
The Birds and the Bees (BL)

An arrogant, cruel prince falls in love with a peasant of his enemy kingdom, but does not know what to do in a forbidden love.

SkySpeech · LGBT+
5 Chs

Chapter 4

When the stranger barged in, as Syl was tucking away, into a closet within Blake's room, all he could catch of the stranger was their dark brown hair, and deep blue eyes. They were a little shorter than Syl himself, but he couldn't catch any more before he was hidden.

 "Oh, hi Wade." he heard Blake say. 

 "'Sup broski, haven't seen you in a while, want to go get high outside city limits?" a voice, which apparently belonged to Wade said.

 "Sure, I thought you were someone else, but I'm down." Blake paused, "Wade, I have someone to introduce to you, his name is Syl," He motioned to the closet where Syl was hiding, "Syl, it's fine, you can come out." He said. Syl emerged from the closet, "Hi I'm Sy-" He started to say before he was interrupted.

 "Hol' up! You're a bird?" Wade questioned, turning to Blake he said, "Are you seriously friends with a Bird?" He continued, "Cause you know that if so, you could be arrested, no matter if you are the Prince or not." 

 "Yea, I know, I found him following me in the marketplace a few weeks back." Blake responded, "I still have a threat against him to throw him in the dungeons, if he doesn't do what I say, but we've become friends... ish" He said the "ish" after a long pause, and Syl wondered why. "Anyway, he's chill," He turned to Syl, "Syl, you want to get high?" He continued, "You don't really have a choice, since you're the lamb, and I'm the dog, so you have to do what I say, bitch." Syl had to remind himself, that although they were friends, Blake was still a dickhead. 

 "Fine, you..." Syl nodded to Wade, "What kinda drugs you got?"

 "I have marijuana, and some crack." Wade responded.

 "Aight, I'm up for it." Syl said.

 They left the palace and walked out of castle grounds, walking another 20 minutes after, down a long, winding trail, until the got outside of kingdom limits. Wade took off his bag and bent down, rummaging through it, until he pulled out two small plastic bags, one filled with leaves, and the other filled with a white powder that Syl assumed to be cocaine.

 "Anyway let's get going." Wade said, holding out the marijuana, as well as a lighter, "Who wants to get a hit first?" He questioned, "Because if one of you don't take it, I'mma start."

 Blake looked to Syl, "Have you ever gotten high before?", he said mockingly. "...No..." Syl replied, unsure where this was going. "Then Syl's going first." Blake said, taking the bag from Wade's hands and giving it to Syl.

 30 minutes later all of them were high. Blake walked away, muttering something indistinguishable. 

 "So..... what do you think about Blake?" Wade questioned, "Because, haha, you know, you'd be a good couple, but I like him so I call dibs." Wade said, a weird tone to his voice.

 "That's such... That's such a ran... random quest-question man...." Syl said, "To be honest I have no fucking idea, I mean he's kinda a bitch, an I don't even know if I like men, so..." As Syl thought about it, he realized that whenever he was around Blake he felt a tightness in his chest, and whenever he wasn't near Blake, a pain, "I mean what does it even mean to like someone?" Syl asked Wade

 "Well it means when you're around them you feel good, and when you're away you want to be near them, and that you want to do things with and for them." He responded, "Oh yeah, and also you want to kiss them or maybe boink them if you now what I mean..." 

 "What do you mean?" Syl questioned. "What I mean is you want to do it with them." Wade responded. "Ohh... That makes... No sense but ok?" Syl replied. The more that he thought about it, he realized he did like Blake. Oh shit... he thought, blushing suddenly. "Yo man, you good? You just started blushing like hell, and if it's you realizing you like Blake, I called him first! So I get to bang him before you!" He said. "No... That's not what I was thinking about..." It was. "I just realized something." (That something was that he wanted to fuck Blake.) I mean, I guess Wade called it, but does that even work? Blake thought. I mean if it's up to doing it with Blake or letting Wade have him, I'm gonna take Blake, but I'm not sure if he's gay, and if so, does he like me? I think I'm going to hint at it, but I might come out and confess later, Syl thought.

 "Yo!! What y'all talking about? And why are you both blushing?" Blake said catching them both by surprise. The effects of the crack was starting to wear off. 

 After about 20 minutes the effect was completely gone, but Syl still felt the same way... What can I do about it though? He wondered. But he was sure of one thing. He was going to make Blake his.