
the book keeper of dreams

this is a story about a man who must fight climb And find his way through all the chapters of this fantasy novel world of books and different challenge's while using his super evolved mind

fanticallikeademon · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

achievements and skills

<p>So i look around to find all the materiel's to make two mirrors nothing to fancy after a while i find the materials to make the mirrors i gave one to her and kept the other one for myself i finally got to see how i looked <br/>i had light violet hair and stary purple eyes and and nice brown skin and looked to be in my 20's based on black bery<br/> height i say that my height is around umm well i guess for here it should be normal 7'3ft and i guess im 10ft taller the my normal height as i used to be 6'3 now for my body i say im perfectly fit and after i was done with checking how i looked i asked black bery did she have a name she look at me and said no so i told her my full name is max vos and said do you want me to give you an name she jump up down and she looked so cute i couldn't help but kiss her i told her her new name is black bery after that i got a notification that said (check achievements) so i did in my achievements it said<br/>:achievements first to evolve a black bery thorn bush,first human to actually communicate with a black bery thorn bush, first one to make mirrors, first one to kiss a black bery thorn bush,first one to give a gift to species other than his own,first one to give a black bery thorn bush a name,first one to have a sealed relationship with a black bery thron bush, first one to look at himself in a mirror,first to stick his hand in the holy flaming river and come back with his skin attached, first one to get 10 achievements on first day, first one to let a black bery thorn see its reflection for being the first person to let a black bery Thorn bush see its reflection i got the active skil change clothes its as it sounds it let's me change my or other people clothes to anything i think of for being the first to get 10 achievements in a day i got the pasvie skill never tired its as it sound im never tired i can run for 10 years and whould not be tired for being the first human to speak black berry i got the passive skill Unlimited chant it basically lets me cast any spell by just thinking as long as I've seen it being used and for being the first to stick his hands in the holy river and come out attached i got the holy river of flame physique it basically im immune to all holy attacks and dark attacks and light attacks and all flame attacks and all for being the first one to look at himself i got the skill face change its as it sounds it allows me to change my face and also my level or aura or my strength for being the first to have a sealed relationship with a black Berry thorn bush i got the active skill seal break so it umm basically lets me break up any seald relationship but it says that if i train hard enough ill be able break any seal for being first to give black berry thorn bush a name i have the active skill name saver and it allows me to hide anyones presence or strength as long as i know there name being the first one to give a gift to a species other than my own ive unlocked one of my heritage skills its called the book swap as long as any of my friends or any body i dont considered foe has a writing from a book i seen i can ethier swap places with them or swap what evers comes to my mind into there hand untill i get stronger i can only use this three times a day for being the first to kiss a black berry thorn bush i have passive skil immune to poison not all but mostly all Poisson and for being the first to evole a black berry thorn bush i got another heritage skill called army of thousands books but it can only be used once a day and last an hour and if im not strong enough it will ethier destroy my body on take a heavy toll on me this skill summons over depending how strong i am 900,000 soldires or army depending on your thoughts so after i got done checking all of that i went to ask black berry how she feels she said better and stronger so i said i have a skill that could let me see your strength if you want me to<br/>she agreed to quickly but i got used to it quickly so her stats were like this<br/>:name black berry<br/>:race black berry thorn bush<br/>:heritage black berry thorn bush holy Revival dragon god<br/>:passive skills holy flame physique darkness resistance poison resistance black berry juice <br/>:active skills dragon Thorns poison Thorns dark thorns holy flame separate thorns dark poisoning bind skill yell of the ancients<br/>i was surprised by her heritage I'll ask her about it later her holy flame physique protected her from all flame light holy and dark attacks darkness's resistance is as it sound it prevents darkness from getting in her head as for poison resistance it prevents most poison expect one black berry juice should not be skill but it basically when she having sex the juice leaks out her tits depending it can either knock you out stimulate her to make it more fun if you drink it she and the man can go days with stoping if they want they only side efect is that you wont be able to control your self for a day if you drink it dragon Thorn's is a skill that protect the user with the defense of a dragon poison Thorn's is as it sounds its just Thorn's with deadly poison dark thorns aim directly for the head and if they connect unless you're super strong you can't get them off and they slowly eat away at your mind and corrode your head holy flame separate is a unique skill it lets her either combine or separate her flame and holy powers on to two difrent Thorn's dark poison binding skill lets you bind the enemy in corroding and poising ball of thorns that slowly eat away at your mind and body yell of the ancients is bit of a crazy skill she can yell and you will feel like you are being hit by a thousand ancients or she can yell and just push you back and exploed your head or she can yell and 10,000 animal's that are close to ancient will come and attack you but she can only yell for 20 minutes and she will pass out and only the blood of a god or holy person will wake her up if wait three days she will wake up but she will still be weak (new achievement) look at your first person skills unlocked the book keeper blood heals all illness and scars and is the blood of the gods after that i passed out.</p>