
The Blades: Season One

Our world is in danger. But hey, no biggie. Just leave it to The Blades, a dysfunctional team of handsome warriors with extraordinary abilities. There’s Eoin, a demon hunter from a medieval fantasy world; Silas, a gunslinging cowboy who literally moonlights as a werewolf; and Captain Alpha, a superhero, a cocktail lover, and a bit of a bastard. Then there’s the newest member, Grey, your typical aimless young millennial who happens to be a deadly covert spy. It’s just a coincidence that they all happen to be gorgeous and into guys. As a rising tide of supernatural enemies threaten the world, it’s up to The Blades to put a stop to them. An urban fantasy adventure with a cast of hot queer men, if you’re into that kind of thing.

QuinnDK · ไซไฟ
5 Chs

Character Dossier

Grey, trained from a young age in the art of espionage, stealth, and hand-to-hand combat. A serious badass on the field, an awkward millennial everywhere else. Has a screwed up past that informs his current neuroses. He's trying his best, though. Please root for the poor guy. Up until he was recruited by The Blades, he didn't think magic and monsters and other worlds existed. His wrongness continues to haunt him.

Eoin, a disgraced knight who became a demon hunter. From a medieval fantasy world where dragons, monsters, and witches aren't a big deal. Wields a magic sword. Doesn't love conversation. Highly protective and loyal, but only if he warms up to you. (He won't.) Doesn't think his name is spelled weird even though it's pronounced 'Owen'. Oh, and he has a metal arm.

Silas, a cowboy from a world that's permanently stuck in the Wild West era, yeehaw. He's also a werewolf, which he's pretty okay with, except for all the shirts it ruins. Decent cook and (according to him) a fantastic lover. Has perfect aim and isn't humble about it. Will charm the pants off you as long as you don't touch his hat.

Captain Alpha, the most powerful superhero from a world full of people with awesome powers and questionable spandex outfits. However, a Very Bad Thing happened, and now he's slumming it as a Blade. Enjoys a cocktail or two or ten. Permanently hungover. A bit of a bastard. Doesn't know his own strength, so don't shake his hand.

Forward, the weird extradimensional entity who guides and mentors the Blades. Think of it as Charlie from Charlie's Angels, if Charlie was a collection of spooky disembodied voices emanating from a crystalline structure in the subterranean chamber of an enchanted library.