
The Blood Codex

What is it like to hate, to truly hate till the only thoughts that consume you are vengeance. Dexter had always felt a strong hate for the world, just as his father felt a strong hate for him. He comes across a book in the library called The Codex and right as he is dying he reaches out to it. [Awakening Blood Codex] [10% complete] [50% complete] [99% complete]

IMoney · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Chapter 6: Water is Thicker than Blood

Dexter wrapped his fingers around the doorknob, 'this is it, there's no going back'.

He turned the knob slowly as to make minimal sound and right there he saw Sam.

Dexter had shoved 6 pills in his pocket he only planned to use 3 on Sam though.

His baggy shirt had been tied up and his pants were loose. Dexter had gotten them from Sam since he didn't want to see Dexter naked.

He knew at this point that the only reason Sam kept him around was the money he got from his ex-wife, that and Sam had held on to the hope that she would come back for him.

"So, what exactly were you doing out?"

Sam questioned with a harsh tone.

"I went to the library"

"Oh yeah, then where the fuck is your book"

"Right here"

Dexter had obviously thought about his excuse and he knew the library would work best.

He had stolen a couple books from the library before and Crystal hadn't bothered to ask if it were him. Dexter knew that even if she knew there wasn't much she could do about it.

"How long were you out" Sam asked seemingly calm.

Dexter knew that when people are angry they don't think things through and they just do things to get their frustration and anger out. Since he had left Sam to cool off he would probably realize that Dexter couldn't have stolen his whole stash.

"An hour I think"

Dexter said somewhat uncertain, the library had clocks but Dexter himself didn't have a watch.

"Do you think your better than me" Sam said his voice slightly rising.

Dexter figured Sam knew that he was smarter than him and that If he were in Sam's place he wouldn't have even wasted any of his supply on that girl.

"No, you know your better than me, your stronger, your smarter, and no matter what I do I can't disobey you"

"Your right you can't, I'm stronger, I'M better"

"I can get you a drink if you want"

"Right you can because it's what I want" Sam seemed certain, he probably didn't think that Dexter would ever have the guts to kill him let alone drug him.

He went to the kitchen cabinet and pulled out a bottle of booze he grabbed a glass from the top cabinet and placed it gently on the counter.

Dexter grabbed a bottle opener and yanked open the top. He poured it into the glass and popped one pill into it.

He offered it to Sam who downed it in a matter of seconds.

"More, MORE" Sam yelled

Dexter had read fairytales before and one that he read was rather gruesome. It was about a giant and a butler. The giant was always hungry so the butler always ran out of food to feed him. Until one day he bought all the food in the giant market. He feed the giant over and over again and the giant kept asking for more.

Even when it's stomach was bloated, even when it felt a sensation of satiety it had never felt before it still asked for more. The butler feed it until eventually the giant stopped saying anything. The giant couldn't speak as it was choking. It moved its hands in surrender but they thought he was asking for more.

So even when the Giant was dead they kept feeding him, until eventually he exploded.

So Dexter would keep feeding Sam until he would realize what a mistake he made.

He grabbed the bottle this time and didn't bother with the glass and just popped 2 pills into it and handed it to Sam.

Dexter stayed for 10 minutes watching Sam as he slowly fell asleep.

He grabbed the pocket knife from his back pocket.

Dexter knew that he'd get more stats if he were alive as there would be more energy in the blood.

He was about to kill Sam when he got an idea.

He brought out all the glasses and placed them on the counter.

Dexter got one glass and placed it at the base of Sam's neck.

He slit Sam's throat and watched as the blood flowed smoothly into the glass.

He realized that the blood was moving to slowly so he deepened the cut.

After he had filled one cup he quickly got another cup and placed it at the base again.

And he repeated that process until the blood wouldn't come out and then he placed his mouth at another place on his neck and began to drink what little wouldn't come out.

After Dexter finished he went to the 12 filled glasses and started downing them.

He finished all of them after five minutes and he was certain that his stats would have a huge boost.

First though he had to check his status.