
The Bloody Vampire Boss

"My boss is a vampire?" *** An unknown creature killing and draining humans blood at night... A curfew by the cops to keep the people safe from the strange deadly creature. Here we have Allison, an office secretary. Allison's world revolved when she fell in love with her new hot boss Nicklaus Michelson. Unknown to her that her new boss is the wanted beast... A vampire. Will Allison get through this? What if the vampire is obsessed with her already? *** Find out!

Preshpinky · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Her weird boss


I stared at her as she looked around fearfully. I could hear her heart beating very fast.

"Trust me, it's gone." I said and she looked at me nodding. She noticed she was very close to me, and she moved back immediately.

"I am so sorry Mr Nicklaus." She said and I shook my head.

"It's fine." I said breathing out from my mouth.

"We should get out of here. Next time I would make sure you are not going home this late nor alone." I said and she nodded.

"My house is very close to this place." She said rubbing her arms like she was catching a cold.

I removed my jackets and placed it on her shoulders.

"This would do." I said and she smiled faintly.

"Thank you, Mr Nicklaus. But how did you know I was here?" She asked and I sighed.

"I couldn't let you go out in the dark alone. I followed you to make sure you are okay. And then it happened you were in danger." I said and she sighed.

"I just didn't want to stress you. I am sorry for putting you through all this trouble." She said and I shook my head.

"It's fine." I said smiling.

"We are here." She said, and then I noticed we already got to her house.

"Allison." We heard Marcus call running out of the house immediately he sighted us.

"Hey." She said hugging him while I just stared at them.

"Are you okay? I was so scared when you hung up." He said looking at me.

"I'm fine Marcus. Thank God Mr Nicklaus was around, an animal almost attacked me." She said and he hugged her again.

"Oh my.... Are you sure you are not hurt?" He asked. It seems like he doesn't like me.

"No I'm not. All thanks to Mr Nicklaus." She said looking at me and I smiled faintly.

"I should be on my way now. Good night, and you take good care of her, she is quite stubborn." I said and he nodded.

"Yes I know. Thanks anyway." He said holding her and I nodded walking away.

"I thought you had no escort. How did he get to you?" I heard Marcus ask as I walked away.

"I don't know. He was there at the perfect time, and he saved my life Marcus. Try to be nice." I heard her reply and I smiled dashing into the woods.

I moved very fast as the speed of light. Furthermore, I missed this place so much, my home before we all were banished.

Likewise, I need to find out what was after Allison. It wasn't a vampire, it was an animal. I looked around trying to get where the animal is.

Just then I heard a distant voice in my ear. I dashed to where the sound was coming from, and then I saw this animal feeding on another person.

"Bastard." I said dashing to it. My knife was ready in my hand and I jumped on the tree right on top of it. It stopped feeding and looked around to know where the sound came from.

It faced its prey again, and I jumped on it's back thrusting the knife into its neck. Furthermore, it made this awful noise, and then it died.

I stared at the dead body and I saw it was a young pretty lady it preyed on. The blood began to draw my attention and my throat became itchy.

I dashed away from the body and back to the road where my house was planted.

I dashed into my house and walked to the fridge, I opened it and took out one of my blood bags and began to drink from it.

The urge died down, and I sighed shutting my eyes.


"Marcus I am deeply sorry for keeping you waiting." I apologized and he smiled.

"It's okay Allison. I am just glad you are here now." He said and I nodded.

"You said you wanted to show me something on Mr Nicklaus." I said sipping my coffee as I sat on the couch.

"You really want to talk about that now? You ought to be scared. An animal almost ripped you apart." He said sitting next to me.

"I know Marcus. I know. I am trying to get that tension off my shoulders. So please can we not talk about it?" I asked and he nodded.

"But you need to rest now. You have a long day ahead of you tomorrow." He said and I sighed.

"I know, but I have to make it up to you. You waited for me, and now I am here I am going to hear you out. And don't even try talking me out of it because I won't listen, and you know that." I rapped and he laughed.

"Fine." He said reaching for his laptop and raising it up.

"Why is that here?" I asked looking at him.

"I made some research on Mr Nicklaus." He said abs I furrowed my brows.

"Seriously Marcus? Why?" I asked.

"Isn't it surprising. I haven't seen him in town before, neither in the company, and then he just comes out of nowhere and becomes a manager overnight? Don't you think there is something more?" He asked and I shook my head.

"I don't know Marcus. You can't just feel something is wrong somewhere all of a sudden. You just met him some hours ago, and you're already saying this?" I asked and he breathed out.

"Check this out. I searched for his background I got nothing, no Family nor relatives, the last place he worked, no place, the college he attends, also void." He said and I stared at the screen.

There was nothing about him, only his name. No lead concerning his address.

"Marcus this is wrong. You should go into everyone's data because he or she is my boss. You know this was the same thing you did the last time." I said sipping the last bit of coffee in my cup.

"That's because I want to make sure you aren't a P. A to some scumbag. This Mr Nicklaus is what too suspicious, nothing is here about him." He said looking very serious.

"Maybe he isn't from here. You know you can't get details outside here. You don't even know if he knows the founder of the company or something. Just don't jump into conclusions okay?" I said standing up and he nodded.

"I just hope I am wrong. Maybe he is some serial killer or..."

"Marcus c'mon. I need to lay my head now. You are worsening the case." I said rubbing my head tiredly.

"Oh my. I am so sorry." He said and I smiled.

"You should go now. I am so sleepy and if I don't do justice to it now, it's going to affect tomorrow's work." I said and he nodded.

"Sure." He said picking up his jacket, and then I sighted Mr Nicklaus's jacket on the couch.

"See you tomorrow." He said kissing my forehead and I nodded smiling.

"Tomorrow it is." I said.

"Call me if anything comes up." He said and I smiled.

"I will be fine. And you should be careful, that thing may still be out there." I said fearfully.

"I will be fine." He said walking out of the house, and he shut the door. I locked it from behind and picked up the jacket.

I stared at it for some seconds before hanging it nearly on the hanger. And then I walked to my room to sleep.....