
The bio-hazard

This story is a concept for another novel I'm working on, I'm posting it as a means to get reviews on the concept so I can apply it to the main story. what if the world was invaded by supernatural beings from another dimension, some of these beings resembling creatures from myths and legends across the world, what if these beings brought an end to life as we know it? follow the story of Morgan, a child born in this world of myths and monsters.

heliumjax · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Chapter 1: Birth

It's been a while guys, decided to start this new story and see how it does, I'm a bit rusty.

This story is going to be revised completely into something else once I get some feedback, thought I might as well post something for the time being.

let me know what you think in the comments.


[~April 3rd, 2182~]


Within the LDR room of the reputable Clover-Heights Hospital in the upper end of New York, screams of agony blared as a woman being held down by hospital staff was giving birth, the Hospital attendants rushing to their stations to make the delivery as smooth as possible.

As the woman was restrained in the hospital bed, her face contorted in pain as she pushed with all her might, the room filled with the sound of her labored breathing and the beeping of the monitor tracking her vital signs.

The obstetrician stood at the foot of the bed, guiding the baby's head as it emerged. "You're doing great," she said, her voice calm and steady. "Just a little bit more."

But as the baby's body emerged, the woman suddenly felt a gush of warm liquid between her legs.

"Something's wrong!" she gasped, her heart racing with fear. The obstetrician's face paled as she saw the amount of blood pooling on the bed. "We need to get her to the OR now!" She shouted to the nurses.

"She's hemorrhaging."

"Focus on delivering the baby." Placing his hand on the obstetrician's shoulder, the head doctor demanded her to finish before turning to address the assistants in the room. "This child was chosen to be a part of the New Orders' next batch. I shouldn't have to remind you of the consequences if this child dies."

Shuddering from the reminder, the assistants rushed to limit the bleeding, using everything at their disposal to deliver the baby. The shoulders of the baby gradually became visible as the doctor guided its head and kept it from touching the bed, taking care to not exert any unnecessary forces on the newborn.

"Almost there, just a little more!"

Losing a lot of blood, the woman's breathing became labored as she slowly slipped into eternal unconsciousness; her eyes grew increasingly clouded despite her efforts to resist the pain. Though luckily and through the assistance of the other members in the room, she managed to push the baby out with all the willpower she managed to muster.

Taking the baby in his arms, the doctor waited a few moments before cutting the umbilical cord and handing the baby over to his three assistants, the trio quickly cleaning and wrapping the newborn in a soft cloth to keep it warm. "It's a boy."

One of the assistants gently placed the baby in the weakly outstretched woman's hand, giving her a moment with her child as she had lost too much blood and would most likely go into shock very soon, despite their current efforts to stop the bleeding.

"It's most likely a Postpartum Hemorrhage, a severe case at that, there's not much to be done to save her." Cleaning himself off, the head doctor walked over to the dying woman still holding her newborn child in her last moments. "What would you like to name him?"

Struggling to gather her breathing, the woman already had something in mind.

"Morgan, his name is Morgan…" With her last breath being the name of her child, she quickly flatlined with a satisfied expression.

Watching as the patient's readings dropped with indifference, the doctor returned his attention to his assistants.

"Clean up and transfer the newborn subject under the hospital with the other chosen."

[~April 13th, 1982~]

Inside a heavily restricted sector on the lower floors of Clover-Heights Hospital, numerous baby incubator systems constructed of a clear plastic-like material filled a room that was cut off from the rest of the hospital.

Within the said room resided various people wearing white lab coats and protective gear, a few of which wearing hazmat suits in case of any mishaps. Making adjustments to the equipment and fixing any malfunctions with the medical devices, they carefully examined each child and their vitals to lessen any chance of unpredictable effects on the newborns.

Standing guard at the doors of the room were four strange-looking armed men wearing black suits and minor combative gear. Though this was not the oddest sight in the hospital.

Hooked up to each newborn's incubator was an IV drip filled completely with a nearly transparent green-tinted liquid. This mysterious viscous substance was gradually being administered into the newborn's bloodstream in small heavily controlled doses to not negatively affect and stabilize them after testing. Cause for even more concern was the scenes within some of the incubators; the light emanating from some newborns, strange physical mutations, or the occasionally damaged incubators that were currently being repaired by the people in hazmat suits.

True to the horrific, nightmarish nature of these inhumane experiments was the occasional beeping sound of another newborn flatlining inside their incubators. Each time their deaths were rather volatile yet unique to the majority. These lost subjects would simply be removed as their pods were cleaned and moved to the side for later use.

Walking over to the Head Doctor, one of the assistants held up a notepad and went over the routine report. "All machines are functional, subject Allen, Nora, Henry, and Andrew have died, their incubators have been cleared and the bodies disposed of."

Receiving the report, the Head Doctor nodded and brushed it off as it wasn't of any importance.

Whilst the rest of the mandatory system checkups and cleaning of incubators was being performed, the double doors of the restricted room abruptly opened as six other men in black suits entered the room, guiding a short, somewhat corpulent man in his early to mid-thirties outfitted in a white long-sleeved lab coat and black trousers. With this person's arrival, the room went silent as everyone halted what they were doing.

"To what do we owe the pleasure, Doctor Mathews?"

Walking up to Mathews is a seemingly middle-aged doctor with a missing left eye and graying hairs, being the one in charge of monitoring this restricted area of the hospital and reporting back to the higher-ups.

"We all thought that you would be too busy with monitoring the recent attacks, I doubt such a task would allow you much free time Doctor."

Pulling out a small notepad and pen from his lab coat, Doctor Mathews began examining the room. "The board of directors is pushing for a better batch of subjects to replace the old. The previous subjects were… disappointing to say the least…"

Nodding with understanding, the one in charge signaled for the other doctors to bring forward the three most promising subjects so far.

"I would be more than happy to show you three of our best as of yet."

The two Doctors are now moving from incubator to incubator, the Doctor in charge showcasing his most promising findings amongst his many subjects.

Standing over a heavily secured glass case, the head Doctor took the subject's clipboard from the stand. "Subject 119, Connors, after looking at his makeup, we've come to notice that roughly eighty percent of the cells in his body generate large amounts of plasma and bio-electricity through an unknown chemical process. The exact nature of this plasma is unclear. In addition, his blood acts as a coolant, preventing his body from overheating due to the heat he generates." Without skipping a beat, Doctor Mathews wrote down the name and designated number of the subject.

This action garnered the Head Doctor's satisfaction and prompted him to go into further detail.

"The highest amount of heat we've recorded was close to 1200 degrees Celsius. Though strangely enough, the heat only showcases itself and negatively affects its surroundings when the subject is under stress, making him rather troubling to take care of on rare occasions."

Taking down some notes and putting away his pen, Doctor Matthews pondered some tests for this subject. 'He'll be useful.'

"Next we have subject 273, Alexis. She has exhibited a seemingly destructive form of telekinesis on multiple occasions, though she's a strange case. During one of our scheduled cleanings, she began to cry when cleaning her incubator whilst being held by one of our scientists, causing them to violently spasm before their body imploded with a flash of light and released an explosion of what remained of the doctor. We reinforced her incubator, but we aren't sure of the true nature of her abilities."

Watching Doctor Mathews' reaction for a hint of interest, he was met with a look of mild excitement, prompting him to continue.

Moving on to the third and final subject, the Head Doctor appeared a little concerned. "The last of our utmost promising subjects would be 929. He is on the highest amount of the compound that we have been permitted to administer as of yet, and he has shown no negative side effects thus far….Although…"

The head doctor's sudden pause causes Doctor Mathews to raise a questioning brow, urging him to continue.

"We aren't precisely sure on the range of his abilities. On one end of the spectrum, Subject 929 or Morgan's DNA and Biology have gone through such a drastic change due to the experiments we've put him through that he only resembles a human in appearance."

Doctor Mathews' eyes quickly lit up with anticipation. "What abilities has he exhibited?"

"He's been shown exhibiting some regenerative capabilities, though we limited the range of damage to small cuts to not push our luck in experimentation for the time being." The Head Doctor flipped the page of the clipboard and continued

"Upon examining Morgan's cells under different artificial scenarios, we've concluded that his cells are highly adaptive and extremely flexible in their specializations, capable of changing on a whim in response to stimulation, self-replicating at a rate faster than even cancer in response to abnormal cell death. We haven't concluded much else at this point in time."

Some intrigue was present in Mathews' gaze as he stared intensely at Morgan's incubator, jotting down his name and designated number before outstretching his hand. "Hand me a scalpel.".

The Head Doctor quickly grew hesitant. "M-may I ask what for Doctor?"

Earning a silent glare from Mathews, the Head Doctor heeded his request and retrieved a scalpel before placing it in his waiting palm.

Firmly grasping the medical instrument, Mathews carefully opened the incubator and brought the scalpel to the baby's smooth skin, gently pressing down with increasing pressure. He soon realized that it was harder to pierce the skin of the subject than he would have thought.

"His resistance is rather good." Applying his bodyweight behind the scalpel, the newborn's skin was finally pierced, though deeper than he expected, he continued to drag the blade down the subject's arm.

To Mathews' sick delight, steam emanated from the area as the wound rapidly closed behind the scalpel as it moved, soon appearing as if the subject was never cut in the first place.

When checking on the wound only to see how quickly it healed, Mathews looked at the child's face with excitement, not expecting his eyes to meet with the now wide-eyed newborn unable to cry due to the breathing tube in its mouth. s white sclera and deep aqua blue pupils staring directly at him before morphing into the angriest expression a newborn could make, his eyes beaming with intelligence.

Before Matthews could react, the newborn suddenly grabbed his pinky and dislocated it with ease, causing him to swiftly retract his hand from the incubator before dropping the scalpel on the floor.

"Sh*t!" With a muffled grunt he closed the incubator, pain plastered on his face as he looked at the agitated newborn, surprised by the higher level of intelligence that it seemed to be showing.

Holding his pinky, Mathews popped it back into place, briefly wincing in pain before composing himself. "I want all three of these subjects loaded and moved to the facility. Also, increase the tests on Connor and Alexis while you're at it."

With his task completed, Mathews wrapped his finger before exiting the secured area with his armed guards. Soon reached the Hospital roof and entered a helicopter with his three new subjects.

"Looks like the new order has a few other candidates for the next generation along with our prodigies." Mathews' thoughts trailed off as the helicopter lifted from the Hospital and flew off in the distance.

It's been a while ya'll, decided to start this new story and see how it does, im a bit rusty.

heliumjaxcreators' thoughts