
The white tiger

Oink Oink


Blanche Pov

Dazai took me and my brother to a abandoned warehouse.

Dazai was sitting on a crate with one of his legs crossed over the other, while my brother was in a fetal position. I just flopped on the one that he was on. so im making a right angle.

"Sorry to interrupt, but what are you reading?" Atsushi asked Dazai. Dazai answered with,"A good book."

"I'm surprised you can read when it's this dark." Atsushi said.

"I have excellent night time vision, besides I've read it before. I know everything that happens in this book." Dazai said.

"That's funny, then why are you reading it again" Atsushi asked with a nervous voice.

"A good book is always good" Dazai said in a strange tone of voice. My eyes shifted towards him.

"Do you really think the tiger will track me down and come here." Atsushi said. My eyes shifted to his back, because that was the only thing i could see in my position.

"I know it will" Dazai said making Atsushi gasp. "But don't worry when it shows up, it will be no match for me. I may not look tough, but I'm with the agency for good reason." he said going back to reading his book.

"I admire you confidence. in fact I'm kinda jealous." Atsushi talked about the the things the orphanage caretakers said to him and it made me quite upset.

"Maybe I would be better off being eat by a tiger" atsushi said while covering his face with his knees.

"Well then, I think it will be soon." Dazai said while looking at the bright moon.

There was a loud noise of something falling down from both of us. My brother jumped off and I just started to slide my body off the crate while looking at where the sounds came from.

"I just heard something from back there" Atsushi said to Dazai.

"Yes, me too" Dazai said.

"It's probably the tiger, Dazai" Atsushi said with a scared voice.

"Not quite. i think the wind just knocked something down." Dazai said.

'How the fuck is wind that strong' I thought to myself while laying on the floor.

"It's the man eater, He tracked me down to eat me." Atsushi exclaimed.

'That's ironic' I thought while trying to caterpillar away.

Dazai shut his book and the sound echoed. "Calm down, Atsushi" Dazai said while calmly looking at me. "Tigers don't suddenly appear out of nowhere." Dazai said.

'Again, ironic' I thought while still trying to caterpillar away.

"How do you know that for sure." Atsushu yelled feeling nervous and looking sweaty.

"Because something's not right with your story. Just because their finances went south, why would and orphanage banish a poor helpless child. It's not in some preventional farm village from a bygone era. Banishing one or two mouths to feed would hardly put a dent in their deficit. Id' make more sense to downsize by half of the kids to a different orphanage." Dazai said while being a smarty pants.

"I don't understand. What are you talking about, Dazai." Atsushi said with a scared voice.

"Think about it, you guys came to the city two weeks ago. The tiger also appeared two weeks ago. And you told us you were in the tsurumi ward just four days ago." I looked at Dazai when he said that.

'He knows too much' I thought while looking at Dazai.

"According to reports the tiger was also sighted there, four days ago. Remember what Kunikida said 'The armed detective agency is comprised of individuals with supernatural powers."

bright blue rings surrounded my brother and he started to make painful sounds. I could hear that Dazai was still talking.

I sat up and stared at my brother very concerned since he was having his first ever transformation to become...

My brother started to deform with painful screaming. My brother turned into...

The Tiger.