
Time Passing!! ( Rewriten )

Alex PVs

After my one-year birthday, three more followed, a few things happened in those three years, the first and that after my birthday party and the shame that June went through, she went to live in the country house she inherited from her family. I haven't seen her, but I have some news I heard from my grandmothers.

It's like this, after moving, June didn't want to talk to my father for a long time, the old man looked for her for a long time and whenever he came back from work he went after her, what he saw in her I don't know.

After a year she forgave him and they were fine, I don't know what he did wrong to ask for forgiveness but no one understands these two, their relationship was shaky after that.

I think it's only when I'm present or when it's about me that she freaks out, life is pretty boring when you're a three-year-old, so everything is going smoothly and no surprises.

Until last year when Bob Lee was born and brought a lot of light to our family and well my dad was much happier and promised to spend more time at home but so far he hasn't, it seems like he forgot his promise but no one can blame him, after all, he is married to June and no one can stand being around her for long.

Regarding some special events, the most difficult was the death of grandpa Marcos, it devastated grandma Lala, she was so devastated that she spent the entire wake without eating anything, my grandma Maria said grandma Lala lost ten kilos in just one week, so I had to act and that's it, grandma Lala is very special to me, and I can't let her husband's natural death make her die with him!

Alex PVs {2 years ago}

I arrived at grandma Lala's house a week after grandpa Marcos's death and saw grandma crying holding her portrait, so I said. "Grandma Lala where's Grandpa Marcos? Why isn't he here to play with me?"

Lala looks at Alex who can barely hold back tears and hugs him saying "He went to live with his grandmother Charles in heaven, don't be sad my boy he went to a good place to see his friends."

"If he went to see his friends, why is grandma crying? Is grandma lying to me? I'm going to tell grandma Mary that you gave to telling lies!" says Alex innocently

"Your grandmother is not a liar! I'm crying because it will take a long time for me to find you again my boy, then I get used to it and I don't cry anymore, ok?" Lala says with Pain but still fakes a smile.

"So I'll stay with grandma until she's happy, or I won't be happy either! If grandma cries, I'll cry too! If grandma doesn't eat, I won't eat either, even if my stomach hurts" Alex says in a cute voice and a pure smile as he hugs Lala and sits on her lap.

Lala doesn't react at all, after a few seconds she feels Alex's hand in hers, so she hugs him, the two enjoy the silence until grandma Mary arrives with lunch.

It's worth remembering that Earl didn't show up at grandpa Marcos' funeral, he only came home a week later, when grandma Lala came to live with me and grandma Mary.

Alex PVs {current}

After coming to live with us, grandma Lala gradually became much more cheerful and relaxed as before, just after 6 months of this tragic event, Bob Lee was born in good health and it should have been a happy event and it was, at least until I arrived with grandma Mary in the maternity ward, June when she saw me, it looks like she saw her parents' murderer, it was more or less like that.

Alex PVs (1 year ago)

Grandma Mary and Lala arrived from the hospital with bright, happy smiles, especially Grandma Lala, she was just as happy as she was on my first birthday, so I suspected that what I expected to happen happened, as soon as I asked why they are so happy, Grandma Lala caught me on her lap, filling me with kisses while saying that my brother was born and that it was a boy, his name was Bob Lee, I didn't react.

My first thought was that life wouldn't be good for our Swagger family, the second was that our family was eleven years away from decay, mostly because I know how June's crazy mind works, now my brother is going to be the perfect excuse for June. Act even wilder, I bet I won't be able to get close to Bob Lee.

Arriving at the hospital everything was normal, I saw my father, he played with me a little awkwardly, he asked how I was and as usual, if I wanted to live with him, so I gave the same childish answer.

"Little Alex, come to me, daddy will throw you, hahaha fly... Fly... But this boy flies too high... So champion, do you want to live with daddy?" Earl asks as he tosses Alex up.

" hahaha, louder... Louder... Who said I can't fly haha​​haha... I want to live with dad, but you always go out to work and you're hardly home If I stayed at your house Aunt June wouldn't like it, I know she doesn't like me, no matter how much you say she's just upset, the reality is she can't stand me! She even called me a burp! " says Alex with tears in his eyes after getting off his father's lap.

Surprised Earl looks at Alex guiltily and promises. "It's okay for now, you stay with your grandma and I promise I'll retire later and get a job in town and be with you and Little Lee forever.

Now come meet your brother, now you're a big brother, you must take care of him and protect him when daddy isn't around, can you promise me?"

Alex looks surprised at his father and says. "I promise I'll take care of him as much as I can, I'll take care of and protect Bob Lee, but first I have to grow strong because I already am handsome!"

Everyone looks at Alex and laughs. " Hahaha..."

After a few seconds, a series of laughter sounded in the maternity corridor, whoever looked from afar would see two women hugging a child, next to it was a man looking at the boy with a happy smile on his face.

"Well! well! come on, before we're kicked out of the hospital, little Lee waits to meet his grandparents and big brother, we can't delay, otherwise, he'll go to sleep and you'll have come for nothing!" Says Earl as he takes a big step into Bob Lee's room.

Alex and his grandmothers run after Earl and are silly to see a little package of happiness in their father's hands while holding his finger.

Soon grandma Mary takes little Lee in her arms and shows me and grandma Lala, grandma Lala when she sees Bob Lee, start crying and remembering the past, grandma Mary joins in the conversation and family joy fills the room, this is and will always be my best memory of this life.

Bob Lee is small and cute with a few strands of dirty blonde hair like his father, he has a knee like a face like all newborn babies, just for comparison, I look a bit like his father, but the difference is that my hair is dark red, it almost looks like wine, my eyes are ice blue and look like glass, just like Ragnar from the Vikings series.

Everything was fine until I put my finger on Bob Lee's face and he giggled, June showed up and saw the scene and was furious, asked the doctors to send us away from that she was going to breastfeed Bob Lee and that she was tired of childbirth, she didn't even look me in the face, but the anger she feels at me can be felt in the room.

After that day, I never saw Bob Lee very often, every time I bothered Granny Lala and Granny Mary and they took me to him, June always made excuses not to let me get close to my brother, for many months. I didn't have access to my brother, June is a petty, irrational woman.

Alex PV's (currently)

After that day I still get in touch with my brother, but it's very few times, for example, when my father takes him to our house, or when the grandmothers take me to him, but it's all very secret, everything out of June's eyes. , her anger is so great that she even left the hospital, now she takes care of the farm and hardly leaves her land.

I understand what she wants to do, she's going to cut off all my contacts with my brother and when my dad comes to work as a sheriff Bob will be at the age where she can influence the boy against me and drive us away, maybe that's how my dad will stop asking me to move in with them and leave me with my grandparents forever.

But it's like they always say, for one person to be smiling, another has to be crying.

I was playing in the street with Alan, near Susan's house, when Alan ran to get the ball, he didn't see the car, the driver slammed on the brakes but he didn't have time, I don't know what came over me, but I I ran to Alan and pushed him, but I couldn't get out in time, the car hit my head and everything went black.

I think I'm going to die again, I couldn't even enjoy this new life of mine, and I'm already leaving, I hope grandma Lala and Mary can forgive me for leaving first and not giving them a great-grandchild, in my past life, I always wanted to a grandmother just like them, in the end, I got two, I don't regret it.

Hey guys, you shameless author here, I came to explain something to you who are coming now and found the story good or liked the series and always wanted a FanFiction of it, first most of you are wondering why the story is slow and the author does not get straight to the point. Well, I believe that you, like me, are a good citizen and live in a regulated society, so since you are a good citizen, then you transmigrate and receive a set of memories from another life that you never lived and walk out there killing people and making plans to play with the world? Anyway, that's why the passage of time, for now, will not jump more than 1 to 5 years. Because I believe that the environment you grow up in influences you throughout your life. Alex's experiences and the life his parents led affected his childhood and his entire life, and as an author, I would like to portray everything to you and let's not forget that he already had a life before he was reborn, let's follow what this conflict of values ​​will influence you as a person. Until later.

another thing, is people didn't like the change in the characters' vision so I'll stop with that, maybe once in a while.

Trouxa_157creators' thoughts