
The Blood of the Dragon {Quest for knowledge} Discontinued

David is a boy not like any other, born in a world where they're people who possess remarkable and unbelievable abilities. These people are called dragon warriors and are said to be part man part dragon. They may look human on the surface but they as so much more. David is one of these dragon warriors, a wind dragon warrior to be precise, at least that's what he believes he is. You see he can't recall his past, doesn't know who he is or where he came from. He lived in a small village with Abari, the closest person he had to a mother. He lived with Abari for as long as he could remember but David always yearned to see the world that lay out the village, driven by a burning desire to know more about the world he lived in and himself. And when the opportunity came knocking for David to explore the world beyond the small village he lived in, he took it but is he ready to face the true reality of who he is and the role he's meant to play in the world he was born in? When evil lurks just beyond the sight of what he can see, will he be ready to face it as well as the truth of who he really is? Read to find out

Sotonye_TomWest · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

Hot Head

David roamed through the academy halls before finally reaching his destination, the Head master's office.

He could hear the Head master reprimanding Steven from within the office, saying her disappointed his parents would be with him upon hearing what he did.

Steven remained silent, uttering no words and just allowing the Head master to continue, he was used to hearing the Head master and so many others in the academy talking about how much of a disappointment he was, it wasn't new information to him.

Steven still felt a great deal of sadness and regretted over his actions to so degree, he didn't regret what he did to David because in his mind he deserved everything that happened and then some.

Steven wanted nothing more than to hurt David for daring to say he was shocked to hear that his, Akiri's and Flora's parents were the Golden Dragon Generals because in his mind he was judge them all, seeing them as to weak to be the children of the Golden Dragon Generals, and if there anything Steven hated the most, it was being called weak.

But even though Steven did not regret attempting to hurt David he did still regret want he did, more specifically he regretted hurting his sister, the only person in the academy he truly cared about.

David, hearing what the Head master was saying about Steven and how reckless, bitter and rage filled he was, took a deep breath, gathering all the courage he had and reached for the door before opening it.

Both Steven and the Head master were shocked to David walk in through the door into the office.

"Why is he here?" asked Steven looking at David with a look of disgust and annoyance.

The Head master then looked at David before saying, "I know you are you to the academy David but even you should know that it is wrong to come in to my office unannounced".

"I know sir but I just wanted to say something about Steven," said David.

"Oh" said the Head master, raising an eyebrow, interested to hear what David had to say.

"Okay, you may speak" said the Head master.

Steven remained silent as he expected David to say nothing good about him, expecting him to worsen the situation by over exaggerating and making Steven seem like more of a monster.

"Sir, Steven isn't entirely at fault," said David.

David's words shocked both the Head master and Steven as they both expected him to say the opposite of what he said.

"How so?" asked the Head master.

"It is true he attacked me and blinded by rage he nearly destroyed the entire dining room but that was only because I pushed him to it," said David.

"What do you mean by you pushed him" asked the Head master.

"I insulted him because I thought he was rude and disrespectful, enraging him and causing him to attack me in retaliation. It's entirely my fault, sir not his" said David with his head bowed down.

"This is a serious matter, David; I need the truth. There is no point in defending someone like him" said the Head master.

"I'm not defending him; I'm simply speaking the truth sir," said David.

The Head master then sighed before turning to Steven and saying, "I won't expel you, at least not yet anyway but you still greatly damaged the dining room and nearly injured most of the students in the academy who were in the dining so you will still her to serve some form punishment".

The Head master then remained silent and began to think of a fitting punishment to give Steven.

After a moment of silent from the Head master he finally spoke, saying, "Steven, I have decided to punish you by making you leave the room assigned to you by the academy and stay with Araban, in his home near the academy gates" said the Head master.

"What? You are going to make me stay with that old man, you can't be serious" said Steven, enraged that Head master was making him stay with Araban.

"Be glad that am making you only stay with Araban. After all the trouble you've caused me within the academy walls, I should have expelled you and band you from ever stepping foot in the Dragon Academy" said the Head master.

Steven upon hearing what the Head master said remained silent but his face showed as clear as day that he was greatly annoyed and enraged by the punishment the Head master gave him.

"While serving your punishment you can still attend your academic activities but afterwards you are to return to Araban" said the Head master.

"How long am I to serve this punishment?" asked Steven.

"Indefinitely" said the Head master.

Steven upon hearing what the Head master said granted loud enough for both David and the Head master to hear.

"If that's all you have to say, I believe we are done here" said Steven as he got up and attempted to leave but before he could the Head master stopped him before he left, saying, "Before you leave, thank David for saving you because if it wasn't for him, you would most likely be expelled".

Steven crushed his fists with rage and annoyance upon hearing what the Head master said.

He then turned to look at David, the very sight of him made him sick to his stomach and now he was expected to thank to him, at that very moment being expelled was more desirable to Steven than thanking.

"It's quite alright sir, I only spoke the truth. There is no need to have Steven to…" David was stopped mid-sentence by Steven grudgingly say, "thank you David".

As Steven spoke those words David could hear the venom underneath his words.

"May I leave now" said Steven, focusing on the Head master and ignoring David's presence.

"Yes, you may but before you think about doing something so reckless as burning down the entire dining room remember that next time David won't be there to save you" said the Head master.

Steven then turned to David with a look of pure anger, rage and hatred.

"Oh, I won't" said Steven with his rage filled eyes still locked on David before leaving the room.

David felt uneasy as Steven left, remembering how he looked at him before he did.

"I know what you did David" said the Head master.

David then looked at Head master with a look of confusion and shock.

"You aren't that good of an actor, plus you don't look like the kind of person to start a fight" said the Head master.

David thought about denying what the Head master said but, in the end, he chose not to as it was already clear that the Head master would not believe him if he denied it.

"Please don't expel Steven, what happened was…" David was stopped by the Head master before he could complete his sentence.

"Don't worry, I won't expel Steven. He, despite his aggressive tendency, is a promising student of the academy" said the Head master.

"Thank you, sir" said David grateful to the Head master for no expelling Steven.

"No need for thanks David but before you go, I have to know. Why did you help him especially after what he did to you?" asked the Head master.

"Because I have reason to believe that despite Steven…well terrible attitude towards me, he isn't a horrible person," said David.

The Head master upon hearing what David said smiled before saying, "you have a heart of gold David, a rare quality not many have. Go get some sleep, you have big day tomorrow as it is you first day as an official student of the academy".

David smiled upon hearing what the Head master said before leaving the room.

The Head master smiled as David left, seeing promise in him.

Once outside David made his way to his room, roaming through the academy's halls.

David then noticed Steven, standing not too far from him, almost as though he was waiting for him.

Steven then began to approach David.

David, upon seeing Steven approach him felt that this was the perfect moment to bury the hatchet and at a new with him, hopefully Steven no longer had any ill will towards David.

"Hello Steven, strange running into you here," said David.

Steven didn't give a reply to David; he only looked at David with an uneasy and sinister expression on his face.

David could on help but feel a great deal of fear as he looked in to Steven eyes.

"Can we just let bygones be bygones and start a fresh" said David extending his hand towards Steven, despite the fear he felt for Steven.

Steven just smiled sinisterly before receiving David's hand in a handshake.

David upon seeing Steven shake his hand felt at ease, allowing his fear to slowly fade away but then Steven grip grew tighter and tighter.

"You can let go of my hand now" said David feeling a bit nervous as Steven's grip on his hand grew tighter.

Steven then smiled wicked grin before his eyes turned in to fiery red dragon eyes and then his hand began to heat up, burning David's hand in the process.

David felt a great deal of pain but he chose to hold back his screams not wanting to alarm anyone in the academy or get the attention of the Head master.

Steven then let go of David and the very moment he did so David fell to his knees due to the immense pain.

"Pathetic" said Steven watching David who was now kneeling in front of him holding his burnt arm.

Steven then bent down to David's level before looking him in the eyes and say, "people like you disgust me. You know you can't make it on your so you lash on to those are stronger like my sister, Akiri and Flora"

David then looked at Steven with a look of both shock and confusion, unable to understand what he meant.

"What are you talking about" asked David.

Steven upon hearing what David said became enraged, thinking that was pretending not to understanding further fanning the flames of hatred he had for him in his heart.

Steven then held him by the collar and then lifted him of the ground.

"Don't act like you don't know. That's what people like you do; you're weak and pathetic so you attach yourself to those who are stronger than you. I'm on to you game David, your act may fool the others but it doesn't fool me," said Steven.

David looked into Steven's eyes with a look of both fear and confusion but Steven blinded by his hatred could not see anything.

Steven then threw David down hard to the ground.

"I'm only going to say this once, stay away from my sister. She has a soft and gullible heart, a heart that I don't want to see broken or hurt by the likes of you. And if you don't do what I say, will roast like a turkey," said Steven.

With that said Steven left, leaving David alone on the floor trying desperately to process everything that had happened.