I am being followed by a monster, putting everyone's lives in danger everywhere I go. A rogue in hiding. I don't want to be killed so I live every day on the run. When will this nightmare end?
She dusted the bag, watching as little bits of crumbs fell onto her palm. The look of horror on her face slowly curled into anger as she folded her fist. She stared into the crowd for any suspicious people. However, she couldn't tell just by looking at them. In a fit of anger, she tossed the bag away. watching as the rest settled down to eat what they had. whereas her meal was being gobbled up by another individual. It was what she got for leaving her things unprotected.
Esme folded her arms across her chest, seeing as she was the only one without food to eat. Lara came up to meet her; she had her food folded in a leaf wrap. It was still warm from the look of the hot steam wafting through the air into her nose. Her stomach grumbled at that time, as if on cue. Reminding her of her unfortunate ordeal.