
The Billionaires Series

After spending thirteen years abroad, MJ Billings, the twenty-eight-year old multibillionaire and CEO of Billings Corporations; is forced to return to her birthplace; a place she would rather forget. MJ's return is every bit displeasing as it sounds. Under an alias, May Smith, she is forced to work as a PA and serve a man she had hoped to never cross paths with again. One misunderstanding leads MJ Billings and Logan Parker down the road of no return as they play dirty games that may result in the people around them getting hurt. Along the way, the two of them face their worst fears while unwittingly exposing their weaknesses. They keep pushing each other to the limits, and it soon becomes clear to them that the saying is true: ""You can't keep two bulls in the same kraal."" When a lot of people get caught up in their web of lies, they attract both enemies and friends; and as time goes on, they cannot tell the difference between the two, which leads to the inevitable - betrayals, deceits, a near-death experience, tension, and more lies. Those who know who MJ Billings really is, know that behind all the power and anonymity; lies the real devil. She may be charming to some and intimidating to others with her sardonic smile and devious smirk; but she is heartless and vengeful, and never does anything without a reason. MJ Billings is a ruthless dictator who knows no boundaries. But what could be keeping her grounded in South Africa? How much more can she tolerate, and how long is it going to take before she finally snaps and unveils the devil in her?

Khanyi Mathayi · สมัยใหม่
187 Chs


#Chapter6 Loggerheads

The next morning, Sonya was shocked to find MJ working on her laptop. She looked like she had just taken a shower and was wearing a black gown, and her hair was wet. /"Good morning./" Sonya greeted, letting her presence known. MJ ignored her and took a sip of her tea while she continued staring at her screen.

Sonya snarled at her and walked to the kitchen island to prepare herself some cereal. She took her bowl, plopped down next to MJ, and then she threw her feet on the coffee table. MJ watched her from the corner of her eye. Sonya was wearing blue jeans, a pitch shirt, and her feet were covered in white socks. They sat there in silence; MJ sitting with her back facing Sonya while she sat Indian style on the couch with her laptop placed on the armrest.

Sonya kept scowling at MJ’s back while annoyingly eating her cereal, making sure that the spoon clicked against the ceramic bowl. /"We have to go and see my boss today before I leave./" She finally spoke up and gritted her teeth when MJ ignored her. She did not really understand why she subjected herself to this much suffering. MJ was very cruel and spiteful, and this was probably her payment for insulting her last night.

/"Let me call Liam to pick us up,/" MJ said as she closed her laptop after a prolonged silence.

/"No, we are walking there,/" Sonya said, placing her empty bowl in the sink. MJ laughed sarcastically, and Sonya joined in before she paused and looked over at MJ. /"I'm serious./" She said, giving her a serious look.

MJ got up from the couch and walked to where Sonya stood. /"I am going to dress now, and Liam is going to take us to your workplace, okay?/" MJ said sternly, finality in her tone.

This story could end in two ways; reveal their dirty secrets to the world and hurt Jorge in the process, or keep each other’s secrets without pushing each other’s limits and no one gets hurt. However, Sonya was failing miserably at boundaries, and MJ was slowly losing her cool.

Sonya sighed and nodded her head vigorously, and then grabbed her handbag off the couch and left the apartment.

MJ went to dress up before she joined Sonya and Liam outside the building. Sonya was giving Liam directions when MJ stepped out of the building; looking nothing like the PA she was going to be. Sonya clenched her teeth as Liam opened MJ’s door, but did not say anything. Liam opened the other passenger door for her, and she stepped in next to MJ, and they sat in silence while MJ busied herself with her phone; barely making any efforts to look at her surroundings or where they were going.

Thirty minutes later, their car pulled up outside a huge building, and MJ picked that time to ask if they had arrived, causing Sonya to roll her eyes. /"Yes, May Jeanette./" She said as she opened her door and stepped out while Liam opened MJ's door. MJ had her eyes glued to her screen, only looking up for a few seconds to look where she was going that she easily missed the name on the building and its mere size.

Liam's eyes widened at the huge building standing in front of him as he followed the two women inside. It was a skyscraper with glass that gave off a blue colour. Right at the top of the building was the name of the company written in large bold capital letter.


Liam never expected to find something like this in South Africa, more especially in Cape Town. He thought his boss was the biggest tycoon, but after seeing this marvellous building, it would seem that he was wrong; if MJ Billings thought she did not have any competition, she should probably take a look at this building.

/"Quit gawking./" MJ gritted while standing in front of the huge glass double door. Liam was surprised that she knew he was following her while she was busy with the phone. He nodded at the security at the door and hurried to join her, and together they walked into the building, following behind Sonya who looked like she had rather be anywhere else than here with MJ.

The floor was busy with people of different types walking up and down. It was as if everyone was minding their own business until MJ and Sonya walked in, with Liam in tow. Sonya worked there; it was not as if these people did not know her. It appeared as if people were staring at the both of them, but that was not the case because as usual, MJ was the one that caught every person’s attention.

MJ wore a white pencil skirt with a matching jacket- a very expensive business attire that not many people in that floor could afford and did not look close to being anyone's PA with the way she carried herself.

As soon as Sonya realized what was happening, she rushed MJ into the elevator while Liam was stopped by security, denying him access into the upper building. MJ was distracted by Sonya's behaviour to notice that Liam was no longer with them. /"Oh, God! Why didn't I see this? MJ, how could you dress like this, do you want to ruin your reputation by giving off your identity?/" She asked, wearing a worried expression.

MJ’s reputation was the least of her worries, and they both knew it. Sonya was afraid and insecure because she knew that no matter what she did, she could never measure up to MJ, and now that everyone she worked with saw it, it was like a splash of cold water to her face.

/"What was I supposed to do? I had no idea that…/" MJ started, searching for the right words to rub salt to Sonya’s wound. /"I would be out dressed. I’m not that stupid to blow up my image./" She smirked, but her smirk vanished as soon as they both stepped out of the elevator and came face-to-face with a silver door written Mr L. Parker, CEO of Parker's Enterprises.

/"Of course you didn't,/" Sonya said sarcastically. /"Look, when we get into Mr Parker's office, I'll do the talking./" She said, and as if her brain cells had finally started working, MJ's steps came to an abrupt halt as Sonya's words finally rang in her head.

/"What did you just say?/" MJ asked gravely, her face as pale as a blank page.

Right there and then; Sonya knew that she had the upper hand again. MJ may dress to kill, but Sonya was the only person who knew what made MJ Billings tick, and what made MJ Billings tick, was merely a simple name- PARKER.

MJ refused to move as her eyes raked over the name written at the door. /"What are we doing here?/" She asked, and Sonya gave her an incredulous look.

Why was MJ acting like this? She wondered.

From what she knew, MJ and Logan Parker had a bad breakup, but she did not know how bad it was. What could have happened between them that thirteen years later, MJ looked like a ghost at just the sheer sight of his name? A cold sweat ran down her spine at the thought of MJ backing out at the last minute when she had already booked a non-refundable plane ticket she could barely afford.

/"You can’t back out now, MJ Billings; it’s way too late for that./" Sonya gritted warningly; she had a lot of money to lose. She did not wait to hear what MJ had to say, she softly knocked on the door and opened it before she could get a response.

She knew her boss was not going to answer, and she could not risk MJ backing out, so she entered. Sonya was one of the few people allowed at the top floor, but even after working for Logan Parker for over eight years; he was not her biggest fan, and she had only come so far with him because of her boyfriend.

/"You can come in./" Her boss’s voice rang with unmistaken sarcasm as soon as she stepped in. He was seated behind his bowl-shaped mahogany desk and was busy on his laptop. He did not need to look up to know it was Sonya, because he had already been warned of her visit.

/"Come in./" She whispered to MJ with a shaky breath, praying that she did not ruin anything. She sighed in relief when MJ took slow steps into the office, her eyes dull.

MJ’s heart stopped as soon as she stepped into the room and stood next to Sonya. She suddenly felt lightheaded at the sight before her; Logan Jason Parker. The man had not changed at all, a little grown up but still the same.

Her breath hitched when he looked up and his eyes locked with hers, a frown marking his handsome face when he saw how pale she looked. He did not know what prompted him to stand up from his chair and approach her, but he walked around his desk and stood in front of MJ. He slipped his arms into his pants pockets and just stared at her, and for a moment, it felt as if they were the only people in the room. /"Are you okay, Miss…/" He trailed off, waiting for her to introduce herself.

He does not recognize her? Sonya frowned and looked between the two.

MJ barely heard when Sonya spoke, /"Smith. Miss May Smith; my sister. She’s going to be standing in for me./" Sonya said while watching MJ, who looked like she was going to pass out any moment now.

MJ was still in shock as she looked at Logan Parker. He was just as she remembered him; dark brown hair and brown eyes, thick lashes and bushy eyebrows, as well as the chiselled jaw and strong and sharp cheekbones that exposed the stubble that sat perfectly on his face. This was too good to be true. MJ felt the ground under her feet shake, and before she knew it, strong arms caught her before she could touch the ground.

/"Hey, are you okay?/" MJ froze at the sound of his voice and the sudden contact. The familiar cologne hit her nostrils and she pushed him away and stormed out of the office, not glancing back as Sonya ran after her.

Logan was shocked by her rigidity; she jolted away from him as if he was some kind of a disease. He sighed and paced around the office as he waited for the sisters to come back. He shook his head at the thought, he did not know that Sonya had a sister, she had never mentioned her.

/"May!/" Sonya shouted after MJ and pulled her back just as she was about to get into the elevator. MJ yanked her arm from Sonya’s hold and before she knew what was happening, a shattering sound rang loudly and all she saw was red.

Sonya clutched her cheek, her eyes wide in shock as her body shaking due to the impact of the slap. She had seen MJ angry before, but she had never seen her so mad; her body was shaking due to the anger, her face was red, and her eyes were dull. Sonya took a step backward as MJ took a step forward. She would not be surprised if MJ slapped her again, she had never laid her hands on her before, but she was so angry right now that she looked like she was going to kill her. /"MJ, I-I'm sorry,/" Sonya said in a panicked voice.

MJ laughed bitterly and ran her tongue over her teeth. /"Not as sorry as you will be once I'm done with you,/" MJ said in a cold voice that sent shivers down Sonya's spine, knowing that this was not just a threat - MJ Billings did not make threats, she made promises, and she did a very good job at keeping them. /"Lead the way, sister,/" MJ said in a deadly voice while gesturing at Logan Parker's office.

Sonya was not sure if she wanted to do this anymore, but she had come a long way to give up. She walked back into the office and MJ entered after her. Logan Parker was back behind his desk and waited for the two women to take their seats.

/"Everything okay?/" He asked, his eyes moving between the two women, not missing the red marks on Sonya’s cheek.

/"Yes, my sister and I just had a little disagreement,/" MJ said in a cool voice, eyeing Sonya from the corner of her eye as she took a seat next to her.

Logan blinked at her when he heard her voice, it sounded so coated that he almost missed its familiarity. /"I didn't know Sonya had a sister./" He said as he leaned back against his chair, swinging it from side to side as he tried to seek some sort of resemblance between the two women, but he found none. Sonya looked more like an Indian with light skin, while May looked like a Coloured or a Latina, although he could tell from her accent that she was coloured. Her English was so polished that a person could swear she was an Englishwoman.

/"Let’s just get down to business, the last thing we need is for my sister to lose her last money for the non-refundable ticket,/" MJ said sarcastically.

/"I see,/" Logan said, rubbing his chin in thought. /"So, Miss Smith, what makes you think you qualify for this job? Tell me why you are the right person for this position./" Logan said, eyeing MJ with curiosity.

/"Sir, I don’t mean to be rude, but I have a flight to catch!/" Sonya interjected, shocked that this had turned into some sort of interview, which meant that if Logan did not like MJ, she would be forced to leave and risk losing her job, or stay and forget all about her plans.

/"Are you sure you want her to stand in for you?/" Logan asked sharply.

/"Yes, Sir./" Sonya merely nodded with a frown on her face.

/"Then let her speak for herself./" He commanded and turned back to MJ.

/"Well, let's just say I have more experience than just making coffee, printing copies, and taking down minutes,/" MJ said pointedly, her words piercing at Sonya's fragile heart. Logan sat up in interest and placed his wrists on the desk. /"I know people who know people, and I can help you bring in more clients./" She said in a business tone.

/"What makes you think I need your help, Miss Smith?/" Logan asked smugly and watched her in curiosity as she looked composed compared to her sister who flinched at each word they said.

/"Unless you need my help, then I have no business here,/" MJ said as she pushed back her chair and stood up. Sonya's eyes widened in panic as MJ's words rang in her ears. /"Have a good day, Mr Parker./" She said before she walked to the door.

Logan's eyebrows furrowed in confusion before his face straightened as he finally remembered the voice that had been haunting him for the past fifteen minutes. /"Wait a minute./" He said and walked around his desk in a flash. MJ turned around and raised a perfectly arched eyebrow at him as he walked to where she was. /"I know who you are,/" Logan said, his face reddening from anger. /"You are the woman from the restaurant./" He said gravely, his fists clenched on his sides.