
the blood descendant

Photophobia, bloodthirsty, immortality… Colin, who passed through, found that he seemed to be in line with the characteristics of the vampires. But the problem is, there is no record of vampires in this world! Am I the first vampire in this world? There is no predecessor’s guidance, and there is no system to help. To clarify the setting of kinship in this world, Colin had to treat himself as an experimental subject. [Under direct sunlight, the strength is reduced by about 30%], [The throat, heart, and brain are no longer fatal weaknesses], [Ordinary food cannot satisfy hunger, only blood can restore physical strength]. Holy water…Huh? Who gave me holy water! kufsten translation

Kufsten · แฟนตาซี
85 Chs


Colin did not think that he was a saint at all.

However, he did not expect to meet someone like that.

However, this was not surprising at all.

Although Vera was very powerful, she was still young after all.

Moreover, she spent most of her time studying arcana in the Vielle Tower. She had not experienced the cruelty of the world yet. Therefore, it was understandable that she was naive and a saint.

However, what made Colin feel helpless was that Knight Bliss was very clear that he should abandon these defeated soldiers. However, no matter how Colin persuaded him, the knight of the House of Saint Hilde refused to disobey Vera's will.

This made Colin angry, but he was also somewhat puzzled.

What was Vera's real identity?

In Colin's opinion, Bliss's strength was already at the fourth step. A knight of that rank could definitely be considered a core member of the St. Hilde Family. His status definitely wouldn't be low.

So, why was he so obedient to this female mage and even willing to sacrifice his own life for her?

If he did not know that the Duke Of Saint Hilde only had three sons and no daughters, Colin would have suspected that Vera was the daughter of the Duke.

Although Colin was disappointed with the future of this team, he did not panic too much.

After all, even if the Wolf Cavalry caught up with them, he could still pretend to be dead and escape.

Presumably, there was no one in this world who was better at pretending to be dead than him …

Colin was very confident about this.

As for the others, they could only pray for their own good.

There was nothing he could do.

For the next two days, everything was still calm.

There were no trolls chasing after them, and they did not even encounter any bandits.

On the contrary, they encountered several waves of defeated soldiers who had escaped from the Mirror Lake battlefield.

Of course, Vera did not hesitate to accept them.

This time, the cavalry team, which was originally less than a hundred people, quickly expanded to more than a thousand people.

Although the number of people increased, anyone with a little bit of military knowledge would know that their combat strength did not increase by much.

When marching to war, more people was not always better, especially when there was a "strategic shift".

It was obvious that Vera did not have any military knowledge at all.

However, under Sarre's persuasion and flattery, she became more and more confident when she saw the number of people in the team increase. She even had the absurd idea of continuing to gather the defeated soldiers and fight to the death with the Troll Demons.

However, other than these bad things, there was also good news.

The recent wave of defeated soldiers told them that after the Giant Demon Army defeated Marquis Charles, they took the opportunity to chase after him to the north. Therefore, the area around Mirror Lake was actually safe.

This news caused everyone to cheer and jump for joy.

In this way, the only thing left for the fleeing team to face was the wolf cavalry that was chasing them.

Although the wolf riders had misjudged the direction they were going to break out of the encirclement, they should have figured it out by now after so many days.

According to Colin's thinking, the most sensible thing to do now was to abandon the scattered soldiers and continue north before the wolf cavalry caught up. They would then find and hide in the nearest human town.

Instead of continuing to receive the scattered soldiers like this, which would slow down the marching speed and allow the wolf cavalry to catch up again.

The development of the situation was just as Colin had expected.

After another two days, the traces of the Giant Demon Cavalry were finally found behind the fleeing team.

"Young Master Colin, I am afraid that the wolf cavalry from before will catch up with us soon. Why don't we quickly leave the team and escape on our own?" Raymond apparently realized that something was wrong and quietly suggested to Colin.

Colin was not panicking now.

He even wanted to see what would happen to this group of people who did not listen to his advice.

Perhaps, there would be a chance to get the blood of Knight Bliss and Mage Vicki.

In this regard, Colin did not feel much guilt.

This was because he did not deliberately murder the two of them for the sake of blood.

On the contrary, he had already warned them earlier, but these people insisted on seeking their own deaths. Therefore, he had no choice but to adhere to the principle of not wasting and "make use of the waste".

But …

Colin glanced at Raymond who was beside him.

For this loyal knight, he did not want him to die here.

"You run on your own, I still have to …"

"Young Master! If you don't leave, I will never leave! "

Obviously, Raymond misunderstood the meaning of Colin's words.

However, Colin did not know how to explain it. After all, he could not tell Raymond that he was very good at pretending to be dead.

Just as Colin was thinking about how to persuade the stubborn Raymond to leave, a soldier ran over to him and said, "Sir Colin, Sir Bliss has asked you to come over."

"Okay." Colin had no choice but to temporarily calm down and follow the soldier to a tent in the center of the camp.

In the tent, in addition to Vera and Bliss, the filial son Sarre was also there.

In the past few days, Sarre had obviously become Vera's henchman by virtue of his excellent eloquence, clever mind, and flattering attitude.

Colin could not help but admire Sarre's methods of currying favor.

However, at the same time, he also felt disgusted with this annoying guy.

"Knight Colin, you are here." Vera smiled and nodded at Colin. It seemed that there was no estrangement between them because of the previous dispute about receiving the defeated soldiers.

Bliss still nodded indifferently.

Sarre bowed and greeted Jiang Yuning with a warm smile on his face. "I did not expect to see you again, dear Sir Kahn …"


Colin immediately lashed out with the whip in his hand, interrupting the filial son's words.

"Knight Colin, what are you doing?" Vera was startled by this sudden turn of events, and immediately questioned him.

Colin sneered and pointed at Sarre who was lying on the ground. "Mercenary boy, remember my name — Colin Angele!"

Sarre was obviously stunned by Colin's whip.

At this time, he still did not understand how the previous' Kahn Sudo 'had become' Colin Angele '. However, the burning pain on his body reminded him of what he should do.

"I am sorry, dear Sir Colin. I have remembered wrongly."

As a civilian, Sarre could not question a noble, even if the noble had indeed lied.

"Hmph! Your punishment is to lead Knight Colin's horse! " Vera, who felt that she had figured out the cause of the matter, snorted softly and didn't blame Colin anymore. She even felt that the punishment of one whip was a little light.

In this hierarchical world, if a commoner called a noble by the wrong name, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that he would be hanged.

On the surface, Colin looked furious, but on the inside, he was secretly laughing to vent his anger.

He had been unhappy with this filial son for a long time, and he wanted to take this opportunity to take revenge.

Of course, he could also prevent the other party from revealing that he had used a fake name before.

"Well, Knight Colin, this time we have called you here to discuss the direction of our next move. I think you should know that the wolf cavalry is catching up with us again."

In the face of Vera's question, Colin did not answer immediately. Instead, he ordered Sarre who was still kneeling on the ground, "Get out of here first!"

Sarre quietly clenched his fist, but he did not dare to refute Colin. Instead, he looked at Vera for help.

However, he obviously overestimated his position in Vera's heart.

"Sarre, you can leave now."


Sarre had to get up and leave.

However, at the same time, he lowered his head deeply, not wanting to let anyone see the anger in his eyes.

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