
The Bloodline master

Cropta is a young man who wants to become a cultivator. The latter unlike other children of his age who dream of being overpowered and defeating the demons. Cropta does not seek power through cultivation but eternal life. Let’s follow the story of Cropta in his quest for eternal life. Will he succeed? Only time will let us know.

Midir_Nisba · ตะวันออก
8 Chs

First Fight

We were in the sky as we head to the nearest forest.

Finally, I could see it, a huge forest endowed with trees easily reaching 300 meters.

I was stunned by the beauty that the latter possessed and this behavior was not lost on Zong.

He said, "You seem to be surprised by the beauty of this nature."

I nodded and said, "Indeed, I have never seen anything so beautiful."

He says "This is the kind of environment where you can find demonic beasts. The more attractive the forest, the more it would contain dangers that you could never imagine. When you get stronger, we will have the possibility to visit even more magnificent places. "

He was right, the more beautiful something was, the more dangerous it was.

After flying over the forest, Zong said to me "We will stop here because if we venture further, we may find animals too strong for you."

The eagle, therefore, began to land at the entrance to the forest. After we put our feet on the ground, the eagle flew into the sky and left us alone.

Zong then said to me, "Let's go find a prey that has a force equivalent to yours."

So we started looking for her and after 10 minutes. We saw what I was going to fight.

The animal in question was a wolf that easily reached 3 meters in height. You could see him eating a horned rabbit. But this wolf was different from other members of his species. Indeed, his coat was somewhat special.

We could see that the latter was taking a white tint when it was normally black.

I said "Zong, why doesn't this wolf have a coat similar to other wolves?"

He replied, "It's normal, this wolf is about to become a demonic beast. Once his coat turns completely white, he will have become a level 1 demonic beast. This is the equivalent of our Qi condensation stage. "

"But then can I really beat him?"

He says "Yes you can beat him, remember you already have the strength of someone at the first stage of Qi condensation. If you can land a hit, the fight will turn in your favor. But first, you must manage to touch it. "

So I knew what to do but something was bothering me.

I had no weapon, I was not going to face him with bare hands.

I said, "Zong, you don't expect me to face this beast without any weapons? It would be far too dangerous. "

"Now that you tell me, it's true that I was going to forget to give you a weapon."

I was shocked by this behavior, how was it possible to be so airhead?

So I said to him "Are you going to give me a weapon?"

He smiles at me and says "Don't worry I have what you need."

He then moved one of his fingers to the ring that was on one of the fingers of his right hand and suddenly an axe came out of that ring. I recognized it, it was the axe I had used to destroy the stone.

I asked, "How can such a small object hold an axe?"

"What you see there is a space ring. Any cultivator will eventually own one. "

I just nodded and asked no more questions. So I walked towards Zong and took the axe that had just appeared.

I began to swing a few blows in the air to know the weight as well as the speed of the axe.

I was now ready to fight.

I gave Zong one last look and walked over to the wolf.

Contrary to what I could have done and attacked him by surprise to weaken him.

I wasn't going to act like that, indeed I wanted to see what I was capable of. What better way to do this than to face your opponent head-on.

So I rushed towards him at full speed and when I was only a few meters from him, I swing my axe in his direction.

Unfortunately, my axe did come not in contact with his body. Indeed, the latter had already moved and the only thing that was destroyed was the ground.

I pulled out my axe that was embedded in the stone and turned to the beast that stood in front of me.

I opened my mouth and yelled, "The fight can really begin."

While I waited for the wolf to attack me, the latter did not move and waited for me to attack so as to dodge my attack and deliver a blow.

He knew I was slower than him and he was going to use my weakness to defeat me.

So he wanted to punish me after I launched an attack so be it.

So I rushed towards him once again, while he was at a distance where I could touch him, I executed a horizontal blow with my axe but against all expectations, he suddenly lowered his body and dodged it.

He took the opportunity to try to strike me with a claw on my chest but I managed to straighten my axe so that it came into contact with the claws that were aimed at my chest.

Fortunately, thanks to this small movement, this blow only tore my right shoulder.

At that moment, when I saw blood running down my arm, I went account that I could really lose their lives in this fight.

So I started to take some distance and I started to feel my body getting hotter and hotter.

I say "It's the same feeling I felt in the trial."

I then try to focus this heat on the tip of my axe and I could see that a sort of reddish aura began to surround it.

This change did not escape the wolf who for the first time rushed at me.

He must know that this power could take his life, so this was my chance.

The wolf came in front of me and resumed the fight except that there was a slight problem. Indeed I could not retaliate, as soon as I stopped one of these blows, he sent one directly after. Impossible for me to retaliate.

If I stayed in this position, I would lose my life very quickly. So I did something extreme. I was planning to attack while he attacked me.

We would both be injured but the wolf will be more because of the Qi that was on my axe.

So I put my plan into action, I feigned a flight and it forced the wolf to rush straight in my direction.

He was only 2 meters from me, I took a long breath and rushed in his direction, the wolf was not expecting it and could not stop its attack.

His claws slashed through my left side, but I took the opportunity to deliver a fatal blow to his skull.

I fell to the ground with his corpse by my side. The wolf had its skull open and its brain dripping through the slit created by my blow.

As I thought it was all over, I saw a shadow move through the bushes.

By reflex, I jumped back and what came out of the bushes shocked me.

It was a snake that seemed to be made of crystal. The latter began to look at me and the dead wolf that was on the ground.

Seeing this, I stood up by using my axe.

When I was finally standing up I say "Looks like the real fight is starting now."

As an answer, I had only the hoist of the snake.

Here is a new chapter hope you like it.

Also sorry for not posting for a few days, I didn't have the time to write.

Midir_Nisbacreators' thoughts