
The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

Have you ever spent twenty years wondering how your life could possibly become more perfect than it already is? Have you ever had that perfect life turned upside down by a chance encounter with a stranger? Emilia Snow has.. Within a short span of twenty-four hours, Emilia’s life goes from picture perfect like a dream come true, to a bloody nightmare filled with lies, betrayal, and the inability to trust anyone. Join us on this action packed adventure where a night out turns into a life-changing spiral of events as Emilia struggles with a new reality, a broken heart, and a journey to uncover the truth.

GoddessKarma · แฟนตาซี
120 Chs

Aerobatic Training

Emilia changes her clothes, not really sure why she needed to if they're training her how to fight in the air but happy to have clean clothing. She steps into the designated training area and is taken aback by all the equipment present. 

Raph is the first to approach her as he pats her on the shoulder. "Good luck." He says reassuringly.

Emilia tilts her head and then spots Jhaydun walking up to them. 

"I'll be your first partner for this. The old man said crash course so I hope you're ready because we won't be taking any breaks and I'm not going to go easy on you just because you're small." He says confidently. 

"Shut up and get on with it." Emilia growls, feeling fueled up by his words. 

Jhaydun stares at her with approval and steps back to shift, a large teal dragon with brown eyes taking his place. Emilia shifts and notices that he's a bit bigger than Raph. She smiles to herself with a single thought coming to mind.