
The Billionaires Series

After spending thirteen years abroad, MJ Billings, the twenty-eight-year old multibillionaire and CEO of Billings Corporations; is forced to return to her birthplace; a place she would rather forget. MJ's return is every bit displeasing as it sounds. Under an alias, May Smith, she is forced to work as a PA and serve a man she had hoped to never cross paths with again. One misunderstanding leads MJ Billings and Logan Parker down the road of no return as they play dirty games that may result in the people around them getting hurt. Along the way, the two of them face their worst fears while unwittingly exposing their weaknesses. They keep pushing each other to the limits, and it soon becomes clear to them that the saying is true: ""You can't keep two bulls in the same kraal."" When a lot of people get caught up in their web of lies, they attract both enemies and friends; and as time goes on, they cannot tell the difference between the two, which leads to the inevitable - betrayals, deceits, a near-death experience, tension, and more lies. Those who know who MJ Billings really is, know that behind all the power and anonymity; lies the real devil. She may be charming to some and intimidating to others with her sardonic smile and devious smirk; but she is heartless and vengeful, and never does anything without a reason. MJ Billings is a ruthless dictator who knows no boundaries. But what could be keeping her grounded in South Africa? How much more can she tolerate, and how long is it going to take before she finally snaps and unveils the devil in her?

Khanyi Mathayi · สมัยใหม่
187 Chs

Conference Call

#Chapter102 Conference Call

Today was a big day. The 16th of June 2017 would hold a special memory as it would be remembered as the day MJ Billings took a stand and addressed the world. It was going to be remembered as the day MJ Billings unveiled herself in front of the entire world. Nobody knew who she was, she was a mystery for the past ten years, but after today; everyone would know who she was.

Everyone was awaiting this moment.

MJ Billings would be going live at 8a.m. South African time and 7a.m. London time. Nevertheless, everyone was waiting for her despite the time differences.

Alastair Cooper and the staff members of Billings Corporations’ main branch in London were at the office, settled down in front of the large flat screen TV, while waiting for MJ to go live.

/"What do you think she’s going to say?/" Mahalia asked Alastair, while biting on her fingernails and tapping her foot impatiently.