
The Blue Dragons

Tags: #Scifi, #Romance, #Horror, and #Supernatural/Paranormal. __ I. Bonded Ivory McKay and Viper Lehmann are two orphans who are kidnapped by New York City's most dangerous mafia gang. The leader has a reason why he is interested in these girls but holds many secrets that he keeps unanswered. When Ivory realizes Viper's true intentions of betraying the gang, she is stuck choosing a vicious gang and her only friend. Will Viper and Ivory be able to save themselves or will their flaws lead to their downfall? *** II. Double-Dealing Since Viper’s bitter fate, the Blue Dragons no longer consider her a threat. First, everything flows smoothly, but things slowly go downhill when coincidental stories and bizarre information are gradually exposed. As Ivory is trusted more and witnesses a realistic mafia lifestyle, an unexpected deed throws everything off-track. When processing the truth, Ivory is one step closer in discovering her captivity. When Ivory faces near death situations, which side will she choose: will she choose Blue and the gang or rebel like her former best friend? (Complete) *** III. Unmasked When Ivory and Lily return from their peaceful and relaxing two-week vacation, everything changes. From murders to romance, Ivory witnesses darker intentions and unmasks her involvement with The Blue Dragons. Ivory thought that Blue was crazy, but seeing what he is capable of with the fellow gang members truly makes fear run through her veins. Interestingly enough, Ivory faces Blue's many personas, and wonders where her life will lead next. If Ivory does leave the gang, will it be her decision or someone else’s? (Serializing) (TBA)

PvpleMxn · แฟนตาซี
78 Chs

II. Incentive Motives

Leech dialed someone on his cell phone and had begun speaking. The phone conversation was crucial and private. Leech had told the person on the other line everything that had taken place. The gang leader didn't tell Leech anything, and Leech was furious, so he did his research. He waited and waited but realized that the leader was using him. Leech's plan to wipe out the notorious gang was taking the next initiative.

"Well, how are you going to succeed?" The man asked.

"There's this member that can help," Leech began, "I believe that he has a soft spot for her."

Leech told the other person on the line about the girl that could help him surpass the dangerous gang. Leech confirmed the suspicions that he had when he first laid his eyes upon her. Leech then said he would fetch the young woman tonight, finding his way back to Chicago the next day. The man on the other line said that sounded like a great idea and then hung up.

Leech set his phone down on his living room table; he believed that no one could get in the middle of his plan. However, what Leech didn't know was that four people were watching him. Their identities and presences went unnoticed.


Ivory was with Blue in his office. Ivory had updated him on what she, Honor, Birdie, and Fox had accomplished before Lily came all beaten up at the hands of her sister.

"There's no trace of her, boss," Ivory promised. "I'm not too sure if you need help with her body, but I assume that's the next step?"

"Red took care of Swindle H's body. Good job, you're doing well," Blue replied, sitting in front of his computer.

Ivory noted that he had surveillance cameras in all the area except private rooms, and she could see everyone on all the levels unless they were in their bedrooms or bathrooms. Ivory glimpsed, seeing Honor entering the base and speaking with Lily, whose face remained swollen from the encounter with her sister.

"Lily's face doesn't look so great," Ivory pointed out.

"Yeah, I spoke to Harley about that."

Ivory couldn't find Harley on the cameras; she figured that Harley was in her bedroom. Ivory smiled, seeing the private servants in their headquarters, working, and talking.

Ivory then had a new impression of Blue. Since working closely with the older man, he was pretty outgoing. She expected him to be antisocial and psychopathic, but he is far from those two things. Sure, he was aggressive and relaxed, but she did not expect him to be as open for discussion. Ivory was always so sure that Blue was a quiet man, but quiet and gang leader are opposing words.

Ivory noted that Blue definitely was talkative, but also impersonal. Blue was cold and secretive, but when the right conversation started, he would engage in a conversation. She had no idea that Blue was charismatic. Ivory was happy to interact with Blue on a more personal level, even if he was detached.

Ivory then noticed that she and Blue were similar: he was the extroverted version of her. Ivory was aloof and private with the wrong people, but she was comfortable around Hawks and Lily, and pretty much told them everything.

Ivory was sensitive and emotional, and her curiosity was like a thirst. Blue was detached but was obviously the life of the party. Blue was sociable, charming, and was neutral with people he tolerated. Blue was involved with all conflicts and conversations, and was always talking with someone.

However, what made Blue and Ivory so similar was the fact that they were distant and came off as rather cold. Ivory wasn't so sure why she felt so warm near Blue and his cold presence. Ivory felt that she yearned for something, but wasn't so sure what she desired.

Blue's cellphone rang, and he answered it. Blue briefly spoke and hung up the phone, staring at Ivory. "Here's a question: what is your impression of Leech?"

"Well, his nickname means that he never goes away," Ivory spoke. "I assume he's always around, even when you'd least expect it. He's a strange dude."

Blue moved closer to Ivory. "Red, Honor, Birdie, and Hawks were keeping an eye on him earlier. They heard him on the phone with someone and said that some man has a spot for a woman and that Leech would fetch this young woman tonight."

"That's weird. I wonder who this young woman could be. You don't think it's a Blue Dragons member, do you?"

"No, I know it's a Blue Dragon's member."

Ivory began to think. She could tell Blue was intuitive as well.

"Why did you trust him if that's the case?"

"I never did. Leech had information on you and Viper that I needed; that's why he hasn't been around lately."

"I see," Ivory said.

She figured the information was the paperwork in her files and thought nothing else.

"Red believes I have something that Leech needs. If Leech gets inside, the woman he abducts won't be harmed. Leech must always remember that I'm steps above everyone else."

Ivory nodded, wondering why Leech was acting the way he was.

A few more minutes passed, and Ivory's shift ended.

She found herself in her room.

Ivory dressed in her lounge clothing and met Hawks in his room, where the two watched a movie. After, the two said "good night," and fell asleep.

Ivory opened her eyes after hearing the floor creak. Ivory noted that it was dark outside and that it must be late. She turned to see Hawks laying down on the bed next to her; however, his breathing was off. She felt something was wrong and shook him gently, but unfortunately for her, he wasn't waking up.

"Hawks?" she shook him. "Hawks!"

She began to freak out but kept her composure. She quickly jumped out of bed to go and seek help, but stepped on something. She cursed silently and picked up the item on the floor, seeing that it was a needle.

Then an epiphany hit her; someone drugged Hawks. She wondered why someone would narcotize him. Ivory felt that the room's energy was strange; someone could be hiding. She wanted to understand how they got past security.

Suddenly, she felt a knife go to her neck and a hand on her shoulder. The figure bent to her level and whispered into her ear, "Don't worry, your boyfriend will be fine, but you won't be if you make any noise."

Her heart pounded, instantly recognizing Leech's voice. Ivory had no idea why he sedated Hawks and why he held a knife to her neck. She was too scared to ask. Leech led her to the front door, her heart pounding out of her chest, echoing through the dark, silent hallway.

Her throat tightened. Ivory wanted to cry, but was tired of sobbing, and being vulnerable and sensitive. Ivory was a member of a dangerous gang; she felt that she should be tough.

Leech led Ivory out the door, but not before she reached for her boots by the entrance and rushed to put them on. After that, they quietly went down the stairs and walked through the quiet streets of Manhattan. After a while of walking, he stopped at a carriage stop, and they were waiting for a taxi.

He let go of her, and she turned to face him.

"Why did you kidnap me?"

"We're leaving the city," He looked down at her; the streetlights rested up to his face, showing his features.

"We can't leave, and you cannot take me!"

"I can, and I will. There is a reason why I need you; you're so useful, Ivory, and you don't realize it."

"But what will I do if I go with you? I'm not a prostitute. I'm nothing like Roxie, Birdie, or Swindle H."

"If I wanted a stripper, I would have taken one of them instead," Leech laughed. "You're much too smart and innocent for a life like that."

She sneered at him but said nothing. Blue would notice something and realize that she was gone. He'd know that someone kidnapped her.

After a few minutes, a car came, and Leech pushed Ivory lightly so she could enter first, then after her, he went. He gave the driver an address, and the driver sped down the street. Lester glanced at Ivory, who sat quietly, knowing that saying something wouldn't be smart. She'd escape later, but right now, she must figure out where they were going right now.


Lucky was walking through a dark hallway on his way back to his bedroom when he passed by his brother's room and saw the door wide open. He found that strange because Hawks never slept with the door open, and he investigated. Lucky also felt that something was wrong. He quietly made his way to Hawks bed when he stepped on something and flinched--but picked up the item and turned on the light.

Lucky looked around the room, remembering the last person in this room was Ivory. Lucky turned and ran out of the room to fetch Blue, but saw that the leader and Red were outside the room.

Blue tried to wake up Hawks, but the young man remained unconscious.

"Who would do this to my brother?" Lucky shouted. "Who would do this?"

"Boss, I caught him," Spike ran over, holding a black and white photo from the surveillance cameras. It showed Leech sneaking into the base.

"Good, we have Leech where we want him," Red smirked.

"Guys," Harley ran over. She looked worried. "Ivory's missing."

"Ivory was the young woman Leech wanted," Blue sneered. "Red and Lucky, call Oak. I'm going to make a few phone calls."

"Blue, wait!" Harley yelled.

Blue ran down the hallway, hoping that Ivory wasn't hurt. Blue wouldn't let any member die no matter what. Leech would pay, but right now, making sure that Hawks was okay and finding Ivory were his initiatives.