
The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

Have you ever spent twenty years wondering how your life could possibly become more perfect than it already is? Have you ever had that perfect life turned upside down by a chance encounter with a stranger? Emilia Snow has.. Within a short span of twenty-four hours, Emilia’s life goes from picture perfect like a dream come true, to a bloody nightmare filled with lies, betrayal, and the inability to trust anyone. Join us on this action packed adventure where a night out turns into a life-changing spiral of events as Emilia struggles with a new reality, a broken heart, and a journey to uncover the truth.

GoddessKarma · แฟนตาซี
120 Chs

A Warning

Emilia wakes up on a grassy nest-like bed, she looks around to figure out what's going on but sees nobody around. She opens her mouth to call out but no noise is made. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, listening to her surroundings for a sign of life. The soft pitter patter of a young child's footsteps approach and she opens her eyes. There stands a young girl with brilliantly golden eyes and wavy black hair. Emilia blinks a few times to see if she is imagining things.