
The bio-hazard

This story is a concept for another novel I'm working on, I'm posting it as a means to get reviews on the concept so I can apply it to the main story. what if the world was invaded by supernatural beings from another dimension, some of these beings resembling creatures from myths and legends across the world, what if these beings brought an end to life as we know it? follow the story of Morgan, a child born in this world of myths and monsters.

heliumjax · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Chapter 7: Crossing a line

It's been a while guys, decided to start this new story and see how it does, I'm a bit rusty.

This story is going to be revised completely into something else once I get some feedback, thought I might as well post something for the time being.

let me know what you think in the comments.


[~June 23rd, 2192~] (Thirty minutes prior)

Sitting in a nearly all-white room, a young boy could be seen cross-legged in front of a small TV, dressed in a plain white shirt and pants to match the room's interior. Taking residence beside him, a man wearing a white lab coat came into view. As the scene of the two sitting together progressed, the doctor looks over to his watch and notices the time.

"Connors" Calling out to the boy next to him, the doctor rose to his feet, gathering his clipboard before turning back to face him.

Looking up at the man, Connors, one of the three chosen subjects for the New Order, some confusion grew on his face.

"Doctor Mathews has prepared another little test for you… and if you win, maybe he'll get you another present." Speaking in a cheery tone, the doctor feigned excitement.

Lighting up at the mention of a gift, Connors jumps to his feet, eager to get started. "Another Present!? What are we waiting for!" In the expected childlike manner, Conner jumped up in excitement.

Chuckling at the boy's response, the doctor reached into his lab coat pocket and pressed a button on a small device, sending a signal outside the room. "Then let's get you ready for this very special test… but first, clean up your toys."

Quickly rushing throughout the room, Connors picked up his toys and placed them in a box near his bed at an inhuman speed, not something expected for a ten-year-old.

Guiding Connors out of his room and eventually down a reinforced hallway, the Doctor was accompanied by two guards. Arriving in front of two heavy metal double doors, the doctor crouched down to speak to Connors. "Try your best and don't be scared, ok?"

Looking up to the father figure presented to him by the facility, Connors excitedly grinned, still thinking about the idea of another gift. Entering the room, Connors examined his familiar surroundings before turning and waving goodbye to the doctor.

["Welcome back Connors, just give us a moment to set everything up"]

Calling out from over the loudspeakers situated in the room, Doctor Mathews addressed Connors as he and his fellow researchers remained safely behind thick one-sided glass. Unsure of what he meant, Connors waited patiently, further examining the room to occupy himself. Though, he is swiftly caught by the sight of another boy entering the room, looking to be in his late teens and unnaturally tall.

Watching as the boy walked to the middle of the room, stretching his wrists as his piercing aqua blue eyes sharply analyzed him, Connors grew intimidated as he approached.

["Today we will be attempting a combat tests to evaluate each of your prowess…whoever wins will have one request fulfilled at the end of the match"]

[~June 23rd, 2192~] (Present)

"Who are you supposed to be?". Addressing the boy in front of him, Morgan towered over him despite being the same age.

Somewhat hesitant to answer, the boy raised his head to respond. "My name is Connors"

["We hope this test will be brief, begin when you are r—-"]

Before Doctor Mathews could finish, Morgan planted his foot on Connors chests, sending him flying against the reinforced walls of the room.

Rushing after the still dazed Conner's, Morgan picked him up from the floor and repeatedly slammed him against the wall, slowly indenting his figure deeper into the material. Tossing him down after a few seconds, Morgan stood over him.

"I'll make this quick."

Nearly to tears but undamaged, Connors panickingly swung his arms at Morgan, missing most of his swings before finally managing to land a hit, causing Morgan to stumble back before quickly regaining his balance. Throwing a punch at Connors, his fist nearly connected to his face before hitting an unknown barrier and bouncing back near the moment of impact.

Rising to his feet, Connors grit his teeth, his face contorting into one of pure anger as his body began to glow a threatening yellow hue. "Nobody hits me!"

Pushing both his palms forward, a powerful blast of plasma released from his hands and slammed into Morgan, sending him flying towards the edge of the room and crashing into the wall a few meters away, destroying it and sending rubble flying everywhere. Falling to the floor and remaining motionless for a few seconds, Morgan eventually got back up, visibly damaged by the sudden attack.

With the distance between them, Connors began to float in the air, his body positioned towards Morgan.


With a sudden explosion in the air rattling the room, Connors appeared in front of Morgan with a punch aimed towards his face. Shocked by the sudden aerial assault, Morgan hastily crossed his arms to receive the attack.

Receiving the blow with his arms, the force behind it sent Morgan flying back into the wall, his arms numb as he struggles to get back up, allowing Connors the opportunity to continue his assault as he sent a barrage of uncoordinated punches towards Morgans body, causing him to put up his arms to defend himself. With one final burst of energy, Connors landed a powerful blow on Morgan's jaw, sending him crashing to the ground.

Glowing brighter by the second, Connors flew back and released a powerful blast towards Morgan's downed figure, the wave of plasma heating up the room in an instant. Struggling against the blast, Morgan's skin began to cook, sending a familiar signal to all the cells in his body.

Screaming out in agony, Morgan's skin momentarily resisted the heat, though this was short-lived as the heat washing over him far surpassed what he endured during his previous test. His mind flashing back to the memories of being burned alive, his blood cooking him from the inside, Morgan lashed out, his skin writhing as if worms lived below its surface.

Using his inhuman strength to launch himself forward, he slammed the back of his fist into Conner's side, his hand recoiling from the reflective barrier around him but still sending him flying in the opposite direction. Vanishing from his location, an echoing <Boom!> rang out as Morgan appeared below Conner's and grabbed him out of the air before slamming him on the ground, forming a small crater. Getting on top of the winded Connors, Morgan violently slammed his fists against the barrier until it eventually dissipated.

Not stopping there, Morgan grabbed Conner's by the collar and headbutted him, embedding his torso deeper into the crater. Continuing to headbutt Conner's, his face quickly became a bloody mess as his skull caved from the repeated impacts without his invisible protective shell.

["The test is over! Morgan stop!"]. Attempting to end the fight, Doctor Mathews desperately called out from the loudspeakers, but was promptly ignored.

Picking up Connors limp body from the neck, Morgan thrust his arm through the stomach, painting the floor red and causing Conner's to cry out in agony as he struggled to fight back, his small arms unable to pry his attacker's fingers from his throat. Grabbing what he could, Morgan pulled out his arm, taking Connors intestines with it.

Tossing Connors' now lifeless body to the side, the blood coating Morgan's body seeped into his skin, leaving only his clothing covered in blood. Spawning an immediate reaction, Morgan's body momentarily spasmed before returning to normal, any damage from the battle already long since healed.

Rushing into the room accompanied by dozens of armed guards and a medical, Doctor Mathews stormed over fuming with anger. "Detain him! Now!". Quickly checking on the unmoving Conner's, the guards quickly surrounded Morgan.

Choosing not to resist, Morgan sat down and waited to be detained, shortly being escorted back to his room as the disemboweled body of Conner's was removed from the testing area.

[2 hours later]

Slamming his hand on a table in an all white room fitted with various furniture, Doctor Mathews frustratingly glared at Morgan. "Do you know what you've done!"

"You are smarter than most subjects in this facility, Morgan. You should understand the importance of a life, Doctor Sandra had taught you this. But you seem to not care about that, you have no empathy! No conscience!"

Doctor Mathews continued to reprimand Morgan, his voice growing louder with each word, though Morgan remained silent, looking down blankly at his hands as he remembered the scene.

"The subject you killed was important to our future plans, there will be consequences for this."

Looking up at Doctor Mathews, Morgan showed no emotion as he stared into the Doctor's eyes.

"How is Sandra's treatment going?" Morgan's voice was casual, as if he hadn't just been scolded for taking another person's life.

Doctor Mathews shook his head in disbelief. "I'm not going to talk to you about Sandra right now. You're smart enough to take responsibility for your actions, Morgan. This is not something we can take lightly."

Now it was Morgan's turn to showcase his anger, rising to his feet and slapping the table away, it shattered against the wall. "You think I care, the only life that matters to me is Sandra, the rest of you can die"

Aiming their guns at Morgan, all the guards in the room prepared to fire upon him at Doctor Mathew's command.

"Regardless, give me what you promised, I want to see Sandra, now!".

Rubbing his forehead and releasing an exasperated sigh, Doctor Mathews signaled the guards to lower their weapons before standing up and going towards the room exit.

"Follow me."

[Five minutes later]

As some time passed, the group had already made their way throughout most of the facility, now standing in front of a door of the facility's hospital ward.

Standing closest to the door, Morgan hesitated, a wave of guilt grasping his heart as he steeled himself. Taking a deep breath and pushing open the door, Sandra could be immediately seen sitting up in her bed, her face tired but her eyes bright despite her inability to properly move.

"Hey Mom," he said, timidly walking over to her bedside, unable to look her in the eyes.

Smiling at the sight of Morgan, Sandra perked up upon his arrival. "Hey, my big baby," she said, her voice gentle. "Come here, let me see you."

Reaching to her bedside, she reached out to take his hand, startling him momentarily. "I'm so sorry about what happened," he said, his voice choking with emotion.

"I know, sweetie," she said, squeezing his hand. "It's not your fault."

"But I hurt you badly," he said, tears starting to form in his eyes.

"No, Morgan," she said, her voice firm. "It's not your fault. Accidents happen, and we have to learn to live with them."

Wiping his tears, she pulled him in for a hug. "But you have to be more careful in the future, okay?" she said, pulling back to pinch his cheeks. "I can't afford to be in a wheelchair when you're already this tall."

"I will, Mom," he said, trying to smile.

"Good," she said, smiling back before her face grew stern, sending a shiver down his spine. "Now, what's this I'm hearing about you killing someone."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

heliumjaxcreators' thoughts