
The Blood Moon by Moonlight

A group of high school friends stumble upon the secrets of vampires and wolves, completely by accident. Their discovery begins when they find a mysterious book called 'The Blood Moon'.

Moonlight_haruyuki · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Chapter 3: Unbreakable Bonds Of Friendship

"You're Jang Dae-hyun, right?" someone in the classroom asked.

"What does it matter to you?" Dae-hyun said, glaring at the boy who was his classmate, Won Yeonji.

"Nothing, it's just a rumor, but with what's happening right now... I think it might be true," Won Yeonji said.

"Are you the one behind this?" Won Yeonji said, smirking. The others gasped.

"Yeah, that rumor..." someone said.

"It might be true!"

Dae-hyun glared at them as they all fell silent.

"What are you talking about?" Dae-hyun asked.

"Come on! Don't act so clueless! You're a vampire, aren't you?" The group looked at Dae-hyun.

"There's no way! What are you saying?!" Dohwa shouted. They were all shocked. It was their first time hearing him yell.

"They said they saw Jang Dae-hyun drinking blood and saw his eyes turn red afterward! Don't blame me! Everyone in the school knows this! You're all stupid if you don't know about this rumor!"

"Hah! Don't act so innocent. I know all of you know this. Unless you're all hiding something from him?" Won Yeonji smirked as he looked at Dae-hyun's friends. They all tensed up as the group turned their attention to Dae-hyun.

Ryu-min opened his mouth to say something, but he was interrupted by the shouts of many students.

"They're here," Dohwa said.

"We need to get out of here," Dae-hyun said as they all got up and went to the window.

"It's too high! We can't climb down!" Seo Han said.

"Is there any rope here?" Yang Ki Joon asked, looking at the others.

"Look for a rope," he said, and they all searched for one.

"There's nothing!" they shouted.

"We don't have a choice," Ryu Min said.

As the group desperately searched for a way to escape, the tension in the room continued to rise. The sound of footsteps grew louder, indicating that whoever was after them was getting closer.

Dae-hyun's mind raced, trying to come up with a plan. He knew they couldn't stay in the classroom any longer. Suddenly, his eyes landed on a fire extinguisher hanging on the wall. An idea sparked in his mind.

"Grab the fire extinguisher!" Dae-hyun shouted, pointing at it. The others quickly understood his plan and rushed to retrieve it.

With the fire extinguisher in hand, Dae-hyun smashed the glass case and pulled out the hose. He motioned for the others to follow him as he directed the nozzle towards the window.

"Cover your mouths and noses!" Dae-hyun warned, anticipating the cloud of dust that would soon fill the air.

As the group sprayed the fire extinguisher, a thick cloud of white dust engulfed the classroom, creating a temporary barrier between them and their pursuers. The students coughed and struggled to see through the haze, but they knew they had to take advantage of the chaos.

Dae-hyun led the way, opening the window and carefully climbing out onto the narrow ledge. One by one, his friends followed suit, their hearts pounding with fear and adrenaline. They moved as quickly as they could, careful not to slip and fall.

Once they were all outside, they found themselves on the side of the school building, several stories above the ground. The situation seemed dire, but they couldn't afford to hesitate.

"Look for anything we can use as a makeshift rope!" Dae-hyun instructed, scanning their surroundings. The group frantically searched for any materials that could help them descend safely.

Finally, Seo Han spotted a long electrical cord hanging from a nearby window. It wasn't ideal, but it was their best option. They quickly tied the cord to a sturdy metal railing and tested its strength.

"It should hold," Seo Han said, his voice filled with determination.

One by one, they began to lower themselves down the side of the building, gripping the cord tightly and carefully inching their way down. The fear of falling was ever-present, but they pushed through, relying on each other for support.

As they descended, the sound of sirens grew louder in the distance. The authorities were arriving, and their time was running out. The students moved as quickly as they could, their hands burning from gripping the cord, but their determination never wavered.

Finally, they reached the ground safely, their bodies trembling with relief and exhaustion. They had escaped the clutches of their pursuers, at least for now.

Dae-hyun looked at his friends, their faces covered in dust and sweat, but with a newfound strength in their eyes. They had faced a terrifying situation together and had come out stronger.

"We need to stick together," Dae-hyun said, his voice filled with conviction. "We can't let fear divide us. We'll find the truth and clear my name."

His friends nodded, their trust in him unwavering. With their bond stronger than ever, they set off into the night, determined to uncover the truth behind the rumors and protect each other from the shadows that threatened to consume them.

And so, their journey began, filled with danger, mystery, and the unbreakable bonds of friendship.