

Hey, my name is john well was any way. now I'm Zeus Gatsby. anyways this is my story in this new fantasy world I was born into. and man, the adventures I've had stay and read a while cause man it will be interesting.

Shot_yo_Face · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

New magic a new problem and new goal!

As I approach the carriage I call out "Dad, where are you?"

I hear one of the bandits tell two of them to check it out they reply as expected "Do we have to, fine! If it's a person I'm killing I hope it's a woman." They begin saying

as they approach where I am standing What can I do to kill two birds with one metaphorical stone Fire magic is out, space-time magic I've yet to mess with time too much. let's give it a try as I think of the spell they come into view "Time lock" I say as if in a daze. As the words leave my mouth the world stands still at least where my mana sense reaches. so only about 50 meters. as I look around I can feel my mana being used It feels weird but it isn't bad enough to stop me from dealing with the situation at hand.

I began what I'd describe as a one-sided slaughter but it was informative I can probably last four minutes in time lock and there is a restriction the stronger the person the easier for them to break out of the skill. As to how I found that out the guy who gave the order to check the noise out. Yeah, he started to move albeit too slow to matter but three minutes is what it took to dispatch all of the bandits. I mean all including Boch and Carlas fought. they by the way were unaffected by the spell but were watching dumbfounded as a blur as they described me passed. Then a few seconds later all the bandit's heads fell to the ground

but as I came out of the skill something unexpected happened,

-DING- You have gained proficiency with Time.

I'll have to talk to Boch about it later for now the aftermath of the fight "Boy, Zeus was that you?" asked Boch skeptically.

"maybe?" is my response "Am I in deep shit or not?"

"First of all, you are five don't curse second I didn't know you were that fast."

"I'm not I say with confidence they're just that slow" his eyes go wide at my response

As he grabs me and Clara and casts teleport we are back in the weird forest where I first trained with him and as I'm gaining my bearings he grabs me by the shoulder and goes on one knee his head is at eye level with me he says the words

"Can you use it?" panicked I froze I'd never seen him so serious he repeated more aggressively his grip on my shoulder tightened

"CAN YOU Use IT!?" I finally un-freeze

"What do you mean, did I do something wrong?

"The magic you used, was it time magic? he asks clarifying what he meant

Clara looks uncomfortable at the question

I replied hesitantly, "Yes, though it was a spur-of-the-moment thing."

Is it a taboo? what do I do if it is? I begin thinking in my head.

"Are you gonna kill me?" I meekly ask they both look shocked at the question I see Boch's shoulders start to bob up and down, is he crying? As I think this the answer presents itself in front of me as his joyful laughter begins echoing through the woods.

"..... what's happening, Carla?

"I have no right to say just be patient," Carla says between laughs.

Three minutes pass before they are in shape to hold a conversation at least one without interruptions.

Boch starts to speak "To think I'd meet the world's second-time user and he is my apprentice as well as only five and Blind. Zeus, I don't know what the world, system, Luxus whatever you want to call it has in store for you. but be sure of one thing, it will change the world! rather that if for the good time will tell! no one until we talk to the king. and one more thing the world may be thrust into chaos sooner than later."

okay? why are you so excited about this? Doesn't this mean bad things? I ask

"Because the prophecy is true she can be freed!" Boch says excitedly

"Who is this, "she, "I ask"

Clara answers This time your master's wife

what! you're kidding me, right?

"I know you lack common sense. false prophecies are considered an executable offense in most places including the empire. Boch's wife is or was considered an offender the only reason she isn't dead is due to his standing in the world, as the saint of sword and magic. she has been imprisoned for five years. After telling of a boy who will be known as the blind time saint oddly enough you took on a couple of blind apprentices but most gave up after a year saying you were "too hard on me!" or some crap anyways if it is an accurate prophecy we are in some deep water."

"Though there is still time," Boch says while in deep thought. you have till you are 25 or at least according to the prophecy before the world opens to monsters and myth.

"Wait aren't their monsters now like dragons, ghosts, and goblins?" I ask

Carla looks lost at this point and finally speaks up "What's a dragon?"

"No" Boch responds to me "For now no need to worry what a dragon is Carla."

"I don't care that much but is it strong?"

"goddamn muscle brains" Boch says looking defeated.

"Hey, who are you calling a muscle."

."Wait I have a question. interrupting their conversation more like bickering. I got a proficiency in time earlier by the way

"Wait, already!? They say in unison "Uh, yah I was gonna ask but then all this came up." I respond.

"So you know how you train life energy, right? you just use it till it's almost gone then you have a little more next time There is also another way and that is to increase the flow ways of life energy or the life paths. while both have their benefits one is better at the amount of life energy gained when the method is used and that is the depletion method."

"Wait! That's a way," I ask genuinely shocked. "Why did you never teach me till now?" I ask

"Because you were A too young and B had so much as is," Boch says with sass But also a tinge of regret. well, it's never too late. But before we train you up let's go see the king ASAP and get my girl set free!" As the conversation comes to a close Boch teleports us back to the capital of White Crest and we begin to head to the castle. As we approach the castle we are stopped for inspection and let though we are given and as we were informed A rare immediate audience with the king. As we enter the chamber there are no nobles around just the king and his guard we are permitted to approach and then kneel as etiquette dictates. then the king tells us to rise We obey and then Boch begins recounting what has happened in the past hour. The king turns to me and asks.

"Is what he says true?" "Yes, sire!" I reply instantly. "We must make sure and for that, there is somewhere we must go you, I, and Boch. Show Miss Carla to a room where she is to be a guest. and you two follow me." he says in a commanding voice We follow and as we go past the throne to the doors behind I feel a distortion in space like when I use storage as he opens the door a portal appears and he walks through and we follow. as my vision clears we are in a large library in the center a large crystal rough in shape but with one large flat surface the king stops me before I touch it.

"If you are lying I wouldn't touch it it will kill you if that is the case but if you are true to what was told you will gain time and space knowledge as well as the memory of our founder."

"Wait, what! the founder? You mean the first king!"

"Yes", the king replies "As for the second half of the "boch prophecy." The monsters, I don't know if it is possible or not The records are vague but they did exist For instance your blindfold. It is made of dragon hide, yes?" they existed we just don't know where they went. and not many know that the materials exist." As for this crystal, it has been kept here in the king's record for centuries if not three-fourths a millennium the record goes that far back but we know the empire as it is known now was once a kingdom for three hundred years with the founder at the helm and then the empire for another four hundred fifty years with multiple rulers there is a reason I'm still called king, not emperor its tradition from the old kingdom, The kingdom of Whitechest!" the king bellows.

"Now, touch the stone young Zeus Lightless Gatsby! I pray you told the truth!"

As if called, I approach the stone and touch it.