
Chapter Six Concerned

Xander woke from a strange dream. Words echoed in his head as the voice pleaded to his heart. "What a strange…" He started to say with a stretch, but he didn't move far as something heavy was pinning his body down. "Ugh.. I can't move-AM I PARALYZED?!" He half screamed.

"Shhh, you'll wake the whole house…"

Xander once again froze, not that he could really move much anyways. His head slowly turned to look behind him to find a feminine face snuggled up against him. "Hah, hah, wha, what are you doing in my bed?!" He half screamed once more.

"Shhhh…" Came the harsh reply as her face scrunched up.

"What are you doing in my bed??" Xander loudly whispered to her.

"I'm trying to sleep, what else?" She groaned before slowly opening her eyes.

Hint of blue that surrounded red eyes stared at a pair of green eyes. Both cheeks flared up and the two jumped away from each other. Xander slammed into the wall while poor Celest fell to the floor. "Ooowwww…" She whined before the sounds of thundering footsteps and the voices of his parents could be heard coming down the hallway.


Oh shit. His mom and dad. "Hiiiiddeee," he whispered pointing to his closet. Clear disappointment crossed her face before she scrambled to her feet and headed to the closet and closed the door just as his bedroom door slammed open. Wait- feet? And was she wearing his boxers?!

"Xander?" His mother's face swarmed in his vision. Her hand cupped his face drawing his attention to her beautiful sea green eyes.

"Mom?" Those green eyes of his blinked before glancing between the two concerned faces of his parents.

"We heard you screaming in here, then heard loud thuds. Are you okay?" Her sweet voice lulled him into security. He was so lucky and he realized that now. Not one but two caring parents. His eyes started to sting a little but he held his tears in check.

"Ye-yeah. I'm okay." A hand went up to rub the back of his head. Of course his parents noticed this action and checked the back of his head.

"Are you sure?" Again concerned filled both her voice and eyes as they once appeared in front of him.

Xander nodded. "Yeah, just a bad dream I think."

A small sigh exited his mothers mouth. "Okay. Breakfast will be ready in about 30 minutes. So come down when you're ready, okay?"

With a nod of his head he watched his parents leave his room. He waited about another minute or two before a loud sigh escaped his lips as he slumped back into his bed.

"Someone's mom and dad loves them bunches…"

The comment came from his closet as the doors to it slowly opened to reveal a young girl. She stood there half leaning against the door with her arms crossed and staring at him. Xanders eyes widened for a brief moment before quickly averting his gaze. "I-I need to get ready for school and breakfast. My parents should both be out of the house an hour after I leave. You can grab something to eat when they���re gone…" He stood up as he spoke grabbing clothes and then his book bag before he left the room, only to pause for a moment in the doorway. "Will you be here when I get home? There's things I want to talk to you about."

Silence stretched between them and when he couldn't stand it any more he turned to look at her. Only to find her standing there with a smile on her face. "Sure, I'll be here."

Why didn't he believe her? That smile seemed sad and not happy like she was trying to portray it as. 'Whatever…' he thought as he left the room closing the door behind him and headed to the bathroom. She had a life and a family most likely so why did he feel sad that she was leaving? No, it wasn't sadness about her leaving, it was his curiosity that wasn't going to be filled that he was disappointed about. Yes, he was disappointed. However, it wasn't like he could force her to stay like she was now, could he?

Sighing loudly he finished in the bathroom then headed downstairs for breakfast. His parents continued to give him that concern look. As if he was going to snap any moment. Shoveling food into his mouth as quickly as he could so he could run away from those glances he wished his parents a good day. Once again he grabbed his bike and peered up at his bedroom window. He saw part of a face peeking out of his curtain. Was she listening to them just now and that was how she knew to look out the window? He gave a small wave before taking off on his bike. Drawing more attention to himself wasn't in his plans.

All the way to school he felt like someone was watching him. It was slightly creepy actually. Setting his bike in the rack he adjusted his bag before he started for the school building, only to give a startled yelp as Rush popped up beside him with his friendly smile and greeting. "Geez, no need to scream like a little girl!"

"I wasn't screaming like a little girl!" He protested with a sour face.

"Riding your bike today?" Rush observed as he walked alongside of him.

Ah, right. He normally didn't ride his bike to school unless he was in a hurry. He wasn't really in that much of a hurry now that he thought about it. It wasn't like he was late or had to be here early. "What are you doing here this early?" Xander changed the subject off of himself and to his friend.

"Me? I saw you riding your bike and wanted to figure out where the fire was." He shrugged as if that explained everything.

Xander raised a brow at him before brushing it off. 'Whatever,' he shook his head before letting out a sigh.

"Something on your mind?" Rush could always tell when things were bugging him. When he didn't respond Rush raised a brow. "Is it that snake? Did your parents find it?" Concern laced his words.

"Oh, her? No, they didn't find her. I'm honestly surprised that they didn't, considering-" Xander was cut off as Rush planted himself in front of him. His gaze rose from the ground to his friends wide eyed look. "What?"

"Her? How do you know it's a her? Before you thought it was a male and you're referring to it as a her."

"Well… the weirdest thing happened yesterday-" he started to say but once more was cut off by someone interrupting him. Except this time it was a girl. The new girl walked by with some other girls. One of the girls stopped and smiled at the two of them causing the rest of the group to stop as well.

"You boys are here really early."

"Right? And Xander even rode his bike to school! Add that one to the books." Rush responded.

The girl giggled and continued to speak but what she said Xander didn't hear as he wasn't paying attention. His eyes were locked on with the new girls. She was shooting him a glare and he couldn't phantom why. What was her name again? He was trying hard to remember and had missed what she said. He blinked but before he could speak the girls all turned and left to head inside.

"Hello~?" Rush waved a hand in front of his face.


"Dude, you are totally out of it today. You sure you aren't feeling ill?" Rush asked with a raised brow.

Maybe Rush was right. Maybe he was feeling ill. Perhaps he should go home, but it almost seemed like a waste on coming to school then. "I'm fine…" The two headed inside the building.

"Oh, right. What were you saying before the girls stopped you?" Rush asked as he threw his shoes in his locker and then picked up his inside shoes.

"I'll tell you later," there were just too many people in earshot. What he had to say he didn't want everyone to hear.

"Oookay." Rush shrugged his shoulders before slowly making his way down the hallway to their classroom.

----------------------- Lunch Time ---------------------

"Xander! Wait up!" Carrying his tray Xander turned to see his friend hurrying over with his tray of food.

"Not so loud Rush." Xander continued walking, but slower now.

"What?" With a tilt of his head he looked over at Xander a bit confused when he finally caught up to him.

"Everyone is staring…" Xander said uncomfortably. More importantly a certain someone was staring at him in particular. He could practically feel the burning holes she was drilling into him with her glare. What the hell did he do to her to deserve such attention from her. A small sigh escaped his lips.

When the pair finally was alone he sat down with his tray and started eating. "So…?" Glancing up with a mouthful Xander merely raised his brow in question. "Don't leave me hanging! ...From this morning…?" Rush continued when Xander merely gazed at him as if he didn't know what he was talking about.

"Right." With a sigh he glanced around. "You know about the snake we saved, right?" When Rush nodded eagerly he continued. "Well… you won't believe what happened yesterday and then this morning…" Stuffing more food into his mouth he let that sink in for a moment but his friend just wasn't having any of it and gripped him shaking him for once more leaving him hanging.

"Come on, Xander! Don't be an ass and spill it already! You're killing me from the suspense!"

"Okay, okay!" Xander said after swallowing his food and put his hands up in surrender. Pressing his shirt back into place he continued. "Well, the strangest thing happened… She turned into some sort of half girl half snake last night then I woke up and she was a full girl. Like naked wearing my clothes girl! She's still at my house-or at least when I left for school that is."

Rush merely stared at him. The two sat in silence that seemed to stretch for a long time. "You're kidding, right?" When Xander started to eat again the boy seemed to realize his friend wasn't joking. "Are you sure you weren't just day dreaming because you're lacking in the girl department?"

"What? No, of course not. Come by house after practice and see for yourself." Xander challenged his friend.

"Maybe I will."

The two finished up their meal as the five minute bell rang. When the boys walked through the cafeteria to return their trays he could have sworn he spotted the new girl ducking around the corner. Did she hear their conversation?