
Yuki's School Life

After that day, Yuki's routine changed drastically. In the mornings, before he went to school, Kawaki assigned him a task to maintain his condition, which included light jogging and a series of exercises to keep his body in peak shape. This usually took about forty minutes, and afterward, he helped all of his little siblings prepare for their day.

After school, he and Riku—sometimes joined by Kato if she wasn't busy—would go to the 'Sumida Volleyball Arena,' the home ground of the Tokyo Thunder, to join the training. The schedule varied from days filled with physical training, drills to improve their basic skills, learning about strategies and codes that the others typically practiced for games, to sometimes not even going to the court, but instead heading to the multimedia room—which was something they both became familiar with after joining the team—to watch recordings of the main team's performances for inspiration.