
the book keeper of dreams

this is a story about a man who must fight climb And find his way through all the chapters of this fantasy novel world of books and different challenge's while using his super evolved mind

fanticallikeademon · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

The next day

i awoke to the touch of something soft hmn berry is that you didn't i tell you to not come in here where have your own room ugh but but nothing ahhh u meany why'd you push me off the bed cause i need my ugh move space butttt i wanted to be like we always did ugh im sorry your just to cute alright lets go we got some work to do ok clothes huh put some clothes on before we leave ugh fine when we settle down and have are own space them you can walk around the house only naked all you want unless we have guest ok ugh fine i love you

as i gave her a kiss ok lets go ash umm hi why is she in there well why do you think ash huh yyyyou and her hahaha your so cute no im just playin with you when i woke she was laying with me but come to breakfast

hey are yall coming down every one is already down here yelled mao coming now ok smells good who cooked ouch now your hitting me to and what was that for you know who cooked dummy you right but act cute with your husband cause i wont be able to control my self if you keep acting like this mao smiled who knows.(what does that mean) hmm good to know whew im stuffed* burp* excuse me haha oh you think thats funny berry look at your stomach haha so round and huge haha huh ah! were your belly go so mysterious teach me nope now come here no ah! help save me the mysterious fat flat is trying to get me huh ah ash save me what is going on he wants to eat me huh who's the fat flat snort sorry caught me off guard the what the mysterious fat flat look oh you Meany max why are you calling him that his stomach go whosh boom like air ballon then shh shwoom like a deflated ballon its so weird hahahahaha ah i can't take it your to cute and funny bery wha wha.. what are you talking about max hahaha ugh you bully lets go ash ahh no wait please dont leave me ill be bored sucks to be you neh ugh how i wish i had a camera huh a what nothing never mind if you say so but me and her are leaving by ugh fine i had some work to do anyways 2 hours later hey bill huh oh mr.vos i told you to call me max yes yes i remember sir max not sir yes Max thats better i need your help and your brother bob hmm bob haven't seen him in weeks huh weeks you say where you see him last well in the forest were he always works i tried going in to find him but it was to many beast so i left to see if i could find any help but none will you help me of course now ill be back well now to the metal dessert Forest ugh dam this is definitely a fantasy world this was actually a forest in the dessert

and it was beautiful the first glance whould look like any old regular forest but it wasn't as you got closer and closer to the trees you whould first notice the spiral patterns on the tree and then its dark color like a dark black brown then i went in for it i felt the trees are hard but i dont know how hard ouch what the fuck huh the leaves are made of metal to ouch and its sharp the leaves golden yellow in color and all though thin extremely strong and sharp hmm i have an idea just need to find Bob ok lets go hmm for it to supposedly have a lot of animal's i did not see none and how whould they surv.. huh whew that was close what was that hisssssss

snake huh fucking snake giant FUCKING! snake WHY IS YO ASS SO BIG HUH WAIT better yet why is yo ass moving so fast fat ass snake whew that was close why you trying to hit me i didn't make ya ass fat hmm sorry snake time to die tiger pounce swan attack hmm no exp

what ever guess its not that type of party sorry lil guy it was either you or me and of course im not dying to you but that is beside the point yes new moves i learned tiger pounce basicly lets me appear anywere to attack my ennimies just like a real tiger and also swan attack is basicly a swift but also stronger attack anyways back to my oh fuck

in hell you got to be kidding me another huf huf huf whew afther 2 hours dam they say be careful what you wish for i don't really want to kill the animals i should think of a skill to incapacitate them huf dam thats alot of corpses ugh incinerate that works *clang* *clang* *clang* hmm hey what is there oh max is the name and you Name Is Bob The Crafter God Brother Of Bill The God Of Builds! ha ha good just the man i was looking for hmm you we're looking for me yes your brother said you gone missing for WEEKS WEEKS HE SAYS WEEKS HE SAYS!

that brat I've not gone missing i told hmm i was going to be gone for a month to work on something it's been 4 weeks ill kill him

dam thats crazy anyway what are you working on that you need a month a bunker of stain less iron wood from the iron steel forest oh ok cool how far along are you umm almost done why well i need your help with something well actually you and your brother to be exact but actually if you can will you show me how to get the materials or harvest or chop the iron steel trees oh thats it well you either have to have this skill (bob goes to a tree to show skill bob shouts perfectly sharp precision chop and three trees end up perfectly chop on the ground) thats one way.. (ding host should copy skill it will not be as strong as the origin ) copy or you can buy the tools it will take longer and you got to be rich (ding skill copied perfectly sharp precision chop) and you have to use the trees you cut down to make them cause they will break in a week oh thank you ill be on my way then on tell my brother ill be back in a week ok later you see max on the other of the forest ha finally most beautiful statue max had made a staue of the twin sisters yao and tau this is the most beautiful statue ever. huf took a lot of work but I've finished it this shall be named the precious twins of desert jade of Resurrection yao and tau the words were now inscribed in the statute whew and i got all the materials time to go

an hour later i arrived back at bill and bob shop and told him his brother said a week huh ok anything else nope i thought you needed help with something actually yea where can i find the lord no one has been talking about um well thats cause the lord has been missing for a year we have sent out search party's but we still haven't found him hmm ok thank you by 2 hours later back at the house im home mao with a seductive smile did you miss me gotta go by You Will Come Aroud! mao yelled whew that was close hey girls hi max do you mind if i borrow

Berry and ash no your fine come on then in

my room so guys I'm thinking of going to find the king i don't if it will be weeks hours days months minutes but i wanted to.. we're coming both of them yelled at me wait no

no what i dont want yall to come to late we're coming and you know this where you move we move lets go fine but we got to go the mansion ok get stocked up and dressed and call everyone for a meeting ok

four hours later ok everyone me bery and ash will be leaving to find the lord...HUH WHAT yes and yall cant come so dont ask ok

said the twins stay safe the daughters just left huh strange so did bery and ash were outside hury up ok as I'm leaving mao pulls my arm and kisses me and says while touch her pussy will be waiting ugh your asking for it i am she laughs fuck by lets go bery and ash as we are walking ash says you should just do it it's quite normal i plan to after we get back ok ohh i knew it do what Berry ask fuck i say who mao ohhh ok she smiles and continued walking we arrived outside this manor it was huge look like a castle from abladdin crazy show.