
Take a Look at Young Master

They still had an hour before work hours started, but visitors had already entered the building. After presenting IDs at a scanner to get inside the lobby, the three continued to the receptionist. Chuan Nayi was only taking a good look at the company. Actually, Hao Chengyi was handling mostly everything because Li Heilong would be buying this company from her straight away. 

Chuan Nayi didn't want the Wu Corporation after all. What she wanted was that start-up that she had been discussing with Hao Chengyi… only because she didn't want any hitch.

"Miss Chuan, please." Hao Chengyi led them around before getting to the elevator where they ran into the secretary responsible for the transfer. The very moment Hao Chengyi saw her nervous eyes, he had a feeling that they would be encountering trouble here.