
the book keeper of dreams

this is a story about a man who must fight climb And find his way through all the chapters of this fantasy novel world of books and different challenge's while using his super evolved mind

fanticallikeademon · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

the desert town

<p>As we inter the village first thing i noitced is the smell hmm oh whats that it smelled of food delicious food they had kabobs wich i did not expect to see so i order 10 it was only 50 sliver coins each i gave one each to the girls and i went down the street to find more stands i got a<br/>yucca fruit and some cactus fruit and some jewelry that the girls wanted i noticed the people<br/>in the desert weren't like the people in the forest<br/>first every one had clothes on and they smilled more and it was lively hmm you almost had it young lady i say as i grab her hands now let's talk about your behaviour hmm i disappeared from the street and slam her against a wall hmm so who are you and why did you try to steal from me my name is not important and i will not tell you mm and you will not what as i slam her against the wall again umm I'm yao i tried to steal because i can thats the best you can do ok then do you want to get poisoned to the brink of death over and over again or do you want to talk huh and no one will here you scream i smilled wickedly i took her mask of and was startled oh what a beauty's ash said huh what umm nothing ash disappeared hmm but she is right you are beautiful long flowing deep sandy hair and light Carmel skin and you smell of earth i like that<br/>so you want to tell me or do i have to start eating hmm eating what you of course you wont you want to try it as i slowy start approaching her hmm do not think i dont dare hmm no stop ill tell hmm that's better ok so my family is in a poor situation my father is ill along with my mother and its just me and my sister hmm basic plot line in ever never mind ok lets go to were your house is and see if your telling the truth you heard me ok ok ok its this way hmm nice litlle shaby home and i can heal them but are you willing to pay the price yes ok now Rember you and your sister are mine for now on if you agree anything to save my family <br/>as i start laughing like a mainic we inter the house hmm clean who is this sister oh he is a doctor and he is here to heal mom and dad but we will be his huh no sister we can find another there aren't many doctors and he is young but he didn't ask for money and if he dosent heal them we will just not go with him and try to find another doctor ok let's start hmm ok i can do this new skill has been unlo k heal its done oh and wow the mom looks like a more mature version of the yao and her little sister tau<br/>had a liltle weird aura around her but still cute and the dad look like he worked at a butcher shop hi whats your name tau is my name hmm ok come with me into the room thank you for saving my wife and me umm oh just call me Max and I'm sorry dont get mad with what i do<br/>and i apologize but i cant controll my self and miss what is your name mao hmm ok im sorry and got up and walked over to there mom and kissed her for a min and it was worth it then the same to the daughters im sorry i apologize for kissing your wife please dont be mad at me i was at first but im confused on three things one why you did not apologize for my daughters oh that's my second thing i want to apologize for yao promised herself and tau to me to save you and your wife please dont get mad and trust me im the best for her you see i can make her wealthy or stronger or both just like black berry who bery oh wow i know right she used to be a black berry thorn bush but i made her into this beautiful Master peace and i whould let you kiss her but you will die she has poisonous kiss that can kill anything above mid tier oh ok i understand but my second question has been answered so then why did you kiss my wife im sorry she just to beautiful and i couldn't help my self i can usely controll my self how about 1000 purple coins as compensation oh no you saved are lives that more than enough ok are you ok miss yes im sorry it was the first time a man ever did that to im just a litle shocked oh well between the three yours was the best what do you mean yao hit me what was that for because that was my first kiss and mines to as tau thrown a shoe at me hey now how was i supposed to know and i have a question is every one opend like you or no no we are just so grateful not only did you save are lives but you even going to help are daughters and dont forget im also going to help you get back on your feet to I'll be here for a month then I'm leaving ok now here take this hmm whats this i just created i made one for each of you and here one more thing i transfered my power or chi to them there you can now use it with out touching its called a communication device you call me or anyone Else in here ok and if you want to hide it just think about it and poof new achievement first to create a phone and transfer chi for being the first to create phones you unlocked shared communication shared communication allows you to let anyone you want to understand the other person for being the first to transfers chi you unlocked chi explosin<br/>it allows your chi if its in a person body to either exploded your chi with half your strength on the targert or let the person with you chi exploed with your power hmm good every body I'll go buy a house then we will all have a dinner there so 500 purple coins should help only for the ladies who are going to cook hmp what berry i know how to cook to sure you do you just been turend into a human so what i can yall go and find ingredients I'll take berry with me hmm now to find a house so you are going try my food ugh fine come after the house ok fine hmm ugh its so hard its ok your almost there just a little more ahh finally done i think this is the perfect house after searching i found a house on the outskirt of the town and it had 8 rooms but i only cared that it came with the shower function which i did not care for i just upgraded it to a better function i also upgraded my room i asked the girls to pick there rooms but the backroom is mines i did something i call the room closest to max there are two close to him i get the second one ok girls go take a shower i tricked it out you will like it berry come with me were are yall going to fuck huh i bet you are and what if we are you want to join no but ash i love you and stop being a bitch fuck you max you know its sad that my wife treats me like this whos your wife fuck you i love you to and i will be down stairs if you need us your not going use the room for what you said ahahaha you actullay believed me i like you even More black berry wants to show me she can cook oh ok so berry are you going to cook something quick umm i dont know what do you mean i dont cook with heat but umm my vines than go ok hmm ok after 30 minutes she was done hmn d-vine cuisine what sorry just a joke oh ok can you try hmm ok give ok hmm not bad so your vines plus poisn from your vines and nutrients from the earth its delicious to bad im the only one who can try this but i guess thats actually better It means im speacial this is like a dish you only make for me ok go find ash ok (ash pov he called me wife ahhh no i like him he saved me but still i must stand strong ok ash you done) huh oh yea im coming out ok ok hmm umm black berry why are you drooling umm sorry you look so delicious i mean good umm i meant nice you smell nice ash blushed thank you uh huh alright ill get in max is down stairs Ok thank hmm max hi hmm ahh so scary who are you what do you mean its me ash hmm ok after circling around her to find anything ok hmm what are you doing you idiot oh sorry i was trying to figure out why your being so nice<br/>fuck you i was trying to be nice to you yeah right<br/>fuck you max ahhhh i hate you wait im sorry i got trust issues really i couldn't tell hmm i do well talk later ok fine oh ill call them hello ah it works we got a house will yall come we are starving ok ok were on are way after 40 minute's they arrived umm were is max and Berry a few minutes before they arrived max went up stairs umm dam ahh oh its you max yea fuck you like you can have a taste i think you will like this better than vine cuisine oh yea i think your Right oh fuck we have guests dam max what i was already to later ill take a shower ok umm max what you know i cant handle seeing you like this after what you just said to add on to this ugh did you just im sorry no your fine come let me i grab a sponge and started scrubbing her then smoothly rubbing her skin we both were clean when we were done oh ho ho they finally come down food is being prepared hmm oh my you are just to gorgeous please let me eat you hold on i can understand you what umm ahh what is going on im so embarrass hahahahahahahahahahaha you like my gift berry hold were is ash over there ash is at ha ha ha ha ha ha i cant max thank you ill give you a kiss a real one hmm before i could react she flew over and gave me a most magical kiss dam fuck you wow ash i wish i could give you something you already did a good laugh thank you in Berry's view oh you want to eat huh she says to the mom but can you handle me or the consequences of what whould happen umm hahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahaha me and ash laugh at the same time why so serious when did you get like this berry umm oh ahhh max she runs to hide behind ash what are you doing berry hahahahahahahahahahaha max is not going to eat you you dont know that i was just a bad girl haha your fine come i love this side of you by the way mao there is a shower up stairs please you and your daughters try it after the mom got out she was even more stunning but i controlled myself enough to attack berry im sorry i couldn't kiss mao again so you we're the victim hmmp what about me ash said your saying two other females are better looking then me huh umm no your all pretty ok hmp whatever wait ash i love you no you dont i do here have this what a middle finger ugh fuck you max haha ouch you dare to hit me after fighting with her before Berry stopped us after she got done laughing wich was 30 minutes ugh Huff huff ugh not bad ugh im all sweaty im sorry here clean huh new skill yes whatever can i have that skill here transfer thank you i love you again ugh only love me when you get something you witch huh you say something no not me ok by afther two hours food was done hey huh you two girls been quiet huh oh sorry just thinking huh oh here come with me are you two ok is it me no were happy we are just ugh we never had anything like this and you helped me even after i stole from you so i just want to say thank you no problem now go back and eat ok ugh ok after we were done eating i said find a room except the three back rooms ok ok hmm ugh hey berry ash can yall come in my room no i know you just want to fuck no I wanted to talk ash you slut how am i a slut havent had sex yet oh nevermind come here please ok now in my room on the balcony umm ash and Berry i got something serious to talk to you about will yes ugh fine ash please oh your serious alright thank you now i haven't known you for long but i trust yall so I'll tell you something of my pass and please dont judge me im not from here and take that how you like it and i love yall with all my heart and ugh this is about earlier ash the reason i got trust issues is one my family loved me at first untill i started getting into reading they slowy started showing less and less love untill they bascially abandoned me and then my friends ended up betraying someone i let in to my secert place of all the world limited edition books and they burned all my limited edition books ugh im sorry you wouldn't understand if you dont have my love for books like i did it's bascialy like losing a loved one over a thousands times knowing you can't do anything about it it hurt bad so im sorry but i trust you guys ok so dont please dont abandon that trust i gave to yall im not asking yall to not abandon me just the trust ok oh thats is a sad story oh black Berry ah Im sorry it was just so sad ugh im sorry what are you apologizing for huh oh for being rude to you haha huh i like you for and the way you are ash ok so please for me dont change you to berry ok ok i got your to cute berry haha as i kissed her on the forehead you to ash no ah get away fine ill just go to sleep huh sleep not to day peoples elbow ahhh what come here ash ahhh no stay away leave me lone you big bully i want to fight to what berry ahhh who are always fighting were sorry mama berry please who are you calling old age is beauty you know that's all oh ok few that was a close one alright girls from now on i live for you and all my other girls only to make us stronger ok ok now the next morning</p>