians are not willing to give up, however. We will do everything in our power to awaken her and restore her to her former self."

The air was tense as the knights struggled to hold the castle door against the invading army. Suddenly, a bright light illuminated the grand foyer, and a figure appeared beside them. It was Alvaro, a striking elf with black hair and piercing blue eyes. He donned silver armor with blue underlining and a glowing jewel in his chest plate, which shone like a beacon of hope in the darkness.

Alvaro stood tall and confident, his aura exuding authority and power beyond his age of 14 (210 in elf years; one human year equals fifteen elven years). His hand held a sword that glimmered in the moonlight, ready to defend the castle and its inhabitants with all his might.

As he surveyed the scene before him, his gaze fell upon his father, holding his newborn brother in his arms. Without hesitation, shouting over the din of battle, "Give the baby to the doctor, Father. She will make it to the underground cave while we hold the enemy here!"

The woman nodded in gratitude, her eyes brimming with tears as Eldric passed the baby to her outstretched arms. With a determined look on his face, she turned and disappeared into the dark hallway, Alvaro's sword flashing in the light of the moon as he fought to protect his people.

As the tension in the air grew palpable, Alvaro's voice cut through the silence, commanding everyone to move back and prepare for the fight. The knights quickly obeyed, jumping back and allowing the door to open. As they stepped out, they were met with a chaotic battlefield, with the enemy troops advancing towards them with fury in their eyes.

But Alvaro was no ordinary knight. He moved with a grace and precision that left everyone in awe. His every step and movement was a testament to his skill and strength. It was as if he was born to fight, and he fought with the confidence of a true leader.

As he charged towards the enemy, his sword glinting in the moonlight, the knights were inspired to fight with renewed vigor. They pushed back the enemy's advance, striking with all their might, defending the castle with every fiber of their being.

It was a fierce battle, but with Alvaro leading the charge, the knights fought with purpose and bravery that could not be matched. They held their ground, never backing down, and emerged victorious, their spirits lifted by the knowledge that they had defended their castle with honor and courage.

"Good job guys!, Now we take the fight to them outside."

As Alvaro spoke, a great fiery sword impaled his chest.

"ALVARO!" Eldric shouted in anger as he ran back into the castle, killing the enemy he was fighting with one blow

"Arinost," Alvaro said, his breaths becoming stagnant. His words didn't change anything on the outside as he fell to the ground. Still, time stopped momentarily inside his body before he grunted "Vindael" as the wound on his body closed and his armor fixed itself.

Running frantically through the castle, the doctor finally found the door she had been looking for. With a determined look in her eyes, the woman with emerald green hair sprinted down the winding staircase, cradling the newborn prince in her arms. She dared not look back, knowing their pursuers could be hot on their heels. Her heart pounding with adrenaline, she raced towards their escape, the weight of the prince's safety heavy on her shoulders.


"It's okay, my prince, it will be alright! "the doctor comforted the baby.

As she sprinted towards the concealed door in the wall of the basement, an arrow whizzed past her head, narrowly missing her by a hair's breadth. The adrenaline rush coursed through her veins, making her heart race faster. Evidently, danger lurked around every corner, and she had to be on her toes to survive.

Her heart skipped a beat as she turned around and saw the last person she wanted to see again.

"Azarain, how could you!," the doctor said angrily

"Aht aht, where do you think you're taking my power source?" Azarain asked, pointing his index finger toward the doctor's head.

The scene was intense as the green-haired doctor tried to evade a beam of dark magic shot towards her. Despite her efforts, she was too slow to dodge it, and the beam hit her directly.

As she stumbled and fell to the floor, he laughed ecstatically, reveling in his telepathic power. Using his abilities, he summoned the prince into his hands. As Azarain took hold of the prince, a sudden flash of golden light shone from his body, illuminating the room in an otherworldly glow. As the power moved from the newborn to him, the sky outside lost its beautiful color, now appearing pitch black with a few clouds and the only light now being the moonlight.

"FINALLY, I CAN MOVE FORWARD WITH MY PLAN, AND THANKS TO YOU GIVING ME YOUR POWER," Azarain yelled as he started laughing, feeling the power of the holy vow go into him.

Still laughing ecstatically, Slowly, the baby's skin began to turn a pale pink color before, all of a sudden, his arms were sliced off, causing them to drop to the ground!

He turned to see Eldric while screaming in pain.

"You will not stop me. I have most of the vow in me as we speak," Azarain screamed. Then, he looked up and saw Alvaro standing beside Eldric, holding the prince.


"I BET YOU won't BE ABLE TO HEAL YOURSELF AGAIN," jumping into the air.

"Arinost!" Alvaro screamed as time froze. Azarain


Eldric said while he watched a golden glow come from Azarains' frozen body.

As he fell from the air, Azarain watched Alvaro fly at an immense speed through the cave, disappearing into the night sky.

"In the moment of his child's death, a fake emperor stops me." Azarain said, laughing before continuing, "But little do you know I will hunt all of your fucking hybrid children, ending them all after I cut your head off to put on my wall. You idiot draconian, I don't think you understand the situation."

Eldric's body grew golden wings, and his face protruded as he transformed into a Myrtalyn, A Holy Dragon, but it helped change the situation none.

Azarain's body turned into flames as he healed his arms. He then jumped towards the king, forming a golden magic blade with dark mist floating around it. The blade went right through the king's neck, slicing it clean off.

"and we are called Heinu," Peredur murmured, spitting on the Emperor's body.

But it was an illusion, as Azarain felt his body get grabbed by a dragon's mouth, and he flew into the air, collapsing the castle.

Eldric flew down at an immense speed, throwing Azarain into the ground, but nothing came out of his mouth when he tried.

Azarain, running up his back, yelled out.

"I'm sorry, old friend," as his body turned into flames, creating a black hole made of fire.

Eldric tried to escape, but the pressure of the attack pulled him in, turning him into ash as the attack finished.

Flying down to his army of Heinu, who were relaxingly having conversations with the Dredger they brought with them with glowing eyes of fire, Azarain screamed, "GET OFF YOUR FUCKING ASS AND DESTROY THE WHOLE KINGDOM, DONT STOP UNTIL YOU FIND THE BOOK OF OMNIPOTENCE."

"ALL HAIL AZARAIN!" the army screamed as they used their dark magic. The dredges soaked in the energy of the dead elves before sending intense, giant fireballs and dark energy into the sky, falling and raining terror upon the already fallen capital. At the same time, the rest of them scattered the kingdom using telekinesis to throw all the debris into the nearby lake, searching for the diamond-cased book.

They couldn't find the book as they finished destroying the city, but Azarain worried more about his missing son.

In The City of Celestara, Elcatia

Alvaro, flying through the clouds with his newborn brother. They were soaring high in the sky, taking in the breathtaking views of the world below. As they descended, they landed on the beautiful continent of Elcatia, home to the human race. The lush forests, rolling hills, and shimmering lakes welcomed them as they set foot on the land.

As the wind rushed past them and they soared through the sky, he couldn't help but notice a stunning hotel situated just off the beach. The hotel stood ten stories high and was adorned with an array of digital holograms, which displayed advertisements and promoted upcoming celebrity events. The holograms were so vivid and realistic that he felt he could almost reach out and touch them. It was indeed a sight to behold.

"Wow, it seems like the tech has improved a bit since our last stay," Alvaro exclaimed as he eagerly checked into the inn.

As he finished paying for his room, carrying his brother, an old woman appeared by his side with her pupils entirely white, saying in elvithian, "In yára mists of ellon, lye ar lye toron shall reunì naeth, for túr hasten the hröa's endor within thy toron, that he may yéni as the Firn. In his caim, the Eruhíni Parma shall blend, turin him aran over Itania, his maril fixed by ilúvë. Tira him with aicanaro, as lye oiomë tóla. Lest corma fades, lye shall not lá quetë his arantie."

Which translates to "In the veiled mists of the morrow, thou and thy kin shall unite anew, for the weft of destiny weaves your paths intertwined. 'Tis prudent to hasten the sands within thy brother's glass, that he may stride forth in age as doth his mortal brethren. He stands as a cornerstone of the morrow, for within his grasp, the Omniscience Codex shall meld, crowning him sovereign over the realm of Itania. His destiny, unyielding as the mountain's root, beckons! Guard him with valor unswerving as thine own strength burgeons. Lest vigilance wanes; thou shalt not bear witness to his ascension to the throne."

Upon hearing these words, the crone's eyes blazed anew with life's vibrant hues. With an unburdened air, she drifted from the hall, leaving behind confusion but the echo of destiny's call, as if the very essence of time had woven the moment into being.

Alvaro stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for their room. As the doors closed, he couldn't help but feel confused by the cryptic words of the old crone he had encountered earlier. With each passing moment, his mind raced, trying to make sense of her warning. Finally, as he reached his floor, he quickly walked down the hallway and unlocked the door to their room. Once inside, he immediately checked his dimensional space, anxiously searching for the book he had been entrusted with. Despite his nerves, he breathed a sigh of relief as he confirmed that the book was still safe and secure.

"Grandmother knew this would happen," Alvaro thought as he suddenly heard the voice of his fellow knight in his head, snapping him back into reality.

"Your world has been turned upside down, Alvaro. The once-powerful Emperor has been brutally murdered, and your mother's whereabouts are unknown. The kingdom has been ravaged by Azarain's army, leaving death and destruction in its wake. You must stay alive, for you and the newborn prince are the last remaining faegons. Tinsel and Aurela may have managed to escape, but Azarain's henchmen are scouring the land in search of you. Your survival is paramount, for the future of your people and the kingdom depends on it."

"Wait, what?! Dad is dead? And my mother is missing? And you're saying you're a faegon? What does that even mean? And what do you mean by 'the last'?" Alvaro's mind was racing with questions and confusion as he desperately tried to make sense of the knight's last moments.

The battlefield was a scene of utter chaos, with swords clanging and spells being cast, filling the air. Amidst the chaos, The Emperess's Royal Knight stood tall, his eyes filled with determination and fierce loyalty to his Queen. As he surveyed the battlefield, he saw Azarain's army advancing towards them, their weapons glinting in the sunlight.

Without hesitation, the knight raised his sword and shouted, "YOU IMPURE WILL NOT GET AWAY WITH THIS!" With a wave of his hand, he unleashed a powerful spell known as "Sacred Rupture," which tore through the enemy ranks like a hot knife through butter.

As the attack ripped through his body, the knight could feel his life force ebbing away. The Heinu below him exploded into pieces, the force of the attack too strong for him to withstand. His dying body fell out of the sky, pink blood leaking out of his armor.

In his final moments, the knight knew he had done everything to protect his Queen and kingdom. Despite the pain and the knowledge that he would not survive, he felt a sense of peace knowing that he had fought bravely until the very end.

"dont get caught, My lord, keep the prince safe he's the only hope for revenge…"

*the telepathic communication suddenly stopped*

During the fall of Ulanshara, a new era began that would ensure the Minos would not be remembered. This was made possible due to the concerted efforts of many mages who worked tirelessly to erase Aquina children's existence from society's collective memory. The use of technology still needed to be advanced enough to prevent this from happening. As a result, every story about their family was eradicated, and their entire history was wiped clean from the annals of time. Not even the existence of faegon, a significant figure in their family's lineage, was spared from this fate. The erasure of their family's legacy was complete and absolute, leaving behind no trace for future generations to discover.

Alvaro was overwhelmed with emotion and unable to reply. He crumbled into tears while clutching his only source of solace, his baby brother, Remus. His circumstances were almost unbearable, but the comfort of having Remus by his side was a small relief.

Alvaro's heart raced as he heard the news of his father's death and his mother's disappearance. He couldn't believe that his entire family had been wiped out, and he was the only one left to carry on their legacy. His mind was in turmoil, Remus close to his chest.

He knew he needed to protect Remus at all costs, for he was the only hope for revenge against the kingdom of Azarain. Alvaro was a faegon, a rare magical being with extraordinary powers. He had inherited his powers from his mother, a powerful mage.

As he looked out his hotel room window, Alvaro saw the city of Celestara bustling with life. The streets were crowded with people, and the air was filled with chatter and laughter. The cityscape's neon lights illuminated the night sky, making it look like a galaxy of stars.

Alvaro knew he had to leave the city and hide to keep Remus safe. He had heard stories of the wilderness beyond the city, where faegons like himself could live without fear of persecution. But first, he needed to find a way to protect himself and his brother.

He opened his dimensional space and pulled out the book his grandmother had given him before she died. The book was ancient, and its pages were filled with magical spells and incantations. Alvaro knew that this book was the key to protecting Remus and himself.

He flipped through the book's pages, trying to find a spell to help him. As he read the ancient text, he felt a surge of power coursing through his veins. He closed his eyes and focused his mind on the spell.

Suddenly, the room was filled with a blinding light, and Alvaro felt himself being lifted off the ground. He opened his eyes and saw that he was surrounded by a magical shield that glowed with a golden light. The shield was impenetrable, and Alvaro knew he and Remus were safe from harm.

He smiled, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. He knew he had a long and challenging journey ahead of him, but he was ready to face whatever came his way. With Remus in his arms and the ancient book by his side, Alvaro walked out of the hotel room and into the unknown.

Back in Eldorath, After Destroying The Kingdom of Purus

Soaking white energy out of the knight's corpse, Azarain had one of his men crush the skull.

The man's hair stood on end as if charged with a powerful force. His body glowed with a vibrant red aura as if channeling immense energy. However, the red aura was at odds with some dark energy fighting for control.

With a mischievous smile, the man named Azarain spoke up, his voice tinged with excitement. "We must move on to the next continent in our quest to find Peredur and the five books of power," he said. He seemed to be playing with some object, which he referred to as the "ultimate affinity control" from the power holy vow.

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