
The Billionaires Second Chance

Ruby was raped and tortured in the brothel where she was brought by some people and sold to sleep every night with different men. Liam knight, is the only young Billionaire in the country. The title holder of the most eligible bachelor and Forbes 26th richest man on the planet. When he met ruby, he saw that she exactly looks like his dead wife jooli who died in a car accident. And then only he purchased her from the brothel for his only daughter who was about to die because of being separated from her mother. But soon he realizes that the lady is taking her wife's place in everyone's heart.... including him too..... Let's see where this endearing love story takes you to...

Shaluk_6603 · สมัยใหม่
5 Chs


I kept on staring until she forcefully went out of the room to the washroom.

"I am sorry Mr. Liam but this girl is very stubborn and I don't know why she is behaving like this, I am extremely sorry for such misconduct from my side. You can come a day or 2 days later and then I promise you that this girl is going to be surely ready";

But I was still wondering about whatever I saw was true or not and if it was, then it was my life's best day that I had ever got.

I asked Rebecca to provide the girl's picture.

I reasoned that I want the picture to show to my other friends so that they could come here also and in a minute she gave me her picture and taking it I went to the bar area to wait for my friend.

After an hour I realise that he is not going to come therefore I thought to go back as my daughter would be waiting for me.

Before going I paid my friend's bill which was around $1000.

I came out from the brothel's main gate and headed towards the parking area where I stood for a moment and took out the picture that the woman gave to me of the girl who exactly looks like my wife who died 5 years ago.

I don't know whether it was a coincidence or a miracle but she exactly looks like my dead wife.

I was shocked, in shock I wasn't able to believe what is reality and what is a myth.

I mean I was completely appalled to see a girl who exactly looks like my wife.

I thought to talk to this girl again before revealing anything to anyone in my family as I want to tell my family about how exactly she looked like my wife.

At one time I was very happy and at the other moment, I was feeling very upset as the memories flashed in front of my eyes of how our family used to live together and how happy we were before we got the news of my wife having cancer and how my life changed after hearing that now my daughter too have the same disease. These two things completely shattered me.

I came here to the brothel though I hadn't come here ever before just because I wasn't a spoilt person. It's a saying that when pain overpowers your happiness then you ultimately choose the wrong road even after knowing that you are going in the wrong direction.

After the death of my wife, I ultimately choose the wrong road and started hanging out with spoilt people and started spoiling myself. I just want to die as I could have survived for my daughter but the day I heard that even she is dying then only I decided that I will die with her. I have nothing in my life to survive for.

I want to do everything for my daughter, I have no one else except her in my life, yes in my drowning life.

I don't why I took that girl's picture.

She can only make me remember my dad's wife and every time I see her the memories flash in front of my eyes. So quickly I tore up her picture and threw it aside on the road.

I don't know but a strange kind of feeling erupted inside my heart and it made me feel disgusting to even think about that girl from the brothel that I visited a minute ago.

I wanted to never come to this place and to forget about whatever I saw inside there.

I took out my car keys and settle inside my car, I drove back to my mansion.

The moment I enter my house my phone rang and it was my friend who was asking what cause I paid his bill and why I left before him.

I had nothing to say to him.

For a moment I waited and excused him saying that I am busy and we can talk later and ended up the phone call.

After reaching the mansion I headed towards my daughter's room where she was on the bed.

She was having a headache and granny was taking care of her class some of my servants were making food for her and that's how my life goes.

I was empty in my life a lonely person who have no one in his life except his family and some of his friends.

Yes, that's what I have, I am truly and totally a lonely person wandering for someone to fill the gap.

I met my daughter with a happy face and went to call the doctor as she has been having a headache even after taking medicines I asked for the medicines from the granny and she replied that she has engulfed the medicines a minute ago.

In somewhat 10 minutes our family doctor reached the mansion and started the checkup.

After the checkup, he was looking a little tense.

I know the doctor personally and he works here for me since I lost my wife.

After looking at his expression I became even tenser.

He took me out of Abigail's room and summoned me to a place where no one could hear us, and said

that Abigail has very little time and the tumor is huge and with the operation so there's no hope...

The moment he was telling all this... I feel like everything has ended.....