
The Blood Luna: Mated.

A Luna, known for her Crimson eyes continues her journey. In the world of supernaturals, she's learned not everyone can be trusted. Dahlia's journey will take her down more twists and turns. In her journey, she will discover her mystery mate, uncover new enemies and makes new alliances. The continuation of; The Blood Luna.

Trublood_3 · แฟนตาซี
51 Chs

The Way it Used To Be

With an energy flowing from every pore of his body, Ethan hasn't felt this great in a long time. After finally transforming, he couldn't help but want to run. Ethan missed how it used to be and taking runs with his daughter. If as a wish was granted he finally was able to run again but with his daughter right beside him. "Looking great dad" Dahlia said to her father through mindlink. "Not looking to bad yourself, let's see if you can keep up!" Ethan said back with a wolf's grin. "You're on!" Dahlia said back accepting his challenge.

Side by side, father and daughter both finally in their wolf form, together once again, took to the night in full stride. Running as if they were trying to catch the moonlight, Ethan ran with his daughter. The night was so welcoming, like an event that mother nature herself has been waiting for as well. The wind from the ocean became alive and danced with father and daughter, as if caressing them and welcoming them back.

Ethan darted off to the forest, Dahlia followed closely behind. Ethan Zigged and Zagged through trees, but his moves were no match for his daughter. Dahlia watched at how strong her father had become. Not too long ago, his dance wasn't with the wind and moonlight but with death. A bag of bones, a grotesque living corpse of his former self. Dahlia couldn't help but be emotional, she had wished for this night for so many continous nights in a row. Now it's here and the sight is overwhelming perfect. A night, she wished would last forever.

A few tears had left her wolf eyes but she didn't care. Dahlia felt as if she had her family back. Dahlia's father is now apart of her mother and vise versa. Dahlia could sense both of her parents spirits dancing together in perfect harmony. It was about time, Ravenwood got to keep one of the good ones. Dahlia's father had been through so much and the effort to save him ended up paying off. You couldn't ask for a better outcome.

"Everything okay?" Dahlia's father asked snapping her back into reality. "I'm just emotional and stuck in my head but everything is perfect" Dahlia said with a smile. "Okay good, snap out if it because you're letting me win" Ethan said to his daughter with a laugh. Dahlia smiles back and took off, leaving a dirt trail behind and well her father. "Hey I was kidding, wait for me!" Ethan yells to his daughter. Dahlia chuckled at his comment. Dahlia slowed her stride down so that her father could keep up.

"Hey dad, now that you can run with me. I want to show you this move I've been working on for battle, being in the forest is perfect for it" Dahlia said. Ethan looked a little confused and was really behind on his daughters war preparations. "Okay, I'm ready show it to me" Ethan replied to his daughter. "I have to find the perfect position" Dahlia said to her father. Ethan stood by as he watched his daughter meticulously plan out her next move.

"Ready" Dahlia said. Ethan nodded his head and waited. Dahlia ran past her dad as if to get to her starting point. "It's not perfected yet but maybe with you here I can get it right, just make sure to stand back" Dahlia informed her father. "Right got it, I'll be careful" Ethan said to reassure Dahlia.

Ethan watched as his daughter seemed more determined than ever. Dahlia took off running, she gained her speed quickly, and darted passed him. Ethan watched as she was headed right for a tree. Not sure what this had in store, but Ethan could feel his adrenaline start to pump. Dahlia leap at the tree. Ethan expected her to blast right through it but that's nit what happened. Dahlia touched the tree as light as a feather and then leaped to the next tree, and then to the next. The speed of these leaps increased and Ethan could see a triangle starting to form with her movements.

Ethan was amazed that she could do this with her power. Everything seemed to be perfectly balanced and her power, not over taking the trees. The moonlight danced off Dahlia's movements, giving every move a hint of sliver color. Ethan was amazed as this was happening. "This is where it gets tricky, please back up a little" Dahlia said to her father. Ethan nodded his head "Right, understood" He said as he further backed up. Ethan could see that Dahlia was releasing some of her lighting power.

As if she wasn't strong enough. the lighting just solidified it even more so. Ethan watched as she leap from tree to tree, as her lighting started to ramp up. Dahlia was going faster and faster, even in a triangular shape, you could feel yourself grow dizzy. Dahlia started to move at lighting speed, just as Ethan felt he could no longer keep up with his eyes, Dahlia flipped to the center of the triangle at such force it caused an electrical explosion. The surrounding trees were blasted to bits and the impact Dahlia left behind was a giant crater, the center still on fire.

"What the heck was that?" Dahlia's father asked surprised. "I'm not even really sure. I just wanted to Combined my speed and lighting power, along with my strength" Dahlia said. Ethan looked very proud. "Whatever you call it, it was amazing. I'm sure if you keep practicing you can do it without taking up so much time to perfect it" Ethan said with support. "I've never been able to make it that far yet, see I knew you being around would give me the confidence to finish it. I just wasn't expecting it to be the same as a bomb going off. This poor forest" Dahlia said sadly.

"The forest will be fine. We can plant new trees" Ethan told his daughter. Dahlia smiled at her father. "It looks like we're both show offs today" Ethan said giving his daughter a wink. "Oh wow, it must be late, the sun is rising" Dahlia said with a laugh. Ethan laughed as well. "Maybe we should go and see if Lockhart waited up for us?" Dahlia said. "I completely forgot about him to be honest" Ethan said embarrassed. "Let's head back" Dahlia said to her father.

Dahlia and Ethan walked back casually to where they left Lockhart. Dahlia could imagine the look on Lockhart's face for making him wait so long. Very amusing indeed. Ethan must of had the same thought as he chuckled out loud. "Thinking about a cranky Lockhart?" Dahlia mindlinked her father. "You got that right!" Ethan fired back. When they reached where Lockhart was last at, Dahlia gave a smiled at the scene before her.

Lockhart was laying in their pile of clothes out cold. Dahlia and Ethan snuck their clothes away from him. Ethan and Dahlia shifted back into their human forms and went to go wake Lockhart. "Hey buddy, you want to go to bed?" Ethan said lightly nudging his friend. Lockhart, slowly opened his eyes and stared right at Ethan. "How did it go?" Lockhart asked with exhaustion in his voice. "It went really well, sorry for keeping you waiting" Ethan said with compassion.

"Dahlia, I'm going to help Lockhart back to his room. Go ahead and get some rest" Dahlia's father stated. Dahlia gave her dad a smile with a thumbs up. "You got it. Kind of killed all my energy with that move" Dahlia said. "See you after you wake up" Dahlia stated as she started to make her way to the mansion doors. Dahlia let outba sigh of relief that herself and father weren't injured while attempting her move. Dahlia is determined to keep working at it, until it's perfected and she doesn't have to use as much energy to execute it. Dahlia watched as her father and Lockhart disappeared through the water mirror. Dahlia took that as her cue to head inside herself. Dahlia sluggishly made it to the giant brass doors of Ravenwood. Dahlia opened the doors which feel heavy for the first time. "I must have over done it" Dahlia said to herself.

Dahlia walked through the door of Ravenwood and made her way down the corridor, which held her room hostage. With every step becoming more and more heavy, Dahlia was grateful her bedroom wasn't farther away. A good rest is needed and she should be as good as new. Finally reaching ber bedroom door, after her walk if eternity, Dahlia opened her bedroom door and made a beeline for her bed. Much too tired to compete her; classic blanket burrito special night time move, instead she let her body fall into her bed like a sack of bricks. It only took mere minutes for Dahlia to drift off into slumber. With a day like today, feeling like it used to be most of her worries disappeared, for the first time in a long time.