

life core is everything for demons but what will happen when the demon’s king betrays his own people and give some life cores to human’s king

B0n · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs


In the midst of the silent night with nary a single soul awake. A group of shadowy people walking silently through the halls of royal castle carrying an enigmatic objects wrapped in layers of soft fabric,

The group reached the throne room where the demon king was waiting for them, The guards opened the door for them as they faced the king who was sitting on his throne.

The men kneeled to there king and unwrapped the fabric to show the king the enigmatic objects which were glowing with warm red light it was the "life core Of the queen and the second prince"

A evil smile creeps to the king face as his eyes lands on the glowing life core of his beloved queen. "Ah perfect now everything is ready to start" he smirked as he ordered all the men to start with his plan

As the sun crept above the sky, A new day had dawned. A group of friends were sitting at long table full with fancy sweet dishes and glasses of expensive wine, they were chatting as they were surrounded with quiet and warm air which blooms around them in the prince mansion's garden.

The royal guard solemnly slid open the ornate doors that led to the prince's private garden

As han one of the five friends step through the door as his eyes met with the prince's eyes and he bowed respectfully as he says "greeting your highness".

However the formalities didn't last long, as a playful grin spread across Han's face as he step to the prince as he revocation of formalities and he leaned against the prince's back, draping an arm around his shoulder and give a sweet smile to the others.

The prince barely reacted to Han's affectionate gesture, having become accustomed to it through their frequent interactions. The others present simply smiled back, all except John.

Han was used to john behaviour towards him so that didn't annoyed him, "why don't we do something? Like fight-" Han's words were abruptly cut off by John, who disdainfully huffed as he spoke. 'Fighting? With you?' he said in a cold tone, taking a sip of his wine.

"You barely even made it to the rank of High Knight.' Hearing this, the prince shot him a sharp look. The room was engulfed in a heavy, uncomfortable silence following John's stinging remark. The twins simply observed the scene unfold, their faces expressionless. Han, with a slight stiffness in his gait, walked silently to his seat next to the prince,

Han wasn't really bothered about what john says since he knows that The demon kingdom had a strict system divided the kingdom into three ranks. The first rank was known as the Royal Executor, an honor exclusively reserved for the royal family. The second rank was bestowed upon demons of great power, known as High Knights. Lastly, the third rank was called Baratheon,

granted to demons of basic power, whose abilities were less impactful. Han had barely managed to secure the lowest position within the High Knight rank.

The mood in the garden had shifted, the air thick with hidden tensions and unspoken words because of the sharp gaze which shared between the prince and john

As sometime pass with only the birds singing was beginning heard, when all of sudden han's eyes shifted to bright yellow colours as he fell a bang on his head seeing something.

The people of the kingdom were furiously shouting. Han didn't know what is really happening since this was only things he saw.

Eric, his keen senses picking up on the sudden change in Han's behavior, asked with concern, "Everything alright, Han?" Eric's question cut through the stagnant silence, drawing everyone's attention to Han. As they looked at him, something seemed off—his eyes had turned a sharp shade of yellow As han was putting his hand on his head feeling slightly uncomfortable

Something is wrong in castle…

hi this is my first time writing some story hope you like it!

the character are han, john, eric aria which they are twin and ofc the prince Charles

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