
The Billionaires Series

After spending thirteen years abroad, MJ Billings, the twenty-eight-year old multibillionaire and CEO of Billings Corporations; is forced to return to her birthplace; a place she would rather forget. MJ's return is every bit displeasing as it sounds. Under an alias, May Smith, she is forced to work as a PA and serve a man she had hoped to never cross paths with again. One misunderstanding leads MJ Billings and Logan Parker down the road of no return as they play dirty games that may result in the people around them getting hurt. Along the way, the two of them face their worst fears while unwittingly exposing their weaknesses. They keep pushing each other to the limits, and it soon becomes clear to them that the saying is true: ""You can't keep two bulls in the same kraal."" When a lot of people get caught up in their web of lies, they attract both enemies and friends; and as time goes on, they cannot tell the difference between the two, which leads to the inevitable - betrayals, deceits, a near-death experience, tension, and more lies. Those who know who MJ Billings really is, know that behind all the power and anonymity; lies the real devil. She may be charming to some and intimidating to others with her sardonic smile and devious smirk; but she is heartless and vengeful, and never does anything without a reason. MJ Billings is a ruthless dictator who knows no boundaries. But what could be keeping her grounded in South Africa? How much more can she tolerate, and how long is it going to take before she finally snaps and unveils the devil in her?

Khanyi Mathayi · สมัยใหม่
187 Chs

Champagne Fountains

#Chapter3 Champagne Fountains

MJ and Liam drove to a new restaurant that had just opened Bon Appétit, and then MJ ordered him to join her for dinner.

/"Me?/" He asked, not believing that MJ Billings invited him to have dinner with her at a fancy restaurant. He consciously smoothened his suit, fixed his white shirt and tie, and then he bent towards the car mirror to fix his hair.

/"Auburn!/" He jumped at his boss’ cold voice and bumped his head in the process. He quickly straightened up and hurried to where she stood. /"I hate waiting./" She said with a blank face and walked into the restaurant. Liam took in a shaky breath and followed her inside.

Once inside, they were greeted by a young coloured waitress. /"Hello and welcome to Bon Appétit./" She said warmly, and MJ took a liking in her immediately. /"Please follow me this way./" She said and led them to their table. /"Here are our menus, please call me when you are ready to order./" She said once they were seated.

/"Thank you,/" Liam said and picked up his menu. The waitress responded with a smile and left. Liam stared at the menu, feeling uncomfortable and confused; he did not understand what was written on the menu because it was in French and Afrikaans. As if that was not enough, he did not feel free around MJ. It was one thing to drive his boss to a restaurant, and another having dinner with her. /"Uhm, excuse me?/" He called a waiter that was passing by.

/"Is there a problem, Sir?/" The waiter asked.

/"No. Uhm…I just wanted to ask where the bathrooms are./" Liam said awkwardly.

/"This way, I’ll take you./" The waiter said. Liam let out the breath he was holding and stood up, and then followed the waiter.

/"Are you ready to order?/" The waitress asked.

MJ finally put down the menu and looked up. /"What’s your name?/" MJ asked, and the girl blushed furiously.

/"Shannon./" The girl said. /"Shannon Botha./"

MJ nodded and looked down at the menu before pushing it away. /"Well, Shannon…/" MJ said as she placed her hand on the table. /"What on the menu, would you say is the best homecoming dish?/" She asked.

Shannon’s eyes lit up like a Christmas tree as she took Liam’s seat and scanned through the menu while MJ watched her with interest.

/"Well, we do have some local dishes here, and I have the best idea of what exactly you will like,/" Shannon said excitedly and closed the menu.

/"Surprise me, and while at it, get me some water and something strong for the gentleman,/" MJ said, and Shannon left faster than anyone could say her name.

Five minutes later, Liam came back from his little adventure and found that MJ had ordered drinks. He sat down and remained silent, his eyes wandering all over the place. /"Liam?/" MJ called, and he raised his eyebrow at her.

/"Yes, Miss Billings?/" He answered and took a sip of his drink.

/"Did you find a place to stay?/" She asked, changing the subject.

/"Uhm… no, Miss Billings; the places I found were either too expensive or already full./" He said, his cheeks turning slightly red.

MJ opened her handbag and retrieved a pair of keys. /"Here./" She handed them to him. /"These are the keys to Jorge’s beach house. It is a long drive, so be sure to arrive early tomorrow morning./" She stated and leaned back against the chair, ignoring him for the rest of their wait.

/"Here's your homecoming meal,/" Shannon announced cheerfully as she placed the tray of food on their table.

They stared at the food reluctantly, especially Liam who did not even know what he was being served.

/"Chicken Briyani,/" MJ stated as if reading his thoughts.

/"Try it. It is nice. I promise you won’t regret it./" Shannon reassured them.

MJ tried the rice with hesitance but nodded her head in agreement. /"Spicy, but good./" She said, and Shannon sighed in relief.

Liam tried the food, and soon he was devouring the food.

Shannon had asked them if they were fine with drinks before she left, and they said they were fine, but fifteen minutes later, she came back holding an ice bucket with a bottle of champagne and two glasses.

/"I did not order that,/" MJ stated.

/"I know,/" Shannon said breathlessly. /"But those gentlemen over there insisted that I bring this to you./" She pointed at a table further away from their table where two men were seated.

/"Take this champagne back to them and tell them that I can afford my own drinks,/" MJ ordered.

Shannon took the bucket and left.

Liam looked over MJ’s shoulder and watched as Shannon went to the table where the men were seated. He could not hear what they were saying but one of the men seemed to be scolding Shannon. Shannon looked at their table and caught him staring, but he quickly looked down and fiddled with his fork while stealing quick glances at her as she made her way back to their table.

She arrived at their table and placed the bucket down, and then she crossed her arms and sighed as if telling MJ that she was not taking another order from her. /"I told you to take that back,/" MJ stated, looking at the bucket from her peripheral vision.

/"I did, but they told me to bring it back to you, and said it's not like you are paying for it,/" Shannon explained.

/"Is that so?/" MJ asked in a cool voice, but Shannon did not answer. Taking her silence as a ‘yes,’ MJ continued and asked, /"And I believe you gave them my message, isn’t that right?/"

/"I did,/" Shannon answered, suddenly feeling uncomfortable knowing exactly what was coming next. /"I should probably get going; my other tables are waiting for me. Just call me when you are ready to pay the bill./" Shannon said hurriedly and turned to leave, but MJ's chilly voice stopped her in her tracks.

She was so calm, but the threat in her voice was loud as she asked, /"What did they say?/"

Shannon sighed and turned back to MJ. /"I don’t think I should tell you./" She stated nervously while fiddling with her fingers.

MJ placed down her spoon and turned to face Shannon. She placed her wrists on the table and leaned her chin on her entwined hands.

/"Sweetheart, if you think that your boss firing you is the worst thing that could happen to you then you have no idea what I am capable of,/" MJ said in a chilly voice that sent shivers up Shannon and Liam's spines. /"Now,/" MJ stated as she leaned back against her chair. /"I am going to ask you again, and this time, give me a straight answer; what did they say?/"

Shannon took in a shaky breath and looked at Liam who gave her an apologetic look. /"They said that you don’t have to act up, they know women like you; you act all tough but put a few dollars in front of you and you will… please don’t make me do this! I feel bad enough already that I have to be the one to give you this!/" Shannon pleaded, but she did not have to because MJ got the message loud and clear. /"Please, just accept the champagne and forget this. I don’t want to lose my job. Please./"

MJ clenched her jaw and entwined her fingers while in deep thought. She knew men like them; men who thought every woman who walked into that door were cheap. They thought that she would sleep with them just because they bought her a bottle of champagne. /"It is one of our most expensive bottles,/" Shannon said, unwittingly adding fuel to the fire.

/"Fine,/" MJ stated with a blank face.

/"What? Fine as in you will take it?/" Shannon asked, flooded by a wave of relief.

/"Yes,/" MJ said.

/"Wow, thank you! Thank you so much, you have no idea what this means to me./" She said excitedly.

/"Open the champagne,/" MJ ordered. Shannon did not waste any time opening it, however, she was stopped when she was about to pour for them. /"Don't worry about it, I'll handle it,/" MJ stated and took the bottle away from her, and then she stood up and walked away from her table, towards where the two men were seated.

Everyone gasped when MJ poured the champagne onto one of the men’s head and watched as every single drop fell onto his head and dripped down into his fancy suit.

Liam and Shannon’s eyes were large as saucers, but MJ Billings could not care less; she made sure that not even a single drop remained in the bottle and then she slammed the bottle on the table before the man whose head bowed down with his eyes closed as the liquid made contact with his body.

/"Don't worry about the bill; I'll take care of it,/" MJ said coldly and walked away.

She walked towards her table and took out her card from her handbag, and then slammed it into Shannon’s hands. /"Put that bottle under my name too./" She said to Shannon. /"Get the car./" She ordered Liam who bowed slightly and left. MJ turned to Shannon who still stood there with her eyes wide and mouth ajar. /"Why are you still standing there with your eyes popping out?/" She asked bluntly.

/"Oh, my God!/" Shannon gasped as she read the name on the card. M.J. Billings. /"I can’t believe this, you are actually…/" She trailed off as MJ stared back at her with piercing eyes as if daring her to say her name. /"I’ll get the machine./" She scurried off to the front desk, and MJ followed her.

MJ paid the bill for her meal and the bottle of champagne, tipped Shannon, and then left the restaurant as if nothing had happened.

Shannon’s celebration over her big tip after having to deal with stingy customers for almost two weeks ended when a commotion broke at one of the tables. It was the table where her furious boss was lashing out at the manager who openly insulted a customer.

The owner of the restaurant was a well-known executive and billionaire in Cape Town, also known for his tantrums.

/"Are you just going to stand there?/" The manager barked at Shannon.

/"S-sorry, Mr Swarts./" She stuttered and turned to leave, but a sharp voice stopped her.

/"Stop right there!/" Her boss snapped, his eyes piercing at the two employees. /"This conversation is not over until I say so./" Shannon turned back around and stood with her head bowed. /"Just for in case your stupid brains haven’t registered yet, you have both been dismissed./" He said, and Shannon gasped in shock. She opened her mouth to protest, but he cut her off, /"Don’t make a fool of yourself, my security has much important matter to attend to. Clean up this mess before you leave./" He said coldly and walked away.