
the book keeper of dreams

this is a story about a man who must fight climb And find his way through all the chapters of this fantasy novel world of books and different challenge's while using his super evolved mind

fanticallikeademon · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

The book keepers mighty mind

<p>my name is max vos and i was a natural book worm sometimes i whould go days with out eating anything or using the bathroom if I'd found<br/>a good book series or just multiple good books<br/>I'd read from all kinda of books and I've read from history books I've read all dictionary's in every language I've learnt every language and I've visited over ten different place's and I've basically read all genres of books from horror to mystery to thrillers to fairy Tail's to fiction non fiction to cook books to health books to physics to science to well you get the picture anyways in all my days of reading I'd never<br/>suspect to get sucked in a book i just picked up<br/>and worst of all i left the stove on my delicious baby's now whos going to eat them p.s forgot to mention oh yes i am foodie i love all types of food but we will save it for later when i awoken<br/>i found myself to be in some sort of bind but lucky i wasn't alone i mean i had my brain so soon enough i figured that i was in a bush and<br/>for some reason i could understand it it was yelling yelling really fucking loud and it was a<br/>woman just my luck so i focused on what it was saying it was saying PLEASE GET OF ME RIGHT NOW YOU BRUTE! now i was confused at first but then i remembered that i was sucked in a book so it was normal to hear a talking bush so i asked how now here comes her turn to be shocked she screamed so long i thought my ears we're going to pop so about 10 minutes later she passed out so by the time she<br/>passed out i was free but just as i was about<br/>to walk away some stupid screen poped up<br/>and with my smarts i guessed it was probly a system message it said (host please read carefully of all things you have unlocked )<br/>now me being me i didn't want to look but i had this urge to look so i did and it read<br/>:name max vos<br/>:heritage unknown<br/>:skills all powerful knowledge<br/>: achievements<br/>:passive skills languages master master of nature master of knowledge master of earth clear head strudy earth <br/>:active skills<br/>:title's master of all earthy knowledge <br/>the skill all powerful knowledge is as it sounds<br/>it gives me for a brief moment right now the knowledge and power to know anything<br/>as for my passive skills languages master is as it sounds i can speak to anything and also understand anything master of nature is capable of helping me to get a deeper understand of the way of life and plants and it also lets me help them to become better then what they are master of knowledge is like all power knowledge except it just let's me think 150x my normal speed Master of earth lets me remember every thing i seen and learned or heard or felt or smelt or bascialy anything from earth I'll Remember it basically clear head its kinda let's me keep a clear mind unless im not cooperative with it were as strudy earth makes my body as strudy as earth my title master of all earthly knowledge bascialy it as is sounds<br/>and i got the clear head and strudy earth from<br/>the problem is that clear head only works if cooperation's is in tac so basically i dont even fully understand it but now i know what<br/>to do for the black bery thorn bush first i had to water it lucky for me it was a river next to me<br/>i cupped my hands and stuck them in the water did this three times then the black bery bush started twisting and turning and shrinking and growing then it stopped this lasted three hours<br/>when it was done the black bery bush didn't look<br/>like a bush any more it was a gorgeous young woman.around my age i think i never got around to lookin at my self anyways not only was she gorgeous she had long black hair all the way down to her back she had pure white skin and thorns tatoots on her arms and when she look at me for the first time i thought i was in heaven her eyes pure neon green first thing she said was thank you and who are you i said your welcome and you can call me vos <br/>of course then i said she is the most beautiful person i ever seen she blushed so cute but i had to stop because she had no clothes on i asked her to wait there and i came back an hour later<br/>she was crying her eyes out i apologized to her<br/>and told her i was making her clothes to wear cause she was nude to my surprise she told me only nobles or at least some people who were well off can wear clothes and the common and poor walked around naked i was very surprised but still<br/>not enough but now she wanted to question me<br/>i allowed first thing she asked was how was i<br/> able to speak her language i told her partially<br/>the truth i read every book and i know every language so dont be surprised in the future her second qustion how could i stick my hands in the holy river of fire i explained my body is very durable which she did not belive third question she asked why did you help me i answered truthfully i really felt bad for her and now that i see you i want you to be mine only if you want to now i was surprised again not only did she agree but she sealed it with a kiss it was the most perfect kiss<br/>I've ever had after that i went to find some materials to make a couple of things</p>

sorry I'm going through all chapters right now to fix any errors or spellings and will be releasing new chapters verry soon

fanticallikeademoncreators' thoughts