
The Blue Whisper

Princess Shunde captured a jiaoren demon and wanted to find someone to tame it. The princess has three wishes: that the demon utters human words, that the demon’s tail turns into legs, and that his heart will never be rebellious. Everyone knows that the East Demon Island, the West Demon Mountain, the South Demon Valley, and the North Demon Terrace are the only four places in the world that permit people with the ability to control demons. And the Demon Valley in the south has the strongest Demon Controlling Master in the world. She was the most powerful demon master in the Demon Valley, but her heart was enchanted by a demon.

Lb_1975 · แฟนตาซี
248 Chs

Chapter 8: Secrets and Friends

Ji Yunhe conjured some water and moistened all the dry and cracked scales on the jiaoren's tail. It looked much better afterwards even though it was still covered in scars.

While Ji Yunhe tended to the wounds, the jiaoren finally gave in to exhaustion and fell asleep.

"Master Warden, here is the medicine," one of the guards called from outside the cell. He took one look at the demon lying on the ground, the loose chains placed aside, and did not dare to walk another step closer.

Ji Yunhe eyed him, "Are you asking me to go out and get you or what?" The man trembled and hesitated a long while before reluctantly inching a step forward. Snow March could not take it anymore.

"A demon master so scared of a demon, what has your master been teaching you? Shameful!" She took a few big steps to him, grabbed the medicine bag and threw it into the cell with a backhand. The bag passed through the gap between the bars and was steadily caught by Ji Yunhe. The guy was honest enough to deliver a lot of good medicine, but they were all external medicine that would do nothing for internal injuries.

Demon masters usually did not heal internal injuries for demons so as not to replenish their power. It was common sense.

Ji Yunhe asked Snow March, "Got any ningxue pills?" The ningxue pills were the best internal medicine made here in the Demon Valley. Snow March was a bit surprised that Ji Yunhe would want such precious medication for the demon.

She felt uneasy about it, but still pulled out a small bottle and tossed it over without saying anything. The faces on the two guards changed at once, but they did not dare to question Ji Yunhe.

Ji Yunhe did not care much for what others were thinking anyway. She made an attempt to feed the jiaoren a ningxue pill, but his teeth were so tightly shut they would not open no matter what. She sighed and decided to set the pills aside for now. Then she took the healing ointment and started applying it little by little to the wounds on his body.

Her fingertips were gentle and soft. She was very thorough and did not pass up on even the slightest scratch under each scale.

The ugly wounds seemed to heal under her touch. Some cuts were thin and deep, others were wide and massive. Applying the medicine was not an easy task, dressing them was even more difficult. By the time Ji Yunhe finished, she raised her head and saw the moon was already high.

Snow March was long gone, and the two men left on guard by Lin Haoqing were sitting back to back on a rock, dozing off.

Time always passed quickly when one stayed focused. Ji Yunhe tilted her head and twisted her neck which now felt a little stiff.

The last injury left to be treated was on his wrist where the binding chains had made their mark. Ji Yunhe washed the wound, applied some ointment, and started to bandage it when she suddenly felt a cool gaze on her face.

"Oh, you're awake," Ji Yunhe greeted him gently. Ice blue eyes stared at her. Ji Yunhe held the ningxue pill in front of his face.

"Here, take this. It is good for your internal injuries." The jiaoren did not open his mouth.

"I know what you're thinking." Ji Yunhe's hands kept working on the bandage and her tone was no different from a casual chat.

"You are thinking -- might as well just die. If it were me, I would probably think the same. However, if you have a home, or unfinished business, or if there is someone you still want to see..."

She peeked at him and saw his eyes flicker. Ji Yunhe knew he understood her words and possessed the same feelings humans did. He probably did have a home, things to do, and people to see. And now he was thinking of them.

"Just stay alive. Your situation is not completely hopeless yet." Ji Yunhe patted the back of his hand which was now fully bandaged. She took out a ningxue pill, held it between her index finger and thumb, and pressed it against his lips. Lips as cold as the pupils of his eyes. After a brief silence, his teeth slightly parted and Ji Yunhe stuffed the pill down his mouth.

Seeing that he had taken the medicine, Ji Yunhe stood up, brushed off her bottom, grabbed the medicine bag and headed outside. No more requests, no more words, as if she was here just to treat his injuries.

As if... She had come to save him or something. Ji Yunhe pushed the door outward, waking up the sleepy two. They quickly stood up after seeing her lock the cell.

"Master Warden is leaving?"

"Sleepy? Then go back and sleep," she said.

"Won't need the lightning for a while, he is badly injured and cannot cause trouble anymore. You guys can just keep an eye on the door."

She walked away, leaving the two whispering to each other, "Master Warden… seems a little gentle toward this demon?"

"You haven't been here long, there are some things that you don't know. You're mistaken if you think Master Warden is any less tactical than the young valley master. She is just using a gentler approach." They both turned their heads to look at the demon in the cell. His breathing was light, as if he did not understand anything, or could not hear them at all.

Ji Yunhe took a deep breath when she walked out. The dungeon was humid and stuffy, it could not compare with the cool breezes and fragrant flowers out here. It was just a pity that the winds here in the valley lacked freedom compared to the world outside. Ji Yunhe walked deeper into the sea of flowers.

This large flower field sitting in the center of the Demon Valley was planted by the very first demon masters that had settled here. It consisted of specimens from each of the four seasons and was in bloom all year long.

It had been fifty years since the establishment of the Demon Valley, and people lost interest in caring for the flowers long ago, letting them grow wild. Some branches were now half a person high while others were thorny or even poisonous. No one walked into the depth of these flowers.